Chapter Three: Welcome To Paradise

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Billie had returned with your food, and he had a plate for himself as well. You reached over and took your plate, and he sat down beside you and started eating.
"Billie?" You asked, turning your head towards him as he ate.
"Did Mike and Tre know what we were doing?"
Billie took a few more bites before answering.
"I don't know, but I think your presence just makes it obvious."
You took a bite and then gazed over at him.
"But, don't you think that's awkward? I mean, what would they think?"
Billie chewed his pizza diligently. It was very cheesy and if you weren't careful, mounds of cheese would be on your lap.
"I've brought many fans backstage before. I've never done anything with them like I have with you, but in their eyes it's normal for me to bring girls back and stuff."
"So they think that you bring girls backstage to do sexual stuff with them?"
Billie laughed to himself.
"Hahaha... and guys, too. But not all the time. It isn't like I bring fans back only to seduce them. They know that I bring back some fans just because their cool and other times because they're cute...  it's nothing personal. Everybody does it, even they do."
"Really?" You wondered.
"Yeah, and y'know, maybe they do think that I fuck all the girls back here, I don't know," he laughed harder, "But we don't really talk about it."
"They respect your personal space?"
"Pretty much. I mean we've known each other for so long that we can read each other's minds. This is a rock band. Nothing is out of the ordinary."
You guys sat in silence for a minute to finish eating your food. Once you were finished, you both stood up to throw your plates in the trash. But as you did so, you could feel a hand slowly creep up and lock around your waist.
"So, I should probably get going, but I want to make this as sneaky as possible, okay?" You turned to see his face, and you were met with his incredible, devious smile.
"Yes, let's do this!" You encouraged, touching his hand that was wrapped securely around you. Your heart was leaping with mounds of excitement.
"First, how did you get here? Did you drive?"
"Yes. I have a car." You replied.
"Okay perfect. What I'm going to do is give you my number. Then I'm going to dismiss you from backstage, and have security show you the way to your car. I'm going to go with the rest of the band as we drive to the hotel that's up the street. I'm going to get us a room without the other guys knowing. You don't move an inch from the parking lot until I text you that the coast is clear. Once I do, you can drive up to the hotel, I'll tell you which room I'm in and you can come up and find me. Got it?"
You smiled to yourself and held his hand. This was certainly a well-devised method just to get laid. But you knew it was necessary to avoid all the drama, and it would only increase your anticipation about the future events of the night. Billie was quite the the guy...
"Yes. It sounds perfect... and naughty." You giggled slyly.
Billie laughed silently to himself and shook his head.
"Oh you're worth the struggle, believe me."
"You really think so?" You questioned, but playfully.
"You're my extraordinary girl." He answered rather candidly.
You blushed and looked down at the floor, so deeply touched.
"Billie... why do you always call me that?"
"You will find out soon enough." His hand slowly left your side as he turned to face you, running his fingers through his hair as if he knew exactly how to orchestrate the night... and how to turn you totally on.
You decided not to question that. Alright, he wants to mess with you? You'll let him play with you, for a little bit. But you were adamant on giving him quite the night to remember yourself. You weren't an expert on love by no means, and you were still rather inexperienced. But you had the heart, the soul, the character and the intentions to love like no other. Maybe this is what he saw in you, and what prompted him to call you extraordinary. But, you tried to not let it get to your head. The last thing you wanted to do was be a complete failure and let Billie down.
"Hey... did you really dedicate that song to me?" You started to wonder out loud.
"Yes, now come on. I think they really want me to go." Billie rushed towards the door, motioning for you to follow him. It was as if he would rather keep that dedication a special secret. Well, now wasn't the time to get sentimental. You had a dire plan to enact. 
"Okay." You followed him to the door. Then he stopped you, and pulled out his phone.
"What's your number, sweetie pie?"
You blushed at his pet name and melted inside at the thought of having Billie Joe Armstrong's phone number. That's when you realized that this would inevitably go beyond a one night stand. You were friends. Goodness, you could call him whenever... and the thought amused your brain for a hot second.
Billie noticed you were frozen for a moment and he chuckled as you quickly came to you senses and pulled out your phone.
