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I used to live in New York cause my parents wanted me to live there with my grandma

Until my twin sister passed away

Now I'm here at her funeral with my parents

No one is supposed to know that  she died and I'm not allowed to know the reason why but I guess I'll have to pretend to be her now

My parents only call me now so I'll pretend to be her

It's the only reason why they reached out and I'm only doing this for my sister not for them or for myself

"Soojin.. let's go home now" my mother says I look up and wipe my tears away then I follow behind them

We get into the car and drive home

The whole car ride nobody said a word until we finally arrived home

"Okay soojin come with us we have to clear things up before u go to school tomorrow.." my father says sitting down

I sit down in front of them and they start telling me things

"So you know everyone's gonna call you harin now at school so be prepared.. those people are your teachers.. they are your classmate" and then he started showing me pictures of random people

"This is Aleyna your best friend" he says

And he keeps telling me every detail about my twin sister harin

"That's everything we know about her.. so I hope you're ready for tomorrow and go up to your new room" he says I just nod without a word and go up to her room

"So this is what her room looks like" I take a look

I see a picture of her and my brother in her room

He doesn't know anything about what happened so he wasn't at the funeral

I just wonder why nobody is supposed to know and I wonder what happened?

I go to her closet and pick some random Pyjamas out

After changing I hear a knock on my door

"Come in" i say

I turn around to see hyunwook entering my room

Our brother

I haven't seen him for over 7 years now..

I was so happy that I went and hugged him

"Why are you hugging  me harin?" He asks pushing me away

"Did you see my phone" he asks me looking around

"No I didn't"

He keeps looking around and finds his phone under my pillow

"You.. you stole my phone I should've known u always do that" he says

"No I didn't I don't know why it's here" I reply

He just sighs and shuts the door while leaving my room

I sigh "so he hasn't changed at all" I smile to myself

I sigh and pull out harins phone while laying on her bed

My parents took my phone so they will make sure I won't contact anyone that I know and now I have to keep harins phone

So I scroll through her instagram

I stalk some people and find out more about them

I kept scrolling until I finally fell asleep.


Hi yall this is my first story I hope u enjoy it

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