Chapter 5

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A/N: Hey guys! This took a lot longer than I thought and I wasn't very motivated... But I got it done! Hope you like it. Anyways, on with the chapter!

Disclaimer: I don't own Percy Jackson and the Olympians and the Avengers.

Chapter 5 

Percy's POV:

“Greek mythologies? Like Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades?” Bruce asked pushing up his glasses and leaned forward onto his elbows thinking.

“What does that have to do with anything?” Steve asked. There was no way that these kids were “gods” like Thor, right? How he missed the days when everything was simple and there were no "gods" or alien invasions. 

“They have to do with a lot of things. Well… I’m not the best at explaining this, but you know how gods went around having affairs with mortals in the myths?” I asked. Tony and Bruce’s eyes widened as they got what I was trying to say.

“Are you-” Bruce began but never finished.

“Holy crap! Seriously?” Tony asked in disbelief.

“Wait, what? I don’t understand.” Steve asked and Clint nodded in agreement.

Nico sighed beside me and said, “The Greek Myths, along with their Roman aspects, are real. The Olympians went around having affairs with mortals and they still do today. Percy and I are what you might call Greek demigods, half human and half Greek god. Of course, there are Roman demigods as well born from the Roman aspects of our parents and other Greek gods.” They seemed to take it well without shouting that we were insane or anything like that. But then again, I’m sure they had their fair share of strange things happening to them in their lives.

"How come we don't see more of these demigods running around then? I'm sure someone would have noticed them by now." Agent Barton asked.

"We have a something called the Mist. It distorts what mortals see when they see a monster or a demigod That's how we stayed unknown to the rest of the world." I explained.

"And we would like to stay unknown." Nico finished. His glare was fixated on every persn on the room and they shivered slightly.

"Of course." Fury agreed.

“What can you do then?” Clint asked.

I answered his question saying, “I can control water, vapor travel which is like teleporting, create tropical storms like hurricanes, cause small-scale earthquakes, talk to horses, and talk to marine animals. Oh, and I like blue food.”

“Why blue food?” Black Widow asked.

“Inside joke.” I replied.

Nico went next saying, “I can do Umbrakinesis, shadow-traveling which is like teleporting, raise the dead, control ghosts, sense life auras and souls, and I’m working on controlling Hellfire.

“Can you kill something just by touching it?” Natasha asked schooling her expression to mask her emotions that I was sure would be apprehensive.

“Do you want to test me?” Nico asked grinning a cold and maniacal smile. The room’s temperature seemed to drop and fear blossomed in them.

Fury, without taking his eye off Nico, called into a radio, “Bring a rat into Conference Room B, please.” Within minutes, a rat in a cage was brought in.

As soon as it saw Nico, it shrieked a loud and horrible sound. Nico gave a cruel and mad smile as he snaked his pale yet olive hand through the door and pulled the rat out.

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