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School was over and I was about to go home but then it suddenly started raining

"Huh.. but it's summer?" I say as I put my hand out to feel the rain

I waited and was about to go inside again and as I turned around I saw sun Jae only a few centimeters away from me

He opened his umbrella and looked down at me and i looked up and that's when our eyes met

It felt like time stopped

My heart started beating

My face started heating up

He looked at me with a serious look and then he said "are you sick? Your cheeks are really red"

"What.. o-oh no no I'm no-" I stopped my sentence when I felt his hand on my forehead

I watched him and was admiring his features

‚He has pretty lips.. pretty eyes.. I've gotta admit he is also a pretty good kis-‚

I get out of my thoughts and notice we were only a few inches away from each other I quickly step back

„Oh! Haha no I'm fine I'm not sick not at all" I tell him making some weird moves with my hands out of nervousness

„We should get you some medicine" he says and I just nod  then we make our way to the Pharmacy and he gets me some medicine

I wasn't even feeling sick but I just went along with it

We enter the pharmacy and he closes his umbrella

He takes some medicine and pays for it and when we were done we took the umbrella and left the pharmacy

It was raining a lot and it was also really windy and suddenly his umbrella flew away

„Nooooooo" was all I could hear sun Jae say before I started laughing at him

The rain started making us wet and he looks at me

„what are you laughing at? Do you find that funny??" he says smiling a bit

„Yes yes very funny" I say and keep laughing until I notice him staring at me with a small smile

I stop laughing and look at him nervously

„you look pretty when you laugh" he says to me making me blush I didn't say anything but he took of his zip up hoodie and put it around my shoulders

„Let's go somewhere near where we can wait until the rain stops" he says and I nod

I was wearing his hoodie and we ran towards a small store where we could eat some ramen or something else

He rubs his hair a bit and then he looks at me

„I'm sorry ur all wet now cause my umbrella flew away" he says as he was also rubbing my hair trying to dry it a bit

I zone out for a second and then say „no no it's okay" and smile at him he smiles at me and then puts his hands in his pocket

„You can sit down I'll get us ramen" he says and I just nod sitting down after some minutes he comes to me and sits next to me

We started eating the ramen and he was done  again

„Ur such a fast eater you know" I tell him

He chuckles „no you're just to slow" he says and I push his arm

Then he suddenly looks at me with a serious look

„Harin" he says my sisters name quietly

„hm?" I say as I eat my noodles

„I wanted to ask you that without making things awkward.. you remember that night where u cried at the park because of your dad right" he asks me and I look at him blankly then I give him a small nod

„Does he do that often?" he asks me I let out a nervous laugh „do what?" I ask him

„does he treat you that way often? Like pulling your hair and things like that" he asks me I just shake my head

„No.. he's not like that" I tell him smiling and then turning my head to my food

„If u need help reach out to me no matter when or where u are I'll be there" he says and then gives me a small smile

My heart skips to beat again but I shook it off „thank you" I say then I finish my food

It stopped raining and we started walking home

We arrived in front of our door and we both looked at each other „so.. I'll see you tomorrow" I say smiling at him and he nods then I turn around

„Oh right I almost forgot" I say as I was about to take off his hoodie he says „keep it" I look at him and let out a surprised „what"

He lets out a little laugh „it looks better on you" he says and then he just turns around without saying another word and enters his house leaving me behind with a shocked expression on my face

I was standing there not moving then I hear my brother „hey why are you standing there like that? Hello?" he says and I ignore him and then he starts waving his hand in front of my face

I turn to look at him „aish" I say annoyed and hit him and then I turn around entering our house I could hear him say „ouch! What was that for??" I ignored it and took a shower then changed into new clothes

I took his hoodie and smelled it

It smells like him and then I start spinning around jumping in excitement until I realize someone was watching me with a disturbed look on his face

I turn to my brother hyunwook

„Aish.. my eyes.. enough for today after this I will need a long beauty sleep" he says putting his hands on his eyes then walking into his room closing his door

I scoff and then go back to my room and take out my phone and then I see aleyna calling me

I pick up the phone

„HARINNN!" I heard her screaming trough the phone scaring me

„YA! You scared me. What's up" I ask her and wondering what made her so excited

„My cousin is transferring to our school" she tells me and I could hear her happiness trough the phone

„That's amazinggggg! What's her name?" I ask her

„Her name is eunsoo" she says

The same name as my best friend when I lived with my grandma

„Oh when is she coming?" I ask aleyna

„She's coming tomorrow" she says and then I hang up

So... I wonder what she's like I say and after some minutes I fall asleep


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