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I walk out of the house and was about to go to school then I see sun Jae standing in front of my door

„ohh? Sun Jae" I give him a soft smile He smiles back and then he says „let's go to school together"

My smile fades away and I stare at him blankly. It feels like I'm betraying my sister cause it's her enemy as far as I know and now I'm here with him going to school together?

I zoned out and then suddenly I see him waving in front of my face „oh! Yes yes come on let's go" I say and smile acting as if nothing was bothering me

„What's out first class today?" I ask him and he turns his head to me „we have pe" he says I sigh „seriously" he nods at my reaction

If there's anything about me.. I'm the worst person when it comes to sports „it's not a problem right? I thought it was your favorite" he looks at me confused

What? Seriously my sister liked that? I look at him and open my mouth to say something then close it and then I open it again „yes yes my favorite" I say putting up my thumbs

He lets out a small chuckle and after some minutes we finally arrive  at school and make our ways to the cabine to get changed

I get out and go out

We are making sports outside since it pretty hot today

„So everyone.. we are gonna check how fast you are today! And after that you can pick a game that we could play" the teacher says and I sigh

Then we start running

I ran around the place and arrived  then

„9 minutes and 20 seconds. Harin what's going on u used to have 5 minutes and 30 seconds" the teacher says as I was standing there out of breath

I just sigh and then I go sit down

I see suddenly see two people handing me two water bottles

I look up to see sun Jae and Kento both holding one bottle

Why is Kento suddenly here

Sun Jae turns to look at Kento „why are you here" he asks him and Kento replies with „why do you care" I sigh and roll my eyes

Then Sun Jae opens the bottle and makes me drink out of him

He's still holding the bottle but it's on my mouth I'm drinking out of it

I look up at him while drinking the water slowly

We make eye contact and I could feel Kento looking at us being completely jealous

Kento also opens the water bottle and pushes sun Jae away from me making me also drink his bottle

And this kept going up until I was completely soaked with water  and then they suddenly started arguing

I was all wet and then I had enough I stand up and yell „STOP!" making everyone turn their heads to us

Then they realized that I was all wet and they both asked me if I was okay  and then they both wanted to take off their shirt to dry me with it

I covered my eyes „JUST STOP! Keep your shirt on don't do that leave me alone" I say as I run away with my eyes closed

„This was terrible." I say to myself as I reach the girls cabine and start drying myself with a towel

What was their deal? I don't understand it okay yeah Kento was probably jealous but what's up with sun Jae?

I sigh and put on my uniform leaving the cabine and I just watch the others playing volleyball

Can I get a kiss? {byeon woo seok}Where stories live. Discover now