Chapter 4

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A/N: Hey guys! I am SO sorry for updating so late. I've been really busy with school, Confirmation (You Catholics out there know what I'm talking about), applying for some programs, and getting ready for my school trip to Kelley's Island. But enough excuses. Here's Chapter 4. It's a bit longer than my normal chapters being 3 pages long instead of 2 but consider it an apology for updating so late. Since it's a continuation of chapter 3, it's the same song. Plus, I am sadly running out of songs that might represent each chapter. So, I think what I'll do is just have a song that either goes with a character (like a character theme song) or with what happens in the chapter. But anyways, on with the chapter!

"Be a man,

We must be swift as a coursing river

Be a man,

With all the force of a great typhoon

Be a man,

With all the strength of a raging fire

Mysterious as the dark side of the moon."

-"I'll Make a Man Out of You" from Disney's Mulan

Chapter 4

Percy's POV

Groaning, I replied, "You might want to step into the gun range area. I don't want to accidently shoot you."

She raised an eyebrow and said, "You can't seriously be that bad."

"Trust me. I am. I only hit a target once and it wasn't the one I was aiming for. It was behind me." I replied.

"What? That's not possible..." She said shaking her head but complied. She waited over at the gun range area as I pulled back the string. Looking to make sure she was behind the wall, I aimed, and let go of the string. With a zing, the arrow flew out of the bow and landed. at the hanging ceiling light above me. Smiling, I thought to myself, 'I was getting better!'

Natasha moved towards me and disbelief was written all over her face and she said, "How can you be that bad?" She quickly composed herself and went back to her stony emotionless face. "Let's go the next station.

Fist to fist combat wasn't exactly my thing, but if a sword was an extension of your arm like it was to me, it would just be like fighting with a really, really short sword. A professional fighter came out and we faced each other. I got into my fighting stance as he did and I glanced over him trying to find his weaknesses. He was good, I can tell you that. There were only two weak points, a small point under his jaw on the left side of his face that would've been perfect to hit with the hilt of my sword but since I had to sword, I would just have to do with mey fist. I other weak point in his guard was a small area just above his hip on his right side. Seeing that I wouldn't be attacking first, he dove at me.  I  ended up on the ground after a couple hard hits to my jaw, gut, and had my feet kicked out form under me. That is, if his plan worked. Don't get me wrong, it was a good plan, but it wasn't good enough to beat me. I blocked his attack at my jaw and with my other hand, I hit the small area under his jaw surprising him. I didn't stop to celebrate my small victory though. He quickly recovered and tried to hit me again and again, I blocked him. He was getting frustrated after multiple tries and it was on his fifth that I dove under his arm and planted my first on his other weak point at his hip. Executing a quick kick to his neck and then behind his knees, he ended up on the ground announcing me the winner.

Clapping Natasha said, "That was one of our best fighters. Nice. Is fist to fist combat your thing?"

"Nope. But sword fighting is." I said grinning.

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