Chapter 10

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A/N: Hey guys! Here's chapter 10. I had some trouble writing some parts of it, but I hope it turned out okay.

@Fandom-Lover Thanks and I glad you like it! Also, if you're talking about the rewritten part of the battle with Gaea and asking why I added one more person dying, you'll have to wait and see.

Disclaimer: I don't own PJO, the cover, or the Avengers. Simple as that.

Chapter 10

I turned to face my younger Cyclops brother and I hugged him, wincing as he hugged me too tight and my ribs felt like they were cracking.

“Guys, this is my brother, Tyson. Yes, he’s a Cyclops. He’ll also be the one making you your weapons along with the Hephaestus Cabin. Tyson, these are the Avengers, Natasha Romanoff or Black Widow, Clint Barton or Hawkeye, Steve Rogers or Captain America, Tony Stark or Iron Man, Thor Odinson, and Bruce Banner or the Hulk.” I introduced.

“Nice to meet you! Peanut butter?” He asked, holding out a jar of peanut butter.

“Uh… No thanks.” Barton replied and everyone but Thor echoed his words.

“Thank you! I appreciate your offer and will take you up on it. I have not yet tried this peanut butter you speak of.” He said and scooped a bit out and placed it in his mouth.

“WIS EH DEH-LI-OUH!” Thor said, approving of the sticky mortal food. We all chuckled and Tyson grinned at finding peanut butter loving friend.

“I think he means ‘this is delicious!’” Tony translated and we all nodded in understanding and ohs could be heard from us.

Tyson grinned and asked, “Who wants their new toys?”


I was decked out in my normal Greco-Roman armor and Riptide was in hand.

Stark had a layer of removable celestial bronze covering his suit in case he used his suit to fight physically instead of using his beams.

Bruce was lugging a huge pair of celestial bronze boxing gloves with the help of Thor.

Clint’s arrows were dipped in celestial bronze and to his delight, he received an arrow quiver that would never run out. He did not want to repeat his dilemma during the Chitauri Invasion when he ran out of arrows.

Steve was inspecting his shield that was covered in celestial bronze but was kindly painted with the same design.

Natasha was inserting her new celestial bronze bullets into her gun’s magazine and fillinf her spare magazines. Her new celestial bronze daggers were safely put away into their holders at her hip.

“Guys ready to practice?” I asked swinging my sword in a lazy figure eight.

Suddenly, I heard the conch horn being blown three times.

My expression suddenly hardened and mymouth set in a line.

“What’s wrong?” Natasha asked, stepping forward.

“Looks like we’ll be practicing against some monsters.” I said before turning towards the rest of camp who were freaking out.

“Campers! AT ARMS!” I shouted. Everyone looked towards me and charged to get their battle armor on and then gathered before me.

“Percy!” Will panted as he got to me, hands on his knees, “We sighted one huge monster group –pant- about 100 or 200 monsters –pant- hellhounds, dracanae and a bunch of other monsters. –pant- What do we do?”

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