Chapter 15

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Luna POV

As I opened the door to my house, yes, my house because I bought it with the help of Dad before the whole drama broke out two months ago, I could feel the pack's breaths on the back of my neck. "Seriously, breath louder guys. You're doing great."

I heard a few chuckles and puffs, before I finally managed to get the door open. I flicked the light on and welcomed the pack in before closing the door after the last member came. I turned around and saw that all of them were now sitting on the couches. "Please, make yourselves at home."

"Luna, why are you acting like this?" Jake asked. "You never behaved like this before."

"Hmm, I wonder why," I said, pretending to think while tapping my chin. "Oh, it's probably because of coming back here instead of driving to the airport and leaving for good. Or it's probably because I didn't want to see any of you."

Ok, that last one was a complete and utter lie, but they didn't need to know that. So, shush.

"Luna, we just want to talk," Leah said calmly. And of-course I listened to her; female werewolves always listen to each other since it was a female that create the first werewolf-shifter.

"Ok," I said calmly before sitting down on an armchair. "What do you want to talk about?"

"Everything," Paul answered. "Why you came here? Why did you lie? How long have you known about us. Everything!"

"Okay Paul, calm down," Emily said soothingly towards my ex-boyfriend. "Luna, how about you tell us the whole story. I think that will clear a lot of confusion and judgement."

See, this is why I love Emily. She's exactly like Mum and will want the best for everybody and will want to help out with any problems.

"Okay, but I'm warning you, this is going to be long," I said before making myself more comfortably on the armchair. I cleared my throat and took a deep breath before starting.

"As you all my know, there are more werewolf-shapeshifters than just your pack. There are thousands like us all around the world that are leading similar lives to ours. But not all are good, and not all are bad. There are some in-between good and bad, but I don't really know about those because Dad never told me a lot about them."

"Okay," Sam responded. "How are you and your family shifters?"

I smiled. "It runs in the family. My family is originally from a very small country in Europe that is between France, Germany and Switzerland, Idris. Everyone from my Mum's and Dad's sides are from there, except for me and my sister since we were born in America, with European roots. My parents moved here while Mum was pregnant with me, so that I could have a better life here than in Idris."

"When did you realise you were a shifter?" Jared asked, every member of the pack, including the imprints, listening carefully to my story.

"Hmm, to be honest I always knew I was different," I answered honestly. "I observed other children before realising that I'm not like them. I didn't want to play with dolls, houses, or cooking. I wasn't interested in cars or boyfriends as I became older. I preferred to go fishing and looking for mushrooms and climbing mountains, rather than have normal childhood life. And it was actually when I first shifted that I knew I was different."

"What caused you to have your first shift?" Embry asked.

Well, here we go. "It was when we lived in Canada for a few years because of Dad's job. I was at school when the mean girls and their followers started verbally harassing me again. One of them, the Queen Bitch, insulted my parents which hit right home and caused me shift out of anger. The transformation took a long time because all my bones were breaking and re-breaking, and when I woke up, I was in wolf form. After that I ran home, and my parents helped me shift back. Since then, I dropped out of school before Dad got a job offer here, and we tried starting a new life, but that even didn't last a day long."

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