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I finally made it trough the first 3 days

I go on my phone which isn't actually my phone but it's my sisters phone

And I check my messages

8 new messages from Kento? Um let's see what he said

Baby 💞

Baby💞: hi
baby💞: let's go out I miss you
baby💞: are you home
baby💞: I'll pick u up at 4 pm
baby💞: be
baby💞: ready
baby💞: let's go eat ramen
baby💞: Bye see you later I love u😘

Ohh man I really don't wanna hang out with him

I mean yeah he's nice and everything but it feels weird

I get ready and then i hear my phone ringing

I pick up

„Hi baby come out I'm waiting" I hear kentos voice on the phone

„Mhm yes wait I'm coming" I reply and then I hang up

I go down stairs and open the door

I walk down the streets and see him

With flowers

„Happy one year Anniversary" he says smiling at me


I just go to him and hug him

„I'm sorry I don't have a present" I apologize

„you being here is a present" he says putting his hand on my head

I smile

My sister really picked out a good one

We make our way to the restaurant

We go in and I get spicy ramen

He looks at me

„Babe.. since when do you like spicy ramen" he asks me

„Ohhh.. uh I just wanted to try maybe I'll like it" I reply nervously

He looks at me with a weird look

„harin.. you've been acting weird lately.. like you're not yourself" he says to me while resting his arm on the table

„Huh what do you mean?? Ahaha" I nervously say letting out a shaky breath

„it's just.. no no nothing I'm just overthinking" he says

I just nod and we keep eating and after everything he gets a call

„uh I have to go it's really important here's the money for the food" he gives me the money and walks out of the restaurant leaving me there all alone

I sit there with flowers and then I ask to pay

I walk out of the restaurant

„How could he just go" I ask myself

„My feet are really hurting from those shoes" I say taking off my shoes

I make my way back home but on my way I notice a little park

I go there and sit down

I pull out my phone and scroll through it not knowing what to do

I suddenly get a call from my dad

I pick up


„come home we have something to talk about." he says and hangs up

Can I get a kiss? {byeon woo seok}Where stories live. Discover now