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Im half asleep hearing a male voice

„harin.. wake up!" he suddenly yells into my ear

I jump up

„AHHH HYUNWOOK WHYD YOU DO THAT?!" I yell half asleep with messy hair rubbing my eyes

„Because my dear sister if you don't wake up now.. and if u don't get ready now you'll be late for school so get up and hurry up" he says

I sigh and lay back down pulling my blanket over my head

„Wakey wakey" he says pulling the blanket off

„give it back it's so cold" I cry

„It's literally summer u dumbass now wake up" he says pulling me out of my bed

„Okay okay I'm up" I say standing up and going to the bathroom

The problem is

I don't really know where the bathroom is

„What are you doing? Why are u standing here like this go to the bathroom now" my brother says opening the bathroom door for me

Okay that really saved me

„Oh yeah" I say and then I start getting ready

„I'm done" I say to my brother as I walk downstairs

I see my parents eating breakfast together

„Goodmorning." I say awkwardly

„Morning." my mother says back and my dad just ignores me

I sigh

It's sad that I always got left out of this family but maybe it will get better

I take my school bag and walk out of the house with hyunwook

„So my dear sister keep your distance from me so you won't embarrass me" he says smiling at me and patting my head before running away

„Wait but I don't know.. how to get there" I finish my sentence lowering my voice after each word

Then I see a boy coming out of his house

He's tall.. has pretty hair w pretty smile

wait I remember him.. that's the one of the classmates dad showed me

„Okay okay that's good let's just walk up to him" I say quietly to myself then walking up to him and tapping the on his shoulder

„Hi how have you been" I ask him as he turns around to face me

he gives me a weird look and starts  walking away

How rude

„that's rude?? Why are u not talking to me we are literally classmates" I ask him following him

„harin what exactly do you want" he asks me while stopping

„Huh I just wanna talk" I tell him

Then I suddenly feel two hands closing my eyes

„guess who this is" I hear a male voice

„uhhh??? Hyunwook?" I ask

He takes off his hands from my eyes and suddenly I don't see that one boy anywhere anymore

I turn around to see a other handsome tall guy facing me while smiling at me with open arms

„wow you can't even  recognize your own boyfriend" he says


„Oh no I'm sorry uh.." I look at his name shield

„k-kento ahahaha I was just joking around" I say nervously

Can I get a kiss? {byeon woo seok}Where stories live. Discover now