《Short Story》 Leo becomes a model (2/4)

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Leo took a moment to match the name of the painter he was introduced to.

"Gebhardt? Gebhardt. Who's that again?"

After some contemplation, it clicked.

Ah, yes, he was the artist that the Natalia had once let him admire for free.

"Nice to meet you," Leo said, feeling a vague sense of familiarity, but the painter did not respond.

Gebhardt stood there, muttering something under his breath, seemingly in a daze. Natalia, who had been frantically trying to appease him earlier, now observed his dumbfounded state with a look of understanding.

Leonora von Harkenberg was a stunning beauty, whose mere presence seemed to occasionally captivate even those accustomed to her, as if threatening to steal their very souls. Anyone seeing her for the first time, especially in her adorned state, could hardly help but utter a blessing to the spirits.

"Thank you for waiting. This is Leonora, the subject of the portrait. Feel free to direct her pose as you see fit to capture her full charm," Albert said.

Gebhardt snapped out of his trance and nodded slightly. "Y-Yes."

But he remained hesitant. Just moments ago, he had been adamant, claiming he would not paint a mere student. Now, he was left speechless by the sight of the girl, much to Natalia's exasperation.

"Mr. Anheuser, as per our agreement, she can only stand in front of the canvas today. Please, pick up your brush," she urged.


He was reluctantly guided closer to the girl. As he scrutinized her from head to toe, Gebhardt began to regain his composure.

"Pleased to meet you, Miss Leonora. I am Gebhardt, the painter. I will do my utmost to create a masterpiece that brings out your full allure. Please bear with me."

"Um, sure," Leo nodded vaguely.

If his guess was correct, having a highly accurate portrait might not be ideal.

(Wait a minute...)

However, an accurate portrait could serve as a means to disguise himself differently the next time he attempted an escape. Besides, it wasn't as if he could flee the scene right now.

(Pinch turns into chance, as they say. Oh well, here goes nothing!)

Reciting Hannah's maxim, which was becoming his mantra, Leo steeled himself and stood before the canvas.

"Please wait a moment."

But from behind the canvas, Gebhardt's eyes narrowed as he spoke.

"This is not your true form, is it?"


Leo, who was in fact not in his original body, looked up, startled.

Gebhardt was scrutinizing him closely, his tall figure glowing faintly. Leo suddenly recognized the light.

(...This light... I've seen it before!)

It was the same light that had surrounded Albert when he greeted him at a welcome party. He didn't understand why Albert glowed, but knowing that the glowing prince was dangerous made him wary of the glowing artist as well.

As Leo held his breath, wondering if Gebhardt would start singing or something, the painter spoke again, saying something unexpected.

"Disrobe yourself, please."


Leo wasn't the only one stunned; the onlookers reacted faster.

"My magic eyes reveals all deceptions. This attire does not suit you, Miss Leonora. You should not wear a gown or gaudy jewelry but something simpler."

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