Chapter 3

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A/N: Hey guys! Back again with Chapter 3 of the Demigod Avenger. I hope you enjoy! This chapter's song is "I'll Make A Man Out Of You" from Disney's Mulan. However, I only choose a certain part to describe Percy because let's face it, he's all of those things they say in the lyrics which are below. Oh, and if you have any song ideas for this fanfic, please comment! The reason my updates take long are mainly because I have the story written, but no song to go with it. Thanks and enjoy the story! Oh, sorry, one more thing. I changed Chapter 1's song from "Stay" from Rihanna to "Angel With a Shotgun" by The Cab.

Disclaimer: No, I don't own Percy Jackson or the Avengers

"Be a man,

We must be swift as a coursing river

Be a man,

With all the force of a great typhoon

Be a man,

With all the strength of a raging fire

Mysterious as the dark side of the moon."

-"I'll Make a Man Out of You" from Disney's Mulan

Chapter 3:

I sat in the interrogation room they led me to and my fingers were drumming the tabletop at an uneven rhythm. My eyes automatically darted around the room taking it in. Light gray walls, same color floor, a mirror that lined one of the walls that was probably a window on the otherside, and one door. There was  also a metal table in the center and two metal chairs on either side one of which I was sitting on. There was only one way in and out.  The door opened jarring me from my thoughts. The first to come in was Tony Stark.

Tony's POV:

I strutted into the bleak room where Perseus was sitting on one of the metal chairs. I sat directly across from him and said, "So Perseus-"

"Percy," He corrected, "Call me Percy." I nodded and gave him a glance over. He seemed like a normal teenager who had a good amount of muscles. His hair was raven black and sweeped over his eyes slightly. But his eyes, that was what bothered him. They were a swirld of green and blue, almost like the sea, but they had a hard look to them like a soldier would coming out of war. But it wasn't possible for a teenager to have fought in a war. Fury had said that the kid had been on America's wanted list at twelve and was thought of as a terrorist but everything about him screamed the opposite. He seemed loyal.

"So what did you have to ask me?" He said as he drummed his fingers unevenly and his eyes flew around they room and at a pace that mdae me dizzy. 

"Fury told me to test your intelligence. So what's 1+1?" I asked.

He stared at me like I as crazy and said, "2."

"Okay, good." I got up and left the room where Fury interceped me.

"What was that?" He demanded and I shurgged. 

"I did what you asked. He has average intelligence if not a bit under." With that, I walked over beside Capsicle.

"You're up, Banner." Nick said.

Bruce's POV:

I walked into the room and sat down across from the boy. He was pretty good looking but what bothered Tony and I were his eyes. They were dark and almost dead-looking in a way. 

"So, Percy. I'm just going to ask you a few questions. Is that okay?" I asked as I looked over my papers and notes. He nodded and I started.

"Do you have any family, Percy?" 

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