Chapter 19

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A/N: It's been a while since I mentioned him, but I haven't forgotten about Connor! I hope you enjoy Chapter 19.

Editted 07/25/2016 for typos.

Disclaimer: I do not own the characters and settings mentioned here. They belong to Rick Riordan and Marvel.

Chapter 19:

A  heavy silence settled over the duo, Percy Jackson and Hades, as they trekked through the Underworld. The only thing that could be heard were the heavy trod of the pair as they passed the Judgement Pavilion.

Outside the pavilion were long, long lines of people, all looking miserable. 

They walked on. To their left was the Fields of Asphodel, a vast yellow field dotted with black poplar trees and souls miserably lying there, waiting for eternity to end.

After walking past barren expanses of the Underworld and passing the Judgement Pavilion and the Fields of Asphodel, they began sensing the near arrival of Tartarus and his camp. 

 And then... There. In the distance, guarding the gate to Tartarus' camp, an unmistakable flash orange. The orange of a Camp Half-Blood t-shirt. Connor.

A gasp erupted from the demigod, as a hand seized Percy's heart, twisting and wrenching and ripping past the hard outside shields, tearing into the soft, emotionally vulnerable tissue. It was a pain he encountered through his teenage years over and over again, but it was not one he ever could get immune and used to.

A heavy hand settled on Percy's shoulder, startling Percy out of his thoughts. Tracing the hand to the person it belonged to, Percy raised his eyebrows to the obviously concerned but uncomfortable God of the Underworld.

"Hades?" Percy asked.

"Yes, yes... Don't take my words as any favor towards you, but be careful. We wouldn't want you to die before you reach Tartarus." Hades answered.

Percy smiled at the hidden meaning, before replying, "Of course not."

Together, they approached the traitorous demigod, who was sporting a smirk and dagger.

"Connor." Percy acknowledged curtly, head crisply nodding once. His eyes were narrowed and hard.

"Percy..." Connor replied evenly, still keeping up the plastered on smirk. Upon careful observance (and with help from Natasha's training), Percy noted the tense and high-strung way Connor held himself. He seemed to favor one foot over the other, and the thin white scars poking out from his sleeves marred the once carefree persona.

It was obvious that Connor's stay with the primordial wasn't all rainbows and sunshines.

"We're here to see Tartarus." Percy announced, daring to say the name of the feared being.

Percy's suspicions were correct. Connor visibly flinched at the uttered name of Tartarus. His smirk faltered.

Instantly, the tension in Percy began to die out, the waves calming. Understanding and sympathy for his pain flooded him, instead.

"Look, Connor..." Percy began, seeking words of comfort, forgiveness, and understanding of his pain to give. While the betrayal still hurt, Connor obviously hurt more.

"Save it, Jackson." Connor snapped out. "I don't need your hatred or pity or anything like that. Now, are you here for Tartarus? He mentioned that you would be coming."

Percy's expression jolted from soft sincerity to utter shock. "Connor... I don't hate you."

"What?" Connor breathed. He had been expecting the demigod to go into a rampage.

"I... Obviously I'm upset you betrayed me. But, I don't hate you. I can see the pain you've been through, and you aren't the type that would willingly subjugate yourself. There's a reason you did this. I just don't know what that reason is."

Connor hesitated, before slowly and unsurely replying, "I... I thought that Tar- he could bring back Travis. He said he would, but he lied." The demigod glanced around uncertainly. "I can't say anymore. There are monsters everywhere watching and listening. But, still, I'm sorry, Perce."

"I forgive you, Connor." Percy assured him. He grasped Connor's shoulder quickly before letting go.

To an awkwardly waiting Hades, he said, "Uncle Hades, you'll have to stay out here."

Hades began to protest, but Percy cut him off, "No. You heard what Connor said. Stay here."

A glare penetrated Percy, but he refused to be shaken. He's endured worse glares. "I should smite you for cutting me off like that."

"But you won't." Percy said cheerfully.

"That's what you think." Hades grumbled, neither denying or agreeing with the statement.

Percy just laughed, glad to be rid of the tense air and suffocating emotions.

"This isn't over, Jackson. We'll talk after your confrontation with Tartarus. Understand?" Hades demanded.

"Yeah." Percy said, nodding at Hades. Percy grinned at the hidden "don't die" implied in his words.

Taking a deep breath, he turned and stepped into the camp. Immediately, monsters took interest, his smell luring them in like a worm luring a fish. Only, he wasn't bait. He was just prey. But, that didn't mean he wouldn't put up a fight.

"Stay back!" Connor snarled, in a very un-Connor-like way. "I have orders from Tartarus to bring Percy to him." Like flipping a switch, the monsters- empousai, hellhounds, and so many more- halted. Their expressions ranged from disbelief to surprise to resentment, but they relented, stepping back.

Still, as they walked on, Percy heard a cacophony of snarls and threats emanating from the hoards of monsters.

Eventually, they stopped. They were about 200 feet from the edge of Tartarus. They were too close for Percy's liking, feeling the dark aura seep out  from below, wisping towards him. It brought back memories that Percy tried so hard to overcome.

Connor's eyes, hardened against the monsters, softened as he looked at Percy. "I have no right to say this, but good luck, Jackson. I'm sorry for what I did."

Percy began to interrupt, but a furious, high-strung Connor cut him off, continuing on. "No, I don't care that you 'forgive' me or whatever. I betrayed you and all of camp and I can't live with myself for doing that. I can't live with myself for allowing myself- the son of the God of Trickery, for gods sake- to be tricked. I just... I can't." At the last sentence, all of the raging energy and frustration and self-hatred spilled out from Connor, leaving an empty husk filled only with guilt and empty acceptance.

Inside, Percy cried for his once-friend. He wrapped his arms around Connor, whispering, "It's okay. It'll be okay. Just get out of here. Find the rest of camp and look for the Avengers. They'll help. It may take some time, but... They'll understand and help."

"Okay..." Connor mumbled back, looking down and ashamed. "Go on. He's waiting."

Percy nodded, drawing back. He gave Connor one more concerned look before heading towards the Pit of Doom. Literally. The pit would be his doom. Percy couldn't help but chuckle at that.


A/N: I know, I know. You all probably want to see the showdown between Tartarus and Percy. It's coming next! 

So, what did you think? Do you agree with Percy's decision on dealing with Connor? Feel free to comment! :)

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