Chapter 6

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A/N: Hey guys! Just a warning, this is probably one of the more boring chapters and nothing really oes on. Chapter 7 is more action-y and I'll be posting that tonight. Anyways, I hope you like it! :)

Disclaimer: I do not own Percy Jackson and the Olympians, the Avengers, or the cover. 

Chapter 6:

We arrived at the AvengersTower and it was amazing. The architecture was sturdy and has this futuristic touch to it, it was running off of clean energy, and she rubbed off on me, didn’t she? I sighed remembering her. I didn’t want to remember, but I couldn’t stop it. I felt my mind drift away and memories that I tried to hard to lock away, resurfaced.

Everywhere I looked, she was there. Her laugh, her stormy gray eyes, her beautiful blond hair, the twinkle in her eye that would show that a million gears were running at once in her mind, it’s everywhere. The underwater kiss, our time together, the joy I felt when she kissed me back… It all came back to me. I was knocked back into reality when Tony spoke to me.

“Hey kid. What do you think?” He said gesturing around.

“The tower looks awesome.” I commented and Tony grinned. He led us to his private elevator where he pressed a button. Glancing around, the elevator floor was white marble and was large enough so that the entire Avenger’s team could fit in easily with extra room. Silver bars lined three walls and the doors were gold colored and framed in silver metal. To top it off, elevator music was playing.

"Thank gods for the better elevator music." I thanked.

"What do you mean?" Clint asked.

"The elevator to Olympus has horrible elevator music! You would think that the God of Music would do a better job at choosing the elevator music."

“Glad you like it, kid," Tony chuckled, " Wait until you see the Avenger’s Floor a.k.a., the Awesome Floor!”

Steve laughed silently and suddenly noticed something. “Hey, Percy, where are your bags?”

“The gods sent them to my room.”

“How did they know which room you would be staying at?” Natasha asked.

“They’re stalkers like that.” I replied smiling slightly.

A loud boom of thunder was heard and I shouted back up to them, “You know it’s true!” Another boom sounded, but it was softer and quieter.

“Um, that’s good to know I guess. I’ll keep that in mind.” Stark replied.

The doors of the elevator opened revealing one of the nicest places I’ve ever seen other than my cabin and Olympus. In the main open space, one of the walls that led out to the balcony were lined with huge windows and there were couches forming an arch around a coffee table and it faced a wall where a huge 60 inch flat screen tv was mounted on the wall. The floor was carpeted with a cream color.  On the other side of the area, was a mini bar and kitchen. In the kitchen, the floor was tiled and in the center was a large dark table surrounded by several chairs that matched the color. The counters were granite and a fridge twice the size of a normal fridge stood against the wall flanked by pantries on either side that held even more food. A smaller drink fridge was at the end of the line of counters and was labeled, “Tony Stark’s Fridge. DO NOT TOUCH.” A hallway that connected to the main open area went all the way down the floor and had four doors on either side labeled with everyone’s names.

“Your room is on the left between Capsicle’s and Spy Barbie’s. Everyone has their own personal bathroom attached to their room. Feel free to add whatever you like.” Stark said.

“JARVIS will tell you when dinner is.” Bruce called after me as I walked down the fall to my room.

“JARVIS?” I questioned turning around to face them.

“My AI Butler. Say hi JARVIS!” Stark called out to empty space. I looked at him like he was crazy until I heard a British voice respond from the ceiling.

“Hello, Mr. Jackson. My name is JARVIS. Feel free to call on my whenever you need something.” The ceiling said.

“Umm.. thanks? And call me Percy.” I said feeling weird that I was talking to the ceiling.

“It is my pleasure, Percy, and noted.” The ceiling replied.

Walking into the room, I looked around, and my jaw dropped. I immediately loved it. The walls were painted to make it look like you were underwater and had sea creatures, coral, and rocks painted on them. The carpet was sand colors. The bed was a queen size and the comforter was sea blue at the top and faded into a sea green at the bottom resembling ocean water. A dresser was on the other side of the room opposite of the bed. A flat screen tv was mounted above the dresser and a body mirror beside the dresser. Resting on the center of the mahogany dresser was a lamp with blue shades was placed in the center and night tables were placed on either side of the bed. To top it off, an octopus and seahorse stuff animal were on the bed. I smiled softly at the room.

I quickly scanned the room for cameras and after checking that there were none, I noticed the two large duffel bags at the foot of the bed. Opening the first, I unpacked my clothes. I opened the second duffel bag revealing my armor. It was mainly Greek styled, but had Roman aspects to it too. The armor was mainly sea blue, but was lined with bronze. The helmet covered my face except for a slit that showed my eyes.

My breath hitched when I found two framed pictures in the duffel bags. Gently picking them up, I looked at them. The first was a picture of Her, Grover and I after we delivered the lightning bolt. We were so happy. I quickly looked away placing them face down on the dresser. The second was a picture of all of the Seven and we were grinning like maniacs, covered in mud and had our arms round each other. Again, I placed them face down on the dresser avoiding having to look at the picture again so that I wouldn’t burst out crying right then and there. I sat there, thinking of the old times. Oh how I was such a failure. How could I destroy those old times? How could I not save my friends? How could I let my friends suffer so much? I was such a failure. I closed my eyes trying to stop the tears that were threatening to spill as I trembled.

I was jolted out of my state by the ceiling announcing, “Percy, Mr. Banner wanted me to notify you that the pizza has arrived.

Taking a deep breath to calm myself, I replied, “Thanks. Tell them I’m coming.”

Right when I walked out of my room and into the hall, a loud alarm blared and Fury’s voice sounded, “There has been a monster attack in Central Park!"

A/N: So there you have it! It's really slow, but there's action coming up, promise!

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