Chapter 17

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A/N: Wattpad won't let me add a playlist from YouTube, so only the first song is attached. For the entire playlist go here: youtube dot com /playlist?list=PLrmyn1M1OPOgt_MF0UnCCxiDuhQZsORjE

Disclaimer: as always, the characters do not belong to me. They belong to Rick Riordan and Marvel.

Chapter 17:

"What do you mean?!" Steve demanded. His eyes were fierce.  Steve's jaw clenched, and his arms folded.

Natasha slightly tensed, her breath hitching a tiny bit. Almost instantly, though, she relaxed into a casual stance. But, for those trained or experienced enough to see, they saw that she was tense, ready for action at any moment. "He means inevitable war."

"Four days... Can we be ready by then?" Clint's arm muscles bulged, his fingertips grazing the hard edge of his bow. Panic almost was set in into his voice, but years of training kept it at bay. His voice stayed neutral.

"We need to do something about this!" Tony Stark's fingers twitched slightly, as if calling his armor or initiating an attack. Fear clouded his eyes slightly, a wormhole clouding his vision before he shoved it away and composed himself.

Thor's humongous arm muscles bulged as his hand tightened around his hammer's grip. "Yay. We will spend the next days preparing for a bloody battle. May the Gods look down on us with favor..."

Banner rubbed his eyes, sitting down as to keep his blood pressure from rising too much. There was no way he was going to lose control now in the middle of a camp for teenagers. Albeit demigod teenagers, but still.

Percy paled, the blood leaving his face as he took the words for what they really meant. Not that anyone else knew, of course. For all they knew, they were just going into battle in four days. But Percy and Gods.... They knew the truth. If everything went to plan, no one would be going into battle.

Percy was adamant about that.

That night, Percy and Jason announced a get together party that night before training kicked in for the battle. They all needed a morale boost.


That night, the campfire was ablaze, flames licking fifteen feet tall with Hestia's help. For those who could see her, she was sitting by the fire, stoking it and keeping it going. Worry was etched in her face, however.

Around the fire were demigods playing instruments, as the others were dancing and eating like there would be no tomorrow with good reason. Four days later, there might not be.

The singer of the demigod band grasped the microphone tightly, waiting for the introduction to end before he began, voice deep and intense:

Put on your war paint.

The surrounding demigods cheered, their bodies moving in sync with the beat.

You are a brick tied to me that's dragging me down
Strike a match and I'll burn you to the ground
We are the jack-o-lanterns in July
Setting fire to the sky
He-here comes this rising tide
So come on

Tony Stark laughed at something Rogers stated, before complaining, "Does this place have any classic rock?"

Jason rolled his eyes as his head nodded to the beat.

Put on your war paint

Cross walks and crossed hearts and hope-to-dies
Silver clouds with grey linings

Natasha sat with Clint, watching the young teenagers dance their hearts out before their rigorous training began. If someone noticed that their arms and legs sometimes brushed together, no one said anything.

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