Chapter Two: Too Much Too Soon

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As you exited your car, you bounded for the venue with your beloved shiny pass around your neck. Tonight was finally the night. You were going to be front row at the best Green Day concert of your entire life, and you didn't mind showing off a little because you were so damn excited. You happily started walking past a line of fans; your VIP pass seemingly sparkling as everyone around you stared jealously.  When you reached the front, you grabbed your pass and showed it to a security guard.
"Hi, I was told I could get early access inside the venue with this." You smiled eagerly as he took a look at the pass himself.
"Yes, here come with me." He turned around and opened one of the doors for you. When you entered the venue, you were quickly examined for any potential prohibited items, then you were escorted around the venue until you were near a door closest to the pit area. He opened the door to reveal the arena. There were only a few people in the pit. You had plenty of space to pick your spot.
"Just take a straight walk down this path and it will lead you to the pit." The security guard told you.
"Thanks." You said, then began that luxury walk down the arena steps until you were finally in the pit section. You decided to pick a spot in the dead center, right in front of the catwalk. Here, you would be able to see Tre, Mike and Jason equally, and of course, you'll have the perfect view of "your man". 
Which, you had been thinking about your man heavily over the past week, analyzing every moment of that sacred night between you two. You were convinced that he was flirting with you, but also torn because he seemed so sincere about his feelings for you. At some moments, he seemed very cute and caring, but other times, you were sure that he wanted to eat you alive. Billie wasn't like other guys... at all. He was very suave at romantic gestures, but he was also quite a dork, but that's what adored you. That's what you get when you fall in love with a punk rock star. He was uniquely, unapologetically him, and you realized that perhaps that was why he was so adamant on you being yourself. 
You took what he said in to deep consideration these past days, trying to be as open and relaxed as possible. You didn't want to shy away tonight, as you sheepishly hid behind your emotional mask the last time you spoke with Billie. That wasn't you. You wanted Billie to see who you really were, and you weren't going to shy away anymore. Tonight, you had planned to scream as loud as you could, dance as hard as possible, and you wouldn't stop until you were dead. Billie was surely going to see you tonight, and you wanted him to see that you appreciated his kind acts of love with all your heart. 
But more than anything, you didn't want him to forget you.

Finally, the stage had gone dark, and intense buildup music filled the air. The arena was now tightly packed with fans of all ages, all races, and all personalities. You were pushed tightly against the barricade, hardly able to breathe as fans piled on top of you. You gripped onto the fence as hard as you could for support. Everyone around you was revving up with this intense, emotional energy, and you felt like you were gonna pop at any moment. 
After an insane buildup, Green Day took the stage in all their punk rock glory; the audience going absolutely berserk and shoving you into the barricade violently. Your lost your breath for a moment, but caught it as you regained your posture. You looked up, and there was Billie, walking right out in front of you, beaming at the audience. He was wearing a red shirt with a black tie, and black pants with a classic studded belt. His fluffy black hair swooped over his dark eyes, but he pushed his hair out of the way so he could see the audience better. He walked straight down the catwalk and finally stopped in front of you. But he was looking out into the audience, and not right in front of him.
He waved his hand in the air, then held his guitar in the air, desperately trying to get everyone to stand up and scream. But you couldn't scream just yet. You were in awe, and wondering when he would ever notice you. 
It took a couple of songs before Billie had calmed down and was feeling the vibe and flow of the show. There were several moments where he had checked out the first few rows, but you weren't sure that he saw you. You weren't really sure what he could see from the stage perspective. The lights were very bright for performers, especially as they walked the catwalk. Still, you tried to be patient. This was a long show, and he was bound to notice you at some point.
Your patience finally paid off when he took a moment to wind down during "Boulevard of Broken Dreams". During the solo, he started marching down the catwalk, and his eyes seemed to be directly on you. As he came closer, a smile began to form on his face. You blushed, but you didn't hide. You threw your hands up in the air and screamed:
"BILLIE IT'S ME!!" You waved your pass in the air so he could spot you, and he surely did. His smile grew so big you thought his cheeks were going to fall off. Then, he blew you a kiss, just like before, and that's when you knew for sure that he noticed you of all the people.
Of course, the fangirls around you were screaming, arguing over who he intended the kiss for. You just stood there and smiled silently to yourself, feeling like a lucky little bitch. They had no clue what you and Billie had said on that fateful night. They had no idea the feelings that Billie had for you. And honestly, you weren't even quite sure yourself. But you knew that Billie thought you were special. Everyone else was just an ant in a giant colony.
As the night progressed on, something spectacular happened. There was a pause in the set, as Billie walked over to Tre, Jason and Mike, and began discussing something together. After a minute of preparation, Billie returned to his microphone stand with an acoustic guitar in his hand.
"We weren't going to play this one, but I thought I should throw it in there." Billie scratched his head, then looked out into your direction.
"This song is dedicated to a special friend. This is called, 'Extraordinary Girl'".
You gasped as the sweet guitars filled the the arena. You closed your eyes and began to ugly cry. You knew it. You knew he was talking about you. Nobody had to confirm it. You felt it all the way in your heart. You could barely see the stage with your tears leaving pitiful streaks, but you felt every lyric swarming your heart with intense emotion.
"She's an extraordinary girl
In an ordinary world
And she can't seem to get away"
You gulped and felt each lyric seep into your soul like an autobiographical story.
"He lacks the courage in his mind
Like a child left behind
Like a pet left in the rain"

