Attack of the Killer potatoes

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(p/c)- project choice

Your POV:

"Ninja you better hurry up!" I grow as I barely avoid the hit from the giant killer robot. We were struggling so much with this guy; so the Ninja said he would go into his Nomicon to find a way to defeat it. Which meant I have to distract the robot until he returns.

After a little while of me nearly getting beaten, the Ninja finally returns. "What did your Nomicon say?" I ask him. "It said: When faced with a mighty enemy; counter with a mightier force" he tells me. "Mightier force?! What's mightier than a killer robot!?" I exclaim. "That's what I said!" he replies.

We then try attacking it again but nothing seems to work. But then I come up with an idea. "Ninja, the pit!" I yell and point to the large construction pit behind us. "Right!" he realises my plan.
We then lead it to the edge of the construction pit and the Ninja uses a shovel to hit it where the sun don't shine. The giant killer robot then collapses into the pit.

But then all its parts explode into the air and come crashing down on us. I quickly grab the Ninja and pull him away just before they all land on us. "T-thanks Spirit Ninja!" he says. "Not a problem partner" I reply.
"Er... you can let go of me now". I then realise I am still holding onto his waist. "S-sorry!" I blush as I pull away from him. "Why does stuff like this keep happening to us!" I scream inside my head. "It's cool don't sweat it" he tells me. "Ninja five!" he raises his hand in the air. "Ninja five!" I return as we high five.

~Time skip~

Through science I couldn't concentrate. I kept thinking back to that awkward moment I just had with the Ninja. "Ugh, why can't I get him out of my head!" I grab my head frustrated.

"McFist I hope you're paying attention" Mrs Driscoll then says to me. "Er, yes I am!" I lie. "Good, then I have no doubt your concentration will pay off in tomorrow's science fair" she tells me. "Tomorrow's science fair?" I say confused. Her hard glare helps me remember the science fair that is indeed tomorrow. "I mean, yeah tomorrow's science fair! I am totally ready" I tell her. This of course was another lie. I had completely forgot about tomorrow's science fair. Hopefully I can think of something before it's too late.

~Time skip (at McFist industries)~

After some research I finally decided my project is going to be (p/c). But then as I was half way through it I get called into my Dads office. When I get there Dad and Viceroy are already waiting for me. "(Y/n) it has come to our attention that you have a science fair tomorrow" Dad tells me. "Yeah" I affirm. "Why didn't you tell us about this sooner?!" Viceroy exclaims. "Cause I don't need your help" I cross my arms annoyed. "Well now we have two science projects to-wait! What did you say?" Dad asks. "I said I don't need your help; I'm already half way through my project" I tell him. "O-oh" he mumbles in surprise. "So can I leave now cause I kinda have a project to finish" I say. "Y-yeah sure, you can leave" Dad tells me.

3rd POV:

"What's wrong with her Viceroy?" Hannibal asks after (y/n) left. "Sir, she's a teenager; and teenagers tend to want to do things on their own" Viceroy replies. "It just feels like recently she's been distancing herself from me" McFist sighs. "Oh she's probably just going through some angsty teenage phase" Viceroy brushes it off. "How long do you suppose this phase will last?" McFist asks. "With teenagers, who knows" Viceroy shrugs and McFist groans.

~The next day~

Your POV:

As I finish setting up my project in the auditorium my Dad walks up to me. "Hey pumpkin, I see you went with (p/c)" he greets me. "Yep" I reply while trying to focus on my work and not him. "Are you sure you still don't need any help?" he asks. "Nope" I say. "O-okay well, Viceroy and I are just across the auditorium if you need us" he says before leaving.

A few moments later I hear a roar coming from somewhere in the auditorium. I follow the noise and then see the Ninja fighting a potato monster. "Should I transform and help him?" I thought to myself. But then he quickly defeats the monster by slicing it. "Any one order a slide of fries" he jokes.
I find myself laughing at his potato pun. "Strange, usually I find his puns annoying; what a has gotten into me?!".

Suddenly, the two slices of the potato monster turned into potato monsters themselves. "Look out!" I warn the Ninja. "Huh, how about that" he turns back to them and slices each of them again. But they just turn into more potato monsters.
The whole auditorium begins screaming and evacuating. "Yep I gotta help him" I confirm to myself. I then hide under the covers of one of the tables. I tie on my mask and transform before going to help my partner.

But by the time I get to him he has already sliced the potatoes into a bunch of little pieces. Which then meant a bunch of little potato monsters appeared. "Ninja, every time you slice them they multiply!" I tell him. "Yeah I don't know why I thought it would work that time" he says.

We jump back as the potato monsters charge towards us. I bring out my baton and whack away the potato's that came to close to me. The Ninja tries to keep them away with his sword but he then gets tackled down by them. "Hang on Ninja!" I exclaim when I see him struggling.
I quickly go over to him and help pry the potatoes off him.

After I helped him back up we continued to fight these guys until a robot with a cat inside of it suddenly appeared out of nowhere. "What, killer robot!?" Ninja exclaims. "As if fighting just these potato monsters themselves wasn't hard enough" I say. "Well I say bring it on!" Ninja remarks.

The robot then tries to smash us with his mallet hands. We dodge its attacks making it accidentally smash some of the school projects. "My project!" one of the students cries. "Sorry!" the Ninja apologies. "Er, Ninja!" I grab his attention to the potato monsters charging towards us.
"When faced with a mighty enemy" the Ninja says. "Counter with a mightier force!" I finish, realising what our solution is. We look at each other and nod as we both know what we are thinking.

"Okay killer robot, it's potato smashing time!" Ninja shouts. We then use our scarfs to get to the ceiling while the robot turns the potato's to mashed potatoes. The robot then slips and on the potato mash and crashes on the floor. "Boom, gravity, science!" the Ninja exclaims as we drop back down to the floor. I then look down at the cat still stuck in the robot. "Oh poor thing, let's get you out" I say as I open the robot hatch and gently scoop it up. But then I hear a noise coming from the robot. "SPIRIT NINJA, LOOK OUT!"

I am then grabbed from behind and pulled away as the robot explodes. I then open my eyes to see the Ninja holding me in arms. "Are you okay?" he asks me, sounding genuinely worried. My heart was pounding so fast I could hear it in my ears. I hadn't even realised I was starring at him. I snap out of it when I feel the cat squirming around in my arms. "Y-yeah I'm fine" I quickly reply.
He then puts me down and I gently stoke the cat to get it to calm down. "Ninja five!" he holds up his hand. "Ninja five!" I say, still in a daze as I high five him.

~Time skip~

"How come she got a A but I got a C?!" Bash complains. "Well maybe next time this will inspire you to do your own science project yourself" I sass. He glares at me before walking off. "Nice work on getting an A munchkin, I'm so proud of you" Dad says while ruffling my hair. "Thanks Dad" I say with a small smile.

While it still felt nice that he was proud of me; I must remember he is still trying to kill me without even knowing it. It just makes it all very emotionally confusing for me.
Speaking of emotionally confusing; my mind keeps wandering back to the Ninja. The way he saved me and the way that he held me in his arms. I then feel my heart being to race again. "Why is it doing this again?" I thought to myself. I assumed the last time it was beating so fast was from the adrenaline from the explosion.

I clutch my hand over where my heart should be. "This isn't what I think it is, is it?!" I thought to myself. No way I could have a crush on the Ninja, I barely know him. I mean sure he's a great guy; he's funny, determined, caring and a great partner on top of all that. But that doesn't mean I have a crush on him.


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