Chapter 99: Leo stained with blood

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The Forest, Midnight.

In the deep darkness where not even the cries of beasts echoed, two figures stood close together. In their hands, they held a faintly glowing crystal sphere. No, perhaps it should be said that it "used to be" a sphere. Once radiant with a dazzling light, the crystal had now split perfectly in two, and the weak glow was slowly being swallowed by the darkness of the night.

"I see..."

Albert muttered quietly as he looked down at the crystal, now devoid of its former brilliance and resting coldly in his palm. He spoke as though the sight before him revealed some deeper understanding.

"That old man carrying Leonora, known as Alir Ad, serves as the current regent of the Eland. From what we heard, it seems he may have been using the power of dark spirits to seize control of Eland. A scenario reminiscent of seven years ago. And it seems Leonora saw through it."

The ice-blue eyes that had been fixated on the crystal seemed to hold the memories of the scenes that had played out within it.

"Leonora was taken by a thug according to the snow songbird, and it seemed to be in the same building as her room. The distance wasn't far. Perhaps it was some hidden room in the cathedral's underground."

"I'm sorry the crystal didn't last until the end," Lena apologized shortly, seeing Albert lost in thought, his knuckles pressed against his lips.

The crystal, pushed to its limits, had shattered while showing Leonora being taken away and brought to what seemed to be a room underground. The crystal, as if choreographed, chose moments to show just enough to hide Leonora's true nature and then shattered.

Lena wished it could have been more specific about the location, even if it meant the crystal breaking, leaving her slightly frustrated.

"Don't worry," Albert said with a serious expression, shaking his head. "If you hadn't secured this crystal and used it as you did, we wouldn't have been able to identify either the culprit or the general location. Thank you. Knowing the cathedral's underground is enough. I'll storm in if necessary."

Lena gave a bitter smile at his choice of words. It was a tactic she and Albert had sometimes employed when magic was available. But now, without their magic, it seemed like an impractical plan.

Still, seeing the determination in his expression, Albert leaned forward, speaking firmly.

"Truly. While I can't use magic now, I have other means such as power and wealth. I will wield my status as the empire's first prince and even devalue Eland's currency if needed. I'll make them open the cathedral's doors."

Lena laughed softly at the unexpectedly harsh tone. "That sounds like something a villain would say. Not the line of a pure prince."

"The true nature of those deemed pure is often like this. Were you disappointed?"

"No. In fact, I prefer it this way."

Lena responded honestly to Albert's cynical smile, admitting she liked this side of him. It was a pleasant surprise for her, who had initially dismissed him as just another frivolous blonde aristocrat.

Cunning individuals didn't bother her, especially those aware of their own slyness.

"In the capital Lurgran, I'm sure Gustav the guide will take action. With his help, we can combine our powers to force open the cathedral and rescue Leonora."

Albert continued calmly, to which Lena added, "And use my wisdom."


"Use my wisdom. While you take the lead and rush to Eland, I'll use my time wisely. By the time I arrive, I'll have developed a strategy, perhaps a new use for the magic, to help save Leonora."

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