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Im in class zoning out and not paying attention until my teacher says

„So we got a new student.." I stop zoning out and start to look at my  teacher

„Come in and introduce yourself" she says smiling at her and as she comes in I feel my heart drop

It was my best friend that I left behind.. she didn't notice me at first

„Hello my name is eunsoo and I hope we will get along well" she says and bows down and everyone starts cheering for her except me I just look at her with shock in my eyes

„Be nice to eunsoo okay?" the teacher says and then I see eunsoo noticing me „Soojin?" she says tilting her head

„what? Who is that" I try to act like I don't know what she's talking about

„SOOJIN! How could you go and not even tell me where and not text me!" she suddenly says coming up to me holding my hand

„uh im sorry i think ur misunderstanding something haha" i try to play it off while everyone's watching us

„No no! Ur soojin" she says and I shake my head quickly

„Im harin! Not soojin" I tell her and then she stops and looks around realizing that she really embarrassed herself „uh oh.. sorry" she says and then just sits down

„Soojin? I've heard of that time before" sun jae says and I turn to him sighing then look back at eunsoo thinking of what I'm gonna do now

'should I just tell her or not or should I just say nothing' I keep thinking

We used to tell everything to each other so.. and if there's one person I could trust it would be her

I was zoning out thinking about what I should do until I feel someone throwing little papers at me

I turn to the person next to me

"What are you doing" I ask sun Jae

"I'm bored" he says and I sigh trying to ignore it but he kept doing it until I finally lost it

"YA RYUN SUN JAE!" I say standing up and yelling so loud that the whole class turned to me

He looks at me and I realize what I just did and felt embarrassed

"Harin? What is this behavior! Go outside now" the teacher says and I sigh then stand out I was about to go until

"CHOI HARIN!" As I heard sun Jae yell my name and stand up I turn to him slowly

"Sun Jae go with her! This will have consequences" the teacher says and makes both of us sit down on our knees in front of the class room

"This is all your fault" I say as I put my hands in the air

He just laughs "ya how can u laugh in a situation like this?" I ask him angrily and he just looks at me smiling making me feel

He turns to me "ur funny when ur mad" he says and I sigh and then let out a small laugh

I could feel him staring at me but decided to ignore it

"Harin" he suddenly says I turn to look at him

"Hm?" I reply quietly

"My knees are hurting" he says and I laugh "so what am I going to do about it" I ask him and he moans in pain

"Harin what should I do" he asks

"Hold on" I say and stand up opening the classroom door

"Excuse me sun Jae isn't feeling well I'll bring him to the hospital room" I say and the teacher just nods to then I close the door

"Come on let's go" I say and take his hand making him stand up

He coughs nervously and I let go of his hand

As we arrive he sits down on the bad and sighs

"My knees are really hurting. And I feel dizzy" he says and I turn around worried

"Did you eat enough" I ask him and he shakes his head as in no

"Aish what should I do with u" I sigh then I say "wait here" and I run out and get him something small to eat and drink

I go back and see that he fell asleep on the bed

I sigh and put the food on the little desk next to the bed

I watch him and then I put my hand on his head

„Oh ur head is burning" I say quietly then stand up

The medicine was on a shelf but I was to small to reach it so I took a chair and got on it

I tried to reach the medicine but I felt my feet slipping off of the chair and I fell behind

And thank god I fell on the bed right next to sun Jae

I sigh and was about to stand up but he held my wrist pulling me back to him

„Don't go" he said and after that all i could hear was my heartbeat

I was flustered and tried to stand up but he pulled me back to him and putting the blanket over us

„Stay with me" he says putting his arms around me and i looked up at him and he slowly opened his eyes looking down at me

It felt like time stopped as we held eye contact but not even 10 seconds later a group of boys came in laughing and being loud and whatever

I was shocked and about to stand up but he hid me under the blanket and closed his eyes again

I had my ear on his chest and could hear his heartbeat and I tried to breath quiet

I suddenly heard kentos voice and they saw sun Jae

"Sun Jae are u sick" kentos friend suddenly asks

"Mhm" he says quietly and Kento scoffs and then tries to pull away the blanket but sun Jae held really tight to it

"Aish let go! Stop pretending to be sick" he says but eventually gave up

And then it was suddenly quiet and sun Jae took the blanket off of me

I was flustered and without a word I stood up and ran out then I stop and lean against the wall sliding down slowly

"Why? Why did he do that" I ask myself frustrated not know how to feel about what just happened

"Could it be.. that he actually has a crush on me" i think but then shake the thought off of my head and laugh

"Nooo Ahahah.. does he..?"


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