🕷Broken Bonds, Barroom Confessions (Angel)🍾

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Requested by: @minosseade

Pairing: Angel Dust & fem!Reader (ft. Husk)

Summary: Angel Dust's daughter in the living world comes down to Hell after a long time, still mad at her father for leaving her after he committed suicide.

Warnings: Mentions of suicide, death, smoking, drinking, and profanity.

POV: 2nd person & a little bit of 1st person


You were Angel Dust's daughter. At least, that's his new name. You still couldn't believe he preferred being named after a drug rather than his own name, one that felt all too familiar in your mouth, aside from "Dad."

You knew he suffered from many mental health illnesses and got wasted all too often. Maybe that's why he was able to hold off his death for so long. Because you were the one thing that motivated him, and kept him going.

But it turned out you were playing a game that neither of you won in the end.

The day you came home you saw his suicide note.

I'm sorry. The pressure from everyone and everything was too much for me to take and I had to end it. I will always love you, and I know you'll do all too well when I'm gone.

That day you cried all the tears you had. You cried and cried and cried.

You were by yourself, 18 and alone.
Your mother left you when you were only 4.
And your dad died of suicide.

You were angry and sad at the same time. You were mad at Anthony, at your mother, and all of your stupid friends...but most of all, you were mad at yourself.

How could you've let this happen? You were the reason why he died, weren't you?

Yet here you were, seeing him eye to eye once again. In a different life. The afterlife. In Hell of all places.

He greeted you with open arms. He looked so much more different...yet the same all at once. The nostalgia and sadness was too much for you to handle.

You saw the look in his eyes soften more and more, his heart breaking with every word you spat.

Because he knew...it really was his fault.

"How could you have ended up like this?! You let yourself die, knowing I had no one! NO ONE! I was a fucking child!" You screamed, tears streaming down your cheeks. You hit him in the chest. "You think I want to see you after all this time?! YOU ARE FUCKING WRONG!" You yelled, feeling your own heart break as he sobbed, not even able to look you in the eyes.

"Fucking coward..." You muttered, running as fast as your legs could carry you. You just wanted to get as far away as possible. As far away as you could be...from him.

Human or not, you didn't want to see his face ever again.


-Husk's POV-

The hotel was empty, everyone else had gone to bed and I was drowning my stress in yet another bottle of cheap booze.

I heard the hotel door creak open.

"We're closed!" I called in a gruff voice as I wiped down another shot glass. I looked up at the visitor. "Oh, it's just you Angel." I had to do a double take before seeing that he was...crying?

"Are you okay...?" I asked, raising my eyebrows.
"Give me the strongest thing you have." Angel replied through sniffles, plopping himself on the stool across from me.

𝐇𝐀𝐙𝐁𝐈𝐍 𝐇𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐋 𝐗 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐑 || One-shots & Imagines ✓Where stories live. Discover now