Chapter 33: Leo is going to the orphanage.

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Today, Leo was really happy. He and Kai were riding in a carriage that was heading towards the Hannah Orphanage... but that wasn't the only reason why Leo was happy.

While Leo and Kai were looking outside of the carriage, they could see the blue sky, the shopkeepers selling different types of foods, and a lot of people preparing for the winter festival that usually happens two weeks before the spirit festival.

"Ehehe∼, the weather, is really, good today, right?"

"Well, it's almost spring, after all... but I agree with you, Leonora-sama. The weather is really good today."

Two weeks ago, Leo remembered about the winter festival, so he asked Kai if they could go visit the Orphanage.

Kai then sent a letter to Lord Harkenberg asking if his master could go visit some friends in Richard, but for some reason, the Marquis couple didn't reply the letter, as usual.

However, after waiting for three days, Kai finally received a letter from his father, saying: 'Lord Harkenberg and his wife are heading towards the Royal Palace to speak with the current Emperor, so they will be a bit busy for a while.'

After reading the letter, Leo felt a bit sad, since he wouldn't be able to go to the festival, but Fabian wouldn't let his new angel feel sad, so he rode on the fastest horse that the Harkenberg family had and delivered the letter to the Marquis couple.

Lord Harkenberg then gave his permission... but with one condition... Leonora had to bring with her at least 20 of the best knights the family had.

(Haaah∼, the only problem is that I'll probably have to pay the knights, since they will be helping me sell some things during the festival)

The "Winter Festival" celebrates the end of the harsh winter and the beginning of spring. And during the festival, if a flower seed is given to you by a member of the opposite sex, then that person is confessing their love to you, or instead, you can plant your own flower seed and use it's petals, after the flower is fully grown, to pay respect to the spirits during the spirit festival.

However, Leo's purpose in going to the festival wasn't for the flowers. In Richard, unlike during the spirit festival, anyone could sell anything during the winter festival... given that the product is legal, of course.

In other words, you don't need a licence to sell stuff during the festival, so Hannah's Orphanage always earned a lot of money every year.

(The festival only starts tomorrow, so we still have some time–)

Leo managed to get his "Grandfather's" permission to go to the orphanage, but he still had to change bodies with Leena first.

(–Besides, the knights can build the store, while I have a meeting with everyone else to prepare for tomorrow)

The plan was flawless... well, not really, but Leo was certain that they would make a lot of money while selling the stuff he prepared for the festival.

"Fufu, I'm looking, forward to, the festival."

The carriage then suddenly stopped, and Leo could see that they were in front of a familiar building.

Kai exited the carriage first and knocked on the front door of the Orphanage, and then, an old woman, with grayish black hair and blue eyes, opened the door–

"Oh, my! Welcome to the Hannah Orphanage∼!"

–The name of that old lady is Hannah and she is the owner of the orphanage, but as soon as Leo exited the carriage and saw the smile on her face, he noticed that, for some reason, she was really angry.

After being raised by her for so long, Leo, and the other orphans, naturally acquired the ability to know when Hannah was angry with them, because at first glance she looks like a kind old lady... but reality always hits harder when you're least expecting.

(...*Gulp*...S-s-so we meet again, Suzuran Smile...)

Suzuran is the name of a small and adorable flower... but you can create a deadly poison just by mixing some of it's petals with water. (Tl/n: This flower is real, but please don't try to poison someone using it)

"It's a pleasure to finally meet you, my name is Hannah and I'm the director of this orphanage."

"The pleasure is ours, director. This is Leonora Harkenberg-sama, and I'm Kai, her servant."

"D-d-director...!? You don't, have to use, polite speech, with me...!"

Leo was sweating buckets right now. He had never seen Hannah using polite speech before, and it only made her even more scarier than she already was.

"So you're saying that I can speak with you without using polite speech? Oh, my∼! What a kind girl!"

Hannah then hugged Leo and stepped on his right foot–


"Oh, my∼! You're a rather quiet child aren't you?"

–But since Leo didn't want to make Hannah even more angry, he just nodded to her question while making a serious face.


"Haaah∼, You good for nothing. I was really worried, you know? But at least you became a beautiful girl, so I'm not all that angry anymore." – Said Hannah, in Elandic.

Leo then glanced to the side, to see if Kai understood what Hannah said, but in the first place, Kai wasn't that good in Elandic, so Leo felt a bit relieved when he saw his butler's confused face.

"Alright then, since we've already introduced ourselves, let's go inside. The place may feel a bit cramped for your standards, Leonora-sama, but there's enough rooms for everyone."


Leo tilted his head to the side.

(Since when does the orphanage has enough rooms for everyone?)

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