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I wake up in the morning

I feel arms around me I turn around to see sun Jae sleeping next to me

I look at him confused

And then I remember what happened last night

My eyes grew wide oh my

How could I let this happen

My first kiss... with HIM??..

He opens his eyes and we make eye contact

Then he sits up really fast

"Oh uh I'm sorry" he says coughing awkwardly

"No I'm sorry" I say sitting up straight

"Let's pretend it never happened.. we were drunk it was an accident and a big mistake" he says

it hurts me to hear him say that I don't even know why cause I don't even like him

"Yes.. I'll go and get my uniform" I say

"Oh THANK YOU for letting me stay here"

"No problem" he says

I walk out of his house and notice I'm still wearing his clothes

I look down and then I put my fingers on my lips remember the feeling of him kissing me

I let out a little scream and hit my head while knocking on my door

I was lucky my brother opened it

"Hyunwook are our parents here" I ask him

"No they went out for work earlier.. what are you wearing" he says looking at my outfit

"Long story" I say

"Did you sleep at a guys house.. and you smell like alcohol" he says to me disgusted

"LONG STORY" I say as I run upstairs into the bathroom and take a shower

I get ready and change into my school uniform

"Hyunwook let's go to school"

"No.. I don't wanna go to school with you. You'll embarrass me" he says I let out a small laugh

"Whatever" I say and hit his head

I walk to school and everything I walk into class sitting next to aleyna

I was sitting in class and the teacher kept talking but I noticed sun Jae kept staring at me

When I looked at him he looked away

I just sigh and then I think about what happened

I'm gonna be honest it was a really nice kiss..

I sigh and shake my head and try to concentrate

I still feel sun Jae staring at me so I just make eye contact

We have eye contact for a few seconds but then the school bell breaks our eye contact

It's lunch break now

Aleyna comes to me

"Come on let's go get lunch" she says and I stand up walking with her to get a strawberry smoothie

"Ughhh I can't so many people are here" I say to her

"Yes let's just sit back down we probably won't even get anything to drink"she says and we make our way to sit down

"Wait I'll be back I'm going to the bathroom" she says and Stands up leaving me here alone

I sigh and zone out until I notice that someone put a smoothie right in front of me

I see the person walk away and i turn my head to them

"It's sun Jae?" I look at him sit down next to his friend avoiding eye contact with me

He's been acting really weird since yesterday..

maybe he feels bad for what happened..


Chapter short I'm sorry

Can I get a kiss? {byeon woo seok}Where stories live. Discover now