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I woke up and looked at the time

11 am I let out a sigh and get out of my bed starting to get ready to meet up with sunjae

"Soojin" I turn my head to look at my brother

I reply with a „hm?" and then he asks me if I could make him something to eat

„I don't have time." I reply coldly and as I was done I quickly left the house waiting for sunjae in front of his house

After a few minutes he came out and he looked so pretty that I froze

„you look pretty" he tells me and I let out a nervous laugh trying to play it cool

„Yeah you don't look too bad" I say and he laughs

„okay let's go" he says and we go next to each other

I find myself yapping about random things as he listens to me and then we finally reach the spot where he should meet up with eunsoo

I see her behind the tree fixing her hair

Then suddenly it started raining

„Omg sunjae wait here" I say as I run towards eunsoo

„Go now it's your chance" I tell her and she takes a quick breath

„Wait" I say as I grab her wrist and give her an umbrella that I have kept with me she smiles at me and mouths a thank u

Then I call sunjae as he picks up „hey sunjae I'm sorry I had to go somewhere really quick because something happened with my family. I saw my friend and told her to join you since I didn't want to leave u behind all alone" I said and before he could say anything else I hung up

I hide behind the tree where eunsoo hid before and watch them from afar

She runs towards him and puts the umbrella over him and he looks down at her

It looked like a kdrama scene and I was more than jealous, sad, mad and whatever every emotion but I had to ignore all of that and push those feelings away

Because my friend likes sunjae

And I didn't want to ruin things for her

I sigh and turn around to take a walk in the rain

I had a short Rosa dress on

I walk down with my head looking down to my feet

I suddenly bump into someone and I look up to see Soobin my new seating neighbor

„harin? What are you doing all alone in the rain?? You must be freezing in that dress" he said as he took off his grey zip up hoodie and putting it over my shoulders closing it half way

„Oh you don't need to do that you'll freeze yourself you have a t shirt on" I said and was about to take off the hoodie but he stopped me by holding my hand

„No don't worry about me" he says as he puts an umbrella over my head as we held eye contact

The tension between us was difficult to explain but I could feel my stomach with butterflies

Or maybe I was just hungry

Suddenly my stomach growls

I put my arms around my stomach and look down he looks down too and laughs „let's eat something together" he says and before I could refuse the next thing I knew he gently took my wrist pulling me into some random restaurant with him

„What will you get?" he asks me and I reply „maybe  some spicy ramen.. how about you?" I ask him

„I'll get the same" he says and then he orders for us to

Can I get a kiss? {byeon woo seok}Where stories live. Discover now