Chapter 6

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Luna POV

Ever since yesterday on the meadow, I avoided Bella like crazy. Mostly her phone-calls and texts. I think it was her way of trying to get to me and tell me that whatever I saw was fake. Bitch, if they are fake then so am I.

It was currently seven in the morning and my parents along with Prim went out to Seattle for a little shopping. And by little shopping I mean spending all day shopping until you drop on your face in the middle of nowhere and worry a seven year old that her parents didn't come back on time because her mum wanted to buy everything in each store.

I was in the middle of drinking tea and reading one of my favourite books; Pride & Prejudice, when the bell was rung. From my room to the front door, I could already tell it was Bella. Sighing, I put on some leggings, trainers, and a jumper before heading down and opening the door to find the vampire's forever lover. "Hey Bella. What's up?"

She looked at me as if I was crazy. Bitch, quit staring at me like that or I'll lose it. "Hi Luna, I'm not disturbing you...Am I?"

"Nope. What's up?" I asked as I leaned against the door frame.

"Can you come with me somewhere? I thought that if I go with someone it would be less awkward," Bella said, and in a heartbeat, I was pushing her away so that I could close and lock the door behind me before getting into her truck.

"Have you ever thought about changing your transportation?" I asked as Bella reversed and starting driving off towards her hidden destination.

After a fifteen minute drive, Bella turned left and suddenly a small red house with a black rooftop came into my view, along with a garage and a forest surrounding it. I was about to ask her where we were when I caught the scent. Oh shit. Not good. Very not good.

"Did she plan this?" I asked myself quietly.

"What?" Bella asked me with a confused look on her face, but I just shook my head. I quickly masked my scent, but I knew it wouldn't be enough since it would overpower it. Plus, when it comes to male werewolf scents, they are much stronger and masculine then female werewolves. "You can come with me if you want, or just wait in the truck."

"No way am I leaving you alone," I said as I got out of the truck and slammed the door shut. I was about to walk with Bella to the house, but the male pheromones were getting to me, and making my wolf feel weak and powerless. "Damn those scents."

I saw Bella go into the house when I heard a voice, "Jake!"

I quickly looked over to my right and saw them. Sam Uley and his pack. Dad has told me about them and what they are capable of since he spied on them a few weeks ago.

"Hey Jake!" One of them yelled, probably causing Bella to storm out of the house towards them, and me to ran after her, not in time to stop her from pushing Uley.

"What the hell did you do to him?!" Bella yelled, as I tried to pull her away from them. Don't anger the wolves girl.

"Easy!" Sam yelled. Probably because he felt his pack members getting angry.

"Bella, stop!" I yelled as I grabbed her arm and tried to drag her away. "They're not worth it."

"Luna, shut up! You don't know what's going on!" Bella yelled as she shook of my hand on her arm. "What happened to "No way am I leaving you alone"? Huh? What happened to that?"

I could feel all their eyes on me, but right now I was focusing on the evil bitch in-front of me. I could feel my wolf getting angry, but I knew that if I revealed myself, it would cause a lot of trouble. "Bella, just calm down and let's leave. You're not going to find any answers here."

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