Chapter 14

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Disclaimer: I don't own anything. Rights belong to Marvel and Rick Riordan.

Discreet Team:

Steve's breath quickened as his concerned blue eyes scanned the barren, unkept prison with bright lights encasing his teammate and another boy with pale skin and black hair. Natasha's training kicked in and instantly, her analytical green eyes took in the conditions and state of the two boys and created a mental list of possible injuries.

Percy was barely conscious, drops of sweat beading on his skin. His shallow, desperate breaths told the ex-Soviet spy that most likely, Perce had a broken rib. Blood saturated Percy's shirt and heavy shackles bound his chaffed wrists to the rough stone wall. So the demigod had a deep wound in his side, where the bleeding was coming from, and the chaffing was most likely from attempts to break free. Percy's lips were bone dry and hard from lack of moisture. Dehydration, then. The black haired boy wasn't in any better condition.

He was also shackled to the wall, dried blood and chaffing also encircling his wrists. Lights were everywhere, shining in all directions, in order to minimize the amount of shadows. 'Son of Hades, then?' Natasha inquired to herself. His eyes were tightly closed, head bending away as far as possible from the lights and he seemed deathly pale. No, paler than death. The boy was gaunt, all sharp angles and bones, leading Natasha to make the conclusion that Kampe starved the two kids. Anger stirred within, surprising Natasha.

Natasha recognized why, however. Percy and the rest of the team made her softer. They were family to her, now, and no one would get away with hurting them. Not even Greek mythological monsters. The anger transformed into fierce determination, as she approached the prison bars, intending to pick the rusty lock.

Captain America beat her to it, however. He rushed forward and then- BANG! Red, white, and blue vibranium smashed through the prison bars fueled by enhanced-strength and righteous fury.

The noise startled the two awake and they shot forward, jostling their broken ribs. Winces filled the room. Automatically, Percy scanned the intruders for any sign of danger. Relief flooded his body when he recognized the three Avengers, as did Nico.

"Gods. It is so great to see you. Even better than pizza!" Percy groaned out, clutching his ribs and bleeding wound.

Steve let out a short bark of laughter, amusement filling the once dread-filled blue eyes.

"Some help would be nice..." Nico ruefully admitted with a forced smile.

After a rapid internal debate about how to carry Percy, he risked the demigod's pride for his safety. Captain America inserted one arm under the crook of Percy's knees and another under his back, lifting him into a bridal-style hold.

"Steve!" Percy shouted, struggling against the Avenger. "Let me go! Or at least just help me walk." A wince peeped out of his mouth from moving his ribs.

Steve looked at Percy sternly and commanded in his Captain voice, "No. You're hurt. Let me take care of you. Just relax and don't hurt yourself by moving."

"... Fine." Perce grumbled reluctantly. Clint chuckled as he copied the same hold on the smaller of the two. Nico awarded Clint a harsh, murderous glare. Clint's chuckle turned uneasy as fear for his life bloomed within.

Natasha reached behind her ear to a hidden earpiece and reported into the microphone, "We got Percy and his cousin, Nico. Let's head back to the chariot."

"Roger that, Romanoff." The crystal clear voice of Stark sounded, "Aren't these new comms so much better?"

"Less staticky, I'll give you that." Natasha responded.

Demigod Avenger (a PJO/Avenger Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now