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It's finally Friday

It's the last class of the week right now and I just wanna go home and sleep

But no guess who's waiting for me

Yes exactly.. Kento

Don't get me wrong he's really nice and everything but it's just he's really clingy

The bell rings I pack my stuff and go out of the classroom

As I make my way out of school I see Kento waiting there he's holding a little bag

"hi babe" he says smiling at me

I force myself to smile back and then I walk up to him he holds out his hand so I take it and we start holding hands while walking home

"I have a gift for you" he says looking down at me

"What is it" I look up

He gives me the little bag and I look inside of it

I take out what's inside of it


"yes since your other glasses are broken" he says touching his neck with his hand

"How did u know that I needed glasses" I ask him

"Well.. I saw how aleyna  stepped on your glasses and everything sooo" he says

„Oh! Yes thank u" I say and give him a slightly hug

I wish I could end this cause I don't feel anything for him

He gives me a hug back

"I'm really greatful to have you.. I love you"  he says sighing and resting his chin on my head

"Yeah.. me too" I say nervously

He breaks the hug and looks at me

"Harin seriously we need to talk.. what's up with u those days" he asks me while putting his hand on my cheek

"Oh.. yeah there's been a lot on my mind lately like school and idk haha don't worry" I nervously use an excuse

He just looks at me and nods

We spent the rest of the day together and then he brought me home

"Bye Kento.." I say awkwardly and turn around to go in my house

"bye love you" he says I pretend to not hear it and shut the door

I go up to my room and turn on the light seeing hyunwook  standing in my room

I jump and let out a small scream

"What are you doing here?" I ask him

"I know everything" he says I slowly close the door

I let out a nervous laugh

"What do you mean" I ask him nervously

"Seriously stop the acting soojin.. do you really think I wouldn't notice? I know harin better than anyone" he says to me

I sigh

"I'm sorry" I say looking at him

He comes towards me and pulls me into a hug

"I missed you" he says

I hug him back

"I missed you too hyunwook"

We break the hug and then I explain everything to him

He was really sad that harin died and he also cried but he's happy to have his other sister back

Can I get a kiss? {byeon woo seok}Where stories live. Discover now