You gave him your number and he carefully typed it in. After a moment, he set his phone down.
"I just sent you a text. Let me know if you got it."
You unlocked your phone and sure enough, you received a message from a new number. As you opened it to read it, you found a winky ;) face inside.
"Billie..." you laughed, but blushed, too.
"You got it? Okay perfect. You know what to do, right?"
"Yeah. Have security help me to my car then sit and wait for your message."
"Yep! You got this. Okay, I'm gonna open the door now. You sure you're ready?"
Billie looked down at you with an adorable crooked-toothed grin.
"Ready when you are." You assured.
He opened the door cautiously, peeking out to see what was going on. Then he motioned for you to follow him. He took you down the hallway and met up with a security guard standing by.
"Hey, would you mind taking this little darling to her car? She's parked in the main lot." Billie asked.
The guard nodded and started taking you away. As you followed him, you couldn't help yourself and looked back. Billie was still standing there, making sure you were safe and alright. You could feel your eyes getting watery, even though you would return to him shortly. Now that you had a relationship with him, any separation from him became increasingly difficult, no matter the situation or duration. He was extraordinary. You couldn't believe someone like him existed and you wanted to be with him for as long as humanly possible.
It took awhile due to the venue's size, but eventually you were lead to a side door that had access to the main lot. 
"That's the main lot." He pointed off to the right. There weren't many cars out now, and you could see your car from a distance.
"Thank you so much." You waved as you started heading off towards your car.
"Have a nice night." He said, and closed the door, leaving you alone in the darkness.
The parking lot was a bit dim and creepy so you started sprinting for your car. Eventually you made it and you quickly sat inside and locked your doors. Then you pulled out your phone, surprised to see a text so soon from Billie.
"Let me know when you get to your car so I know you're safe." It read.
Your heart exploded with love. Nobody cared for you so intently like this. Really, nobody.
You send him a message back, saying:
"I'm in, I'm alright. Thanks :)"
There was a few minutes of silence, but then you got another text.
"Alright. You sit tight, my little sunshine. I'll have this sorted out soon." 
Now that you were alone, you squealed as loud as you could reading his message. What was with all these cute pet names? Whatever it was, you never ever ever wanted them to stop. This was so freaking adorable, and now you were caught up in creating fun names for him. King... stud muffin... baby face... prince... hot shot... handsome... you laughed to yourself. Some of these would need some additional reconsideration... but it was enough to entertain you for a while until Billie was finished doing his part. 
You took a look around the empty parking lot. About 20 minutes had passed, and you were getting a bit anxious. Was everything alright? Did his plan work? You tried to entertain yourself some more by thinking about all the dirty things you couldn't wait to do to him... finally, you were going to be able to emotionally, mentally, spiritually, and of course, sexually explore yourself and him, together... like real lovers. And of all the people in the world... you narrowed down billions and scored with Billie- the only man you'd ever wanted in all honesty, anyway. This was unbelievable, still... and the more you thought about him, the more your body was filled with goosebumps. Ugh... how much longer would you have to wait to make love to your hero?
Fortunately, your wait was soon over as you received the text of your dreams.
"I got us a room, darling. You can head on over to room #905!"
You blushed, even though he wasn't there, because you could totally hear his adorable voice in your head. You sent him a quick text that you'd be on your way, and then you put it into drive and got the hell out of there.
The ride was short, thankfully, as the hotel was only a block or so from the venue. It was one of those exquisite, grand hotels that had a restaurant, bar, kitchen, library, gym, pool, diner, conference room, laundry room, and essentially anything you could think of. As you looked up, you counted nearly 10 floors. This place was massive and totally fit for a huge band like Green Day. It almost made you feel guilty for being there, as if you didn't deserve such fine treatment.
It took some patience, but you were eventually able to find a parking space. You got out of your car and began skipping towards the royal entrance. You weren't wasting any time now. Your man was waiting for you to rescue him at the top of the tower.
"Which floor is #905 on?" You kindly asked the clerk behind the counter.
"Top floor. #10." She said.
