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The sun was already going down and I was on my way back home

It's already late.. me and Kento went out for a date after school and now he's bringing me home

We stand one house away from my house before saying goodbye to each other

„bye kento" I say as I was about to walk away

He looks at me weirdly and pulls my back by my wrist

He was about to kiss me on my lips but i pulled him in for a hug

„bye baby" I say being shocked of what almost just happened

I would not lose my first kiss to my sisters boyfriend no no no

„bye I love you" he whispers in my ear while patting my head

„Mhm love you too" I force myself to say it back.. I've never said this to any guy before but now I guess I have to

We pull away from the hug and he turns away walking towards his home

I go to my house  was about to put the key in until I felt a tennis ball hit my head

„aish where did that come from now" I whisper to myself turning back and looking up to sun Jae's balcony

I suddenly see him looking down at me while he's holding my shoes

„You forgot your shoes at th-„ he was about to finish his sentence

„PSHHHH come down we will talk in private.." I whisper yell and he comes down to me

Now he's standing in front of my with a pair of shoes

„can I have my shoes back" I ask him

„what's the magic word" he smirks  while teasing me

„shut the fuck up?" I scoff at him

He sighs and lets out a small laugh

„do you really think I'll give you your shoes back after being such a disrespectful brat today! Ur saying bad things and earlier u entered the boys bath-„ he was about to  finish  his sentence when I put my hand over his mouth tip toeing so I could reach to his face

„Pshhhh.. okay okay .. please give me my shoes back" I say literally screaming cause what the fuck

He slowly removed my hand from his mouth while making eye contact

„where's my apology" he asks me

Wow this guy is really testing me

„But you starte-„ I was about to finish my sentence

„Boys bathroom" he keeps saying it then I keep trying to shut his mouth with my hand but he jumps and runs around... I follow him

„Just stop and give me my shoes please" he keeps saying boys bathroom

„OKAY OKAY ILL APOLOGIZE" I say and he finally stops

„Go ahead" he says standing there laying against the wall while holding my shoes

„I'm sorry" I say

He goes down to my height facing me

„For what" he smiles at me

Oh my

I sigh annoyingly „for going to the boys bathroom and for using inappropriate words" I look at him and grab my shoes

„Thank you good night" I say looking at him then walking towards my door unlocking it

„sweet dreams" I hear him say before I shut my foor

I sigh but then I jump cause my parents suddenly stood in front of me

„Woah you scared me" I say they look at me with a really serious look

„is something wrong?" I ask them

„SOOJIN.. what do you think you're doing.. ur not here to flirt with your neighbors so behave yourself if we notice something strange again then you'll be punished" they say to me

„no there's a misunderstanding.. I wasn't flirting i was just trying to get my shoes..„ I tell them but I don't get an response

I just make my way towards my room shutting my door and jumping on my bed sighing

I look towards sun jaes window and I see him smiling to himself

„Ugh I can't him anymore" I say and turn around to the other side so I can fall asleep peacefully



Can I get a kiss? {byeon woo seok}Where stories live. Discover now