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Days passed and I was busy trying to match sunjae and eunsoo

I was jealous but i pushed that thought away

Here I am sitting with aleyna and eunsoo in Aleynas room planning another plan because all our plans kept failing

„hm I have an idea" aleyna says

I look at her and so does eunsoo

„So harin ur friends with sunjae right" she asks me

I tilt my head „am I?" she nods

„Yes you are.. okay so we could be like that u go out with him and then u suddenly see eunsoo and then I call u and tell u to come quickly and then ur gonna say ‚oh im sorry I really have to go but there's eunsoo I'll tell her to spend the day with u' and then u just run off then eunsoo goes to him and they spend the day together and fall in love" she says and I gotta admit the plan was really good but I've been trying to avoid him

I sigh and nod „alright. Eunsoo do u have time tomorrow" I ask her and she nods

So I pull out my phone and call sunjae

It's ringing

And then he suddenly picks up „harin?" My heart starts beating faster as I hear his voice and I couldn't get a word out of my mouth

„hello?" he says again and I cough „oh yes eh. Whats up" I ask him awkwardly

He chuckles and then he says „not much.. why did u call me?" he asks

„So uh I wanted to ask you if you could like go out with me tomorrow" I ask him

„s-so you mean just you and me?" he says and I could hear that he was nervous I only replied with a mhm

„Sure" he says and I could see eunsoo jumping around the room

„Okay so be ready at 6 pm tomorrow" I say and hang up quickly and the next thing I could hear was eunsoo and aleyna screaming and I forced a smile

„What am I gonna wear? Which perfume should I use????? WHAT HAIRSYTLE" she starts panicking

And I laugh „calm downnnnn you have a enough time to think about it and u look good in anything" I say and then I get a call from my mom telling my to come home

I hang up and tell them that i have to go and walk out

As I'm on my way home I suddenly see Kento

I tried to ignore him but no luck isn't on my side I guess

"harinnnnn" he comes up to me

I decided to act normal and not shoo him away "what's good" I say and he looks surprised

"Not much. Where are you going?" He asks me I cough awkwardly

"Home." He nods "I should bring u home" he says and walks next to me now

"No there's really no need to I can go on my own" I tell him but he shakes his head

"Nope. I need to tell u that I'm sorry" he says and I stop walking

"I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings and I'm sorry for what I have done. I don't know what was going trough my mind and I hope there's something I could do to make it up to you"

I stare at him blankly and then I sigh

"Ur just sorry because I found out"  he looks at me. "Harin. I mean it I am sorry" and I just nod

He brought me to my front door and I turned to him

"See ya" he says and I just nod then I see sunjae coming out of his house closing his door then he notices us

We make eye contact and then I go in quickly before he could talk to me or anything

I hope he doesn't get the wrong thoughts now tho..

Can I get a kiss? {byeon woo seok}Where stories live. Discover now