Your eyes bulged for a moment. Jesus, how did he manage to get a room way up there? You turned and headed for the elevator, punching in the top floor. Even the elevator ride was a solid few minutes. At last though, you reached the top floor, and you began hunting for his... or should you say, your room together.
You took a few turns around some corners, and finally, you found room #905. It was on the end, separated from all the other rooms. You placed a gentle knock on the door.
Billie opened the door- his shirt off, looking very sweaty and exhausted. You weren't exactly sure if this resulted from the show, or if he had been doing something else rather adventurous in there... but either way you were turned on like you'd never felt before. You took a quick glance into the room, noticing it was more like an apartment- it had a whole mini kitchen, a giant closet and even a balcony to look out on. And that classic queen sized bed adorned in ruby red sheets seemed to delightfully set the tone for romance.
"Billie! Woah-" You began to compliment his room choice, but you felt his arms wrap around you and yank you into the room instead. You hardly had a chance to breathe; his lips were quickly pressed firmly against yours, his hands massaging every part of you back and waist. He was definitely hungry and you were likely the greatest meal he's ever had.
You closed your eyes and felt him lead you towards the bed; his wet lips still caressing every inch of yours. You could feel his seductive energy flowing into your soul; your veins begging to hold him close to your heart. And you listened to your body, not fighting the feelings, just allowing things to unfold naturally the way you always wanted. As he plopped you down on the bed beside him, you curled your arms around his shoulders and cuddled him as closely as possible. Billie released his lips for a moment.
"Yes... you're all mine... finally." His voice was low, almost a husky growl, and it revved up your engine. You eagerly opened your eyes to see his handsome green eyes- the black eyeliner giving his appearance a more darker, wilder and promiscuous tone. This sly panther was prepared to have you in any shape, way or form he could get his claws on.
"Ugh..." You unintentionally moaned; his intense gaze feeding your spirit with crazy schemes of love. The feelings were ever so mutual. You had to have him in every way possible. You needed whatever he could give you.
"Have you been thinking about me again?" Acknowledging his strong sex drive, you bit your lip and looked down at his lips, pressuring him to give in.
Billie chuckled and licked his lips, giving your anticipating lips another smooch.
"How did you know? Is being shirtless giving it away?" He smirked.
You laughed and looked over at his pants, shaking your head.
"No. Your fly is unzipped." You giggled, reaching down and placing your hand on his leg. Of course he had been masturbating over you at any chance he could get. His cheeks turned a little red, but he laughed along with you.
"Now what's on your mind that's making you look way down there?" He smiled real big.
You weren't sure how to respond, given you weren't the master at sweet talking and flirting. Perhaps being honest was the best approach.
"Why tell you when I can show you?" You smiled sweetly, but so not innocently.
Billie leaned back and positioned himself on the bed. You crawled onto the bed yourself and giggled a bit devilishly. He looked at you with eyes filled of wonder.
"I'm so fucking hard." He nearly moaned, sending your heart aflutter with aggressive butterflies. Knowing you turned him on so easily like that never got old... but your wet panties were getting a bit irritating.
You scooted over to his side and leaned on top of him as he fell back into the pillows. Shit was getting hot and heavy fast. He reached his arms out and pulled you in towards his chest. You hardly had time to examine his plentiful tattoos... you just wanted to taste every inch of his body that was exposed.
As you learned down towards his body, you had a quick mini heart attack as you realized what you were actually about to do. All those years of dreaming over this man and what you wanted to do to him... and now it was finally here, right now in this moment. But you could barely think about what to do... you could only feel the groove as you lived in the moment, taking in all the romance at once. Whatever you were going to do, you just couldn't believe that he was going to let you do it. God, you felt so lucky to be his extraordinary girl.
"Mmmm..." You went in for him, kissing his chest over and over, feeling the slick sweat across your lips. Ugh, how he was so soft, so smooth- it drove you absolutely mad.
"I've wanted to have you like this for years..." You said quietly, focusing more on seducing him.
Billie sighed, feeling your love completely take over his senses.
