Chapter 11

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Luna POV

"So, you're telling me that people like you can find their other half just by looking in their eyes?"

It has been a few minutes since Paul and Jake have revealed to me that shapeshifter werewolves have the ability to imprint. And the way Paul described it to me sounded very romantic, "It's not like love at first sight, really. It's more like... gravity moves... suddenly. It's not the earth holding you here anymore, she does... You become whatever she needs you to be, whether that's a protector, or a lover, or a friend."

I stared spacing out, my head filled with all different kind of thoughts and feelings. Of course, I knew that Paul imprinted on me, since I did the same to him. But what I still didn't get, was why Paul was yelling at Jake.

"Paul, can you explain why you yelled at Jake."

Both of them stiffened at my question. "Look Luna, it's not what it looks like."

"What does it look like?" I asked, feeling myself become nervous and angry at the same time.

"Imprinting can happen at any time after a wolf phases," Jake calmly said, not making me feel any better aswell. "And we can't choose who we imprint on, believe me, even if we tried a thousand times, it still wouldn't work."

Bella suddenly came to my mind. "You tried to imprint on Bella, didn't you? That was you in the meadow trying to imprint on her, but it didn't work."

"Exactly, but Jake did imprint," Paul added.

"You imprinted? On whom?"

They both looked at each other before Jake spoke up. "You're sister."

That was the last thing I remember before I felt my wolf take over.

<<Time Skip>>




"Urgh my head," I groaned as I slowly opened my eyes to find myself in the middle of the wood during early hours of the morning, naked. "What happened?"

'That Jacob guy imprinted on our sister! That's what happened!' My wolf yelled in my head.

My eyes widened in shock, 'Jake imprinted on Prim?'

'Yeah,' my wolf replied.

'But can't I remember what happened after?'

'Cause I took over.'

I gasped, 'Are you crazy?! You showed them who we truly are, and they are probably freaking out right now!'

'Who cares! You already dragged this secret far too long. They were bound to find out one day.'

'One day too soon,' I muttered. 'And why am I naked?'

My wolf smiled shyly 'I forgot to grab a pair of new clothes for you.'

Urgh this wolf. I swear she will get us in a heap load of trouble one day if she already didn't. I transformed into my wolf and started running in the direction of my house because it was better than me being naked.

I was about half-way home by now when we heard howls and paws hitting the ground hard. 'Shit the pack. Quickly, we need to lose them.'

My wolf picked up her speed, but when you have eight wolves chasing your ass it'll be hard to lose them.

I looked over and saw all of them catching up to us, especially Paul's wolf. And he didn't look happy.

'I'm sorry Paul,' I whispered before letting my wolf have full control and run faster than Usain Bolt towards home.

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