Something felt heavy, and weighted about those lines, as Billie stared at the floor, rather than the audience. You could feel that something was different about Billie during this song.
"She's all alone again
Wiping the tears from her eyes
Some days he feels like dying
She gets so sick of crying"

The audience screamed with joy, but you were caught in all your emotions, feeling lost in them. You couldn't take your eyes of Billie, as he looked so damn beautiful, the way one lonely spotlight shined down on him and accentuated his handsome face. His eyes were closed, feeling the weight of the song and all the thousands of fans who carried their own meaning to it. And you, you believed you were in heaven. To know he had dedicated this song to you was enough to put you in a state of catharsis for the rest of the night.
"She sees the mirror of herself
An image she wants to sell
To anyone willing to buy"

Billie's eyes began to open, as he scanned the audience several times. But you noticed he was mostly looking in your direction.
"He steals the image in her kiss
From her hearts apocalypse
From the one called whatshername
For some reason, that line stung like a bee. You felt something strange about the way he sang those words, almost hesitantly. You started to wonder if this song was indeed autobiographical, and if so, whose image was he stealing from whose kiss? But you shook your head and scrapped the idea.
"He isn't singing about us." You told yourself sternly.
"She's all alone again
Wiping the tears from her eyes
Some days she feels like dying
She gets so sick of crying"

The song carried on, and you were honestly in a trance. All you could manage to do was stare at Billie, tears still swelling and falling, as you leaned into the barricade, wishing it was Billie's chest once more. In fact, you had started to pray to yourself that there would be more to this- that you would have closure and you would get to even meet Billie again. One could only hope, right?
"She's an extraordinary girl
An extraordinary girl
An extraordinary girl
An extraordinary girl"

As the song came to a close, Billie began to walk down the catwalk towards you. You held your breath nervously, attempting to raise your hand in the air so he could see you. But you were too weak, to torn right now, as you slumped over the barricade, exhausted from crying. This was honestly too much to bear. When you finally gained the nerve to look up, your eyes were met with absolute bliss.
Billie was standing there, right at the edge, bent over and looking at you. When your eyes met, he pointed directly at you and smiled, then you could hear him say very clearly:
"I love you! Thank you!"
Your eyes bulged out of their sockets and your ears began to ring. Goodness gracious, this had to've been a dream!! But no, he had actually dedicated all of that to you, and then some. You started crying all over again as Billie walked away, smiling and feeling accomplished. For the rest of the night, you remained a pile of mush, unable to jump or really be enthusiastic. This concert was already enough, and you felt like an old lady who just needed to sit down on a lazy boy and just calm the fuck down. 

Extraordinary Girl: A Billie Joe Armstrong Fanfiction (BJA x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now