"So sweet, for a little devil." He snickered as you moved your kisses up towards his neck now. You watched his eyes roll back like this was some heavenly massage; and that's exactly what you had planned. Your heart skipped a beat as you planted several kisses along his jaw and down his neck- you could hardly contain yourself as you once again realized what was actually happening. Nothing in the world mattered- right now you were leaning over Billie, cupping his head in your hands and smooching him all over- not leaving any part untouched. It was absolutely sexy as hell feeling the stubble on his neck upon your lips. It reminded you that this wasn't some meek teenage boy, you had yourself an actual man, and he was much older and experienced than you. Feeling unbelievably frisky at the thought, you decided to suck his neck deep down by his collarbone, leaving an impressive hickey as a souvenir.
"Ahhh, god Y/N..." He praised, looking up at you with intense bewilderment. He touched his neck where the hickey was hiding, looking a bit unhinged.
"What's the matter? Am I too much?" You giggled manically again, sending Billie into a hormonal rage of desperation.
"Aaaagghhh..." He groaned loudly, leaning up and grabbing your shoulders tightly. You held your breath, your heart racing a mile a minute as he assertively shoved you down onto the bed. You could feel your legs clenching, your clit throbbing as he slowly climbed over you, glaring into your eyes with immense passion. This is it. This is what you desperately yearned for!
You blushed madly as he took a hold of your t-shirt.
"Let me see you. I need all of you." He begged, pulling your sleeve until part of your shirt was ripped off. You assisted him and yanked your shirt over your head, tossing it somewhere on the floor. The look on Billie's face was oh so dirty and licentious.
"You look so innocent..." He closed his eyes for a moment, snickering in his naughty mind. Then he leaned down into you, pressing his hands on your side, and leaving a trail of kisses alongside your bra.
Your eyes were open, but lost in a gaze as you focused more on your other senses; listening to the sound of his sweet plump lips leaving wet smoochy noises across the hotel. The sound of your heartbeat in harmony with his, and the feeling of his warm breath against your bust as he kissed you deeply, and as amorously as possible.
Then he moved down, taking ahold of your bra with his teeth as he playfully started tugging it off you. You smiled and laughed silently, feeling his arms squeeze underneath you and unlock the strap. What couldn't he do, that absolutely didn't make you so irresistibly wet?
Before you knew it, Billie had swiped your bra clean off you, and was heading for your bosom with an extra amount of libido.
You felt a warm, wet and soft sensation on your nipple, and the feeling was so overwhelming, so much, you thought you just might orgasm on the spot. He sucked you quite headstrong, but rhythmically, causing your other nipple to harden. But just like that, he slipped his hand over your body and squeezed your breast gently, taunting you into what more was to come.
"Ughhh..." You sighed into the air, your eyelids growing heavy as his tongue pressed around the tip of your nipple, leading you into an unavoidable state of bliss. Pressure was building both in your chest and down below, as you were experiencing intense warmth building in your panties. You tried to squirm, feeling uncomfortable, but he was on top of you, securing you in place. You instinctually moved your arms up and around his shoulders, taking his head in your hands and ruffling his fluffy jet black hair. Everything about this man was so fucking delicious and you just wanted to SCREAM!!!
"Uggghh!" You moaned louder now from frustration, his hand now leaving your breast and sliding down real low... lower and lower until his fingers danced around the bottom opening of your shorts. You knew exactly what he had in mind and you could feel wetness ooze from you involuntarily. You weren't gonna win this fight, and you absolutely didn't want to.
"Mmmm..." Billie said softly, inching his fingers into your shorts and squeezing through your panties. There was a momentary pause, as he lifted up his head from your breast and licked his lips, opening his eyes and staring at you, impatiently. Then, he swiftly slid his fingers over your hot, throbbing clit, noticing your ample arousal.
"Mmmmhhhmmm..." He moaned again to himself, so turned on that you were helpless under his control. He scooted himself back just a few inches, so that he could now kiss your stomach. With his hand still firmly in place over your clit, he started to rub you gingerly, leaving you breathless and weak, shaking and breaking.
"Ahhh, so wet... is that really all from me?" He teased you fervently, feeling your legs twitch under his tantalizing touch. You attempted to look down, to see the beautiful man kiss your body and take you to places you never thought you'd see, but you were just too feeble from the incredible sensation below. You laid back down into the sheets, already worked up and exhausted from being his favorite little girl.
