Chapter 2

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Luna POV

*ring* *ring*

For the first time for two months, I have heard this annoying monstrosity ring...My alarm. Cursing the existence of alarms, clocks, and the people that invented phones and clocks, I turned it off and threw my pillow over my face; praying that it would suffocate me, but it wasn't enough as soon as I heard my bedroom door open and felt the pillow being yanked from my arms.

"Come on Lu, time for school," I heard Mum say as she opened my curtains. Snarling at her for saying that damn word again, Mum glared at me. "And just because you turn into a giant wolf doesn't give you the right to snarl at your own Mother. Now get up, get dressed and see you downstairs for breakfast."

Rolling my eyes as she left, I got up from my safe heaven and went to the bathroom to freshen up and put on a black bra, an off-shoulder shirt, jeans, boots, a bracelet, and sunglasses in case, before grabbing my bag and going downstairs to see my parents already eating breakfast: bacon, eggs, and waffles.

"Morning Dad, morning Mum," I said announcing my presence.

"Morning Lulu," Dad said as I came up to him and kissed his cheek. "How did you sleep sweetie?"

"Like the dead," I answered as I grabbed a waffle, few pieces of bacon and eggs onto my plate.

Mum and Dad chuckled as they saw me devour my breakfast in minutes, "Well, that was delicious."

"As always," Mum added as I put my plate into the sink and washed it. "Are you excited for your first day?"

I gave Mum the 'are-you-serious look making them laugh. "Mum, what teenager would be excited about their first day in a new school?"

"Umm, all the ones that don't get to have an education," Mum responded. Seriously? That answer again. She needs to stop using that against me.

"Enough with the chit chat, you have to go now," Dad said as he got up from his seat and went to kiss Mum, "and I have to get to work."

I nodded my head and kissed Mum's cheek before waving bye and leaving the house before following Dad into his car. I miss his truck; it was bigger and more practical.

I got in and buckled my belt before Dad started the car and drove towards my new hellhole.

Throughout the ride we spoke about what we should do in case one of us loses control, which I have taught to master since last time it happened.

After a fifteen minute drive, we finally arrived. "Well, here we are. Forks High School."

I nodded my head and gave Dad a quick kiss on the cheek before saying bye and exiting the car as Dad drove off after I closed the door. And all of a sudden, I felt eyes on me.

"Hey, who's that new chick?" I heard someone say as I made my way through the parking lot and into the school.

"Yeah, she looks hot."

"God, I hope she doesn't have a boyfriend."

"Could she wear any sluttier clothes?"

"She looks like a model."

So on and so forth I heard as I made my way to the office, where a middle aged lady was sitting and typing on her computer before noticing me. "Hello sweetie. How could I help you?"

"Hi, I'm Luna Anderson, I'm the new student."

Realisation soon dawned over her and soon I was presented with my timetable, "Here you go, honey. Bella will take you to your first lesson since you two have all your classes together."


"Yes?" I heard a voice behind me and once I turned to find a girl around my age, pale skin, brown haired with hazel-brown eyes, with a green shirt, jeans, a billabong Hannah jacket, a light-brown bag, and trainers.

I quickly shook off whatever thoughts started making way into my brain and held out my hand to her, "Hi, I'm Luna Anderson. The new girl."

"Ah, hi. I'm Bella Swan," Bella responded as she took my hand and shook it. "Come, I'll take you to you around the school."

I nodded and said a bye to the lady before leaving with Bella.

"So where are you from? Cause I would remember seeing you here," Bella said as we walked through the school hallway.

"Vancouver, Canada," I answered as I took everything in. "Me and my parents only got here yesterday after a five hour drive from back home."

"Ah," Bella said. "What's Canada like? I heard it's very cold."

"In Winter yes, but people from Canada are used to it," I responded. "But I was brought up there. I was born in New York before moving to Canada because of work and family personal issues."

Bella nodded as we came to a stop, "Well, here we are. English."

I mumbled a thanks and walked towards the male teacher as Bella made her way to the back and sat next to a very pale looking guy. I instantly knew from all the smells that his was different. Vampire. Oh, how happy will Dad be.

"Okay, Luna, you can go and sit at back next to Edward and Bella."

I nodded my head and went to my assigned seat when I felt eyes all over me. Urgh, nosy people. Shouldn't they focus on their education?

I suddenly felt the vamp's eyes on me, causing me to look at him and glare. I quickly shut down all my thoughts and put a block on my mind, causing the vamp to give me a confused look. I shrugged my shoulders and turned towards the teacher who started the lesson.

Goddess, please let me survive the first day.


I silently exclaimed when I saw Dad pull in-front of the school at the end. I waved bye to Bella, Angela, and Jessica - my new friends I managed to make - before making my way into the car and closed the door as Dad started driving off home.

"Hi Dad, how was work?" I asked as I put on my seatbelt.

"Not bad, a bit stressful but only because there are reports of murders and missing people," Dad answered. "How was school? Made any new friends? Got into trouble?"

"School was okay, made a couple of new friends, and didn't get into trouble," I answered. "Oh, and I found out something."

"What is it?"

"Please don't freak out Dad, but there are vampires going to the school."

My answer suddenly caused Dad to slam on the breaks as the light turned red. Thank Goddess I had a seatbelt, otherwise I would be badly hurt now if I flew out of the car.

"Are you serious?"

I nodded, "But I swear they aren't those sort of vampires. They drink animal blood, and I could see their golden eyes. Plus, I found out that one of them is dating Bella Swan, your new boss's daughter."

Dad's eyes widened at the new information as he started driving again towards home. "Alright. That is still something we have to take into consideration, Luna. Especially the chief's daughter dating one of them."

I nodded my head in response. "But don't worry Dad, they aren't that bad. But their reactions to me were very funny."


"Mm, especially Bella's boyfriend, I could tell he was trying to read me and my mind."

Dad chuckled as he pulled up to our new house and Mum stepped outside while holding her large belly. Dad laughed when he saw me jump out of the car and run to Mum to hug her and kiss her belly.

Goddess, I can't wait to be a big sister. 

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