Dawn of the Driscoll

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A/n: Hii, I know I haven't updated in a while; I've just been really busy and I honestly kind of lost motivation. But I will try to write more.

2nd POV:

Last week Mrs Driscoll set the class a task to grow their own plants known as "the smell of death vine". The instructions were long and complicated but you were able to stick to them and your plant turned out alright.

When you got to science class Mrs Driscoll immediately starts grading everyone's plants. Most of the class got an A including you. But then she's moves onto Randy and Howard who clearly didn't do a good job at caring for their plant. "Boys I'm afraid you get a-"


"An R! That's worse than a F!" Howard exclaims. "Rrr you ready to die!" a talking skeleton suddenly appears behind Randy and Howard. They scream in fear and jump away from their desk. You then realised that this skeleton was Jerry Driscoll. Mrs Driscoll's dead husband that she keeps around for some reason.

As he then starts trashing the class room everyone runs out screaming. You run out as well before going to hide in a janitor's closet where you tied on my mask and transformed.

Your POV:

I smoke bomb into the class room as see Mr Driscoll holding Howard who is in a Viceroy costume. "Put him down skeleton... Driscoll" I say. "Never! Doomsday is coming" Mr Driscoll shouts. "I just made doomsday in my pants" Howard quivers.

I go to attack him with my sword but the he dodged and runs out the class with Howard and I chase them down the hallway. Just the Ninja appears at the end of the hall. Now we have Driscoll surrounded.

"NINJA RINGS!" Ninja yells as he throws his rings at him. They lodge themselves in Driscoll's rib cage. "Oh you got me" he groan and falls to the floor and drops Howard. Me and the Ninja then go to help Howard but then the skeleton picks himself up. "What the juice!" Ninja and I exclaim. "Ha, just ribbing ya" Driscoll laughs before picking out some of his ribs and throwing them at the Ninja.

While he's distracted I go to help Howard. But unfortunately Driscoll notices me and then grabs one of the pumpkins and sticks it on my head. "W-wa I can't see!" I stumble around trying to get the pumpkin off my head.
Then once I do get it off my head I am met with the Ninja who crashes into me after slipping on the crushed pumpkin slices. We then tumble down the stairs covered in pumpkin juice. "Oww" I groan in pain. "Sorry" I hear Ninja mumble.

"See you around" Driscoll laughs before running off with Howard. We tried to follow them but we then lost sight of them. "What are we going to do?!" I panic. "Mrs Driscoll! Surely she must know" Ninja tells me.

We then go back to the science classroom where Mrs Driscoll had just regain consciousness. "We need your help" the Ninja tells her. "Where'd your husband take... that boy that I do not know?" I ask her. "I wish i knew Ninjas; Mr D has always had a secret side. It's been that way since college" she tells us.

She then starts telling us about her college days with Jerry. But then she mentions about Jerry making a doomsday device and how the second top student ratted him out. "Viceroy!" I gasp. I remember him telling me that he went to MSU. "NINJA LEAD!" the Ninja cheers.

~Time skip~

We then arrive at my house which was obviously unknown to the Ninja. To him this is McFist manor. We were able to sneak inside as blended in with the trick or treaters. "Now where could Viceroy be?" the Ninja whispers. "I think I know" I tell him. "Really, how" he asks. "I-I mean, I don't know but I can guess" I correct myself.

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