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A/N: And now, the last chapter of this story.

Disclaimer: The rights of the characters, settings, etc, all belong to Marvel and Rick Riordan. This is work is merely fanmade.


A dark gravity swirled around Percy, pulling him, and he could do nothing but watch and scream in terror as sharp claws zipped closer and closer and closer, until...

Percy screamed and shrieked in pain, as the huge claws punctured the demigod's body, blood spurting out all over a laughing abomination.

"You failed..." Annabeth's voice echoed in his head. "You failed us all."

Voices of Leo, Connor, Travis, Thalia, and so many others echoed in his head.

But then, Percy remembered the Avengers with their supportive and reassuring smiles and words.

"No," Percy rasped out. "No. My death... Isn't a failure. Everyone is safe now... Everyone."

His vision began fading, large black dots dancing around as they grew exponentially, and he began to lose feeling, the pain numbing. He couldn't hear or smell anything anymore, and then... Darkness took over.

Percy jolted awake, eyes blinking furiously as his chest heaved for breath. He raised his hands, looking at them. "...What the Hades?"

"You called?" Hades smirked, as he appeared in front of Percy. 

"Am I-?" Percy began.

"Dead? Yes. You're in the Underworld right now, and you'll be given an express pass to Elysium if you choose." Hades interrupted.

"What're my other options?" Percy inquired.

"There's always rebirth, but for some reason, I think you're going to choose Elysium. You may have only lived less than two decades this lifetime, but the things you have done and gone through say otherwise." Hades replied.

"I... I won't deny that I'm tired. And I really want to see Annabeth and the others again." Percy admitted, glancing downward for second before forcing him to look up and meet the eyes of his uncle.

Hades smiled gently. "Then Elysium it is. Are you ready?"

Percy looked thoughtful for a second. There was still something he had to know... "Are they okay?" Percy blurted out, before quickly amending, "Camp Half-Blood, Camp Jupiter, and the Avengers, that is."

"There will always be a threat somewhere out there. Someone will always be there to try and take us down. But right now? They are safe. Tartarus has receded into the depths of the pit."

Percy nodded slowly. "Okay. That's good. I'm ready now, I think." The demigod hardened his eyes and pressed his lips into a firm line of determination. "Let's go."

"Now? We can go in a bit. For now, let's go visit the camp one last time." Hades stated, before flashing the two out of the Underworld. 

Suddenly, Percy found him hidden in the treeline, listening and watching his own funeral. It was odd and perturbing... But at least, he could see that everyone would be okay, even if they were suffering at the moment. They could- and would- get over him.

Scanning the large group, he saw Hades with the rest of the gods.

At the front, Chiron was giving a valiant speech about him and his accomplishments.

"We are here to honor the life and death of one of Olympus' greatest heroes of all time. Perseus Jackson will be hailed with the likes of Odysseus and the other legends. He has sacrificed himself to save us all, and this wasn't the first time. At the age of 12, he defeated a Minotaur without any training at all, and that was the start of his journey. The same year, he retrieved Zeus' Master Bolt and defeated Medusa."

Demigod Avenger (a PJO/Avenger Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now