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Days had passed since that thing between me and sun Jae happened

We've been talking normally like nothing has happened and it makes me feel confused but I still feel him staring at me most of the times

Me aleyna and eunsoo eventually got closer and hang out together

So now we are here sitting and enjoying our lunchtime together

I was about to take a bite from my strawberry until I saw eunsoo playing with her food and smiling like a fool

"Eunsoo? What's up with you" I ask her and she looks up trying to hide her smile

"Hm nothing!" She says quickly and then starts taking bites from her food

"Come on you've been acting like this for a while now" aleyna says and I instantly nod as I agree

She looks at us and then smiles "promise not to tell anyone" she says "pinky promise" I say as I read out my finger and so does aleyna

Then we let out a little laugh

"So what is it" I ask her and then she says "I have a little crush" I almost choke at those words

She was an anti romantic back then and
I can't believe it now

"What! Who? Do we know him? Does he go to our school? And since when" me and aleyna fill her with our words

She lets out a small chuckle "chill I'm gonna tell u everything.. so since that day I arrived here I started to have a thing for him.. it felt like love at first sight. Also yes yes you do know him and.. I can't describe the feeling it's like a firework every time I see him and I like it" she says and we look at her seriously

"Okay now get to the even more serious point. Who is it" I ask her and she looks at us and whispers

"sun jae" and that's when my heart dropped

My smile faded and I could feel aleyna stare at me and then back at eunsoo

I then pretended to smile again "I'm happy for
you eunsoo" I said but I didn't really mean it

I don't understand why.. I felt jealousy burning inside of me but I tried to push that feeling away

"Thank you! So.. will you guys help me and set me and him up" she says

"Yes of course" we both say and nod instantly

And then the bell suddenly rings and I went back to class before I entered the classroom I saw sunjae smiling and waving at me but I tried to avoid him and just sat down

He sits down next to me and was about to talk but then I raised my hand

„Excuse me could I go sit next to Soobin" I ask the teacher and she just nods so I stand up and sit down next to him

„Hey" he says as I sit down „hi" I reply with a gentle smile he smiles back and I could feel sunjae stare at me but I ignored it and started focusing in class

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