Chapter 9

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A/N: Hey guys! Before I start, please REREAD THE FLASHBACK IN CHAPTER 1!! I editted it so it's better and more descriptive. It's not going to change the story, it's just going to change the battle with Gaea but the deaths and everything aer the same. I also added that Travis died which will play a part later on. 

Disclaimer: Once again, I do not own PJO, the cover, or the Avengers.

Chapter 9

It has been a couple of days since the incident when I lost my cool and broke down. I never realized how much I needed to just let everything out and just let my defenses down. The Avengers were more vulnerable than someone might think. Every member has their weaknesses, and they protect each other's weaknesses. It's what makes them a team. It's what makes us a team. I never could have broken down like this at camp because I was the leader, the strong one, the rock. And Steve understands that. Everyone understands, really.

I trudged out into the kitchen area where everyone else was sitting, eating breakfast.

"Morning guys." I said yawning in between the words.

"Morning." They all replied, Clint and Natasha more grumpy than the others. Thor was shoving PopTarts into his mouth eating two at once and Clint was pouring coffee. Stark sat on a chair, lying partly on the table as he whined about waking up so early. Bruce sipped his tea quietly as he read the newspaper titled, "Spider-Man, Hero or Menace?"

"I'm making pancakes." Steve said, "Do you want any?"

"Blueberry, please." I instantly replied laying my head down.

We were all served and it was mid-bite when they launched the question that had been nagging everyone.

"Hey... Uh.. Percy?" Bruce began.


"Could we ask you some questions?" Bruce asked tentatively. Stark sat up and Thor paused his eating before resuming albeit slower than before.

"Uh, sure." I replied nonchalantly though inside my mind was racing for excuses.

"What was that, a couple of days ago?" Natasha asked. Everyone took a brief pause in their eating to glance up at me. I froze, fork halfway to my mouth, and the pancake slid off. I set the fork down and looked up at everyone's expectant faces. Sighing, I knew there was no more putting off their questions and my excuses wouldn't work like they did at camp.

"Just a stupid move by yours truly. Gods, I don't know what I was thinking." I replied.

"Percy, it's fine. Everyone needs to blow some steam sometime. I hole myself up in my workshop, Birdbrain goes ballistic on the archery ranges, and Capsicle beats the crap out of the punching bags." Stark replied seriously, for once.

"No, you don't understand. If I lost control for a second and suddenly there's an earthquake or a hurricane that destroys the city." I shot back frustrated that I let myself do such a thing even if I needed it.

"I'm sure you aren't that strong..." Steve replied uncertainly.

"Ha, you're talking to the person that destroyed half of Greece." I replied and Clint's eyes widened.

"That was you?!"

"And the person who accidentally set off St. Helens some years back." I continued smirking at their reactions.

"Kid, that is GOLD!" Tony said clapping a hand on my back.

"I do not understand. How can you set off a person?" Thor asked, confusion warping his face.

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