Billie kissed and rubbed you so deeply for a man, possessing such an attention to detail that must be the result of being such a successful songwriter. And it absolutely worked in your favor, feeling his fingers spread around your swollen labia, riding your clit along the side, generating some incredibly intense butterflies. All of a sudden, your leg began to shake really bad. You knew you were incredibly close and yet he had hardly started.
You could feel your breath getting very labored as your arms dropped to your sides weakly. You sank into the sheets, his hot body squeezing you beneath his like a thick, cozy blanket. Your leg was still shaking, and it he quickly picked up the pace noticing you were on the brink of dying from a love overload. His kisses had found their way down to your hips, the intimate spot leaving you frozen in shock. He made love to your body sweetly, while those fingers were making magic below, sending your heart and mind through the fucking roof.
"I can't, I can't-" You closed your eyes in desperation, whispering frantically.
Billie lifted up his head and smiled.
"Yes you can."
"I can't do it ughhhh..." You continued, grinding your teeth together as the pressure below built to a climax.
"You will for me." Billie whispered back, so deep and naughty.
Your leg was shaking so badly now that your whole body had started to explode; a sensation so extraordinary starting from your clit, working it's way through your core, you limbs and out your trembling fingers and toes.
"Aaahhhhh!!" You shook and whimpered, knowing how ridiculous you might have appeared, but Billie loved you all the same, squeezing you close to his heart as you quite predicably so orgasmed before him. He even stopped just to watch you contort your body and wince, unable to help yourself against the power of his love. He knew exactly what he wanted to do to you, and it was now that you were beginning to feel a little afraid. If this is only the beginning, then would the real climax be?
"Mmmmm..." You moaned softly, your body eventually relaxing underneath his embrace. When you had finally come to your senses, you could feel his fingers crawl out of your shorts and hover over your zipper. You were so damn ready to rip off these soaked panties, you practically begged him to relieve you of your discomfort.
"What a wonderful angel you are." He sat up for a moment, to have a good look at the work he'd done on your overall body. Warm, red and sweaty to the touch, your skin felt on fire. He was so talented at the art of making love. Or maybe, it was the room. Either way, you were too sweaty to go on.
"Billie..." You panted, combing the hair out of your eyes, "I'm so damn hot..." 
He looked down at you with amazement in his eyes, all because he loved you so much. With his mind filled of crazy thoughts and naughty ideas, he was barely paying attention to your words, honestly. 
"Please crank the air..." You almost gasped for air, as you took a hand and felt your body all over. Only one orgasm in and you were already destroyed. What were you gonna look like by the end of the night?
Billie shook his head, coming back to the moment and chuckled, getting off the bed.
"What's the matter, can't handle me?" He teased, turning the air up in the room a few notches. He returned to you, with his hands back over your zipper.
You blinked, and found your eyes lost in his. He looked so sexy, the way he gripped the zipper in his hand like the hungry panther he is- and all those tattoos and his nicely toned chest and arms just excited you more than ever now- you couldn't wait for him to really explore you. His dark hair shagged into his eyes, but you couldn't look away... not now, while he was seducing you so vehemently like this.
"I'm just so hot..." You sighed, seeing a shift in his gaze.
"Well then, I think I know what might fix that." He flirted with a promiscuous smirk, unbuttoning and unzipping your shorts happily. You lifted your back up, helping him slide your shorts down to your knees. A cool gust of air hit your wet thighs.
"Ughhh... finally..." You sighed again, still looking at him with intense desire.
"Oh don't worry, I'm not stopping there." His smile grew bigger, wasting no time as his fingers curled over the edges of your panties, sliding them down your body and down into your shorts. He helped you undress completely, then playfully tossed your shorts off the bed. But he kept your panties, bringing them closer to him so he could have a good look at the mess he made. Your undies were dark, but the creamy white spot of cum in the center was as clear as ever.
He didn't say a word, he just sat there admiring his handiwork and thinking about how badly he wanted his trunks removed.
You decided to break the silence, your heart leaping out of its chest as you laid there naked and exposed for him.
"Are you gonna frame 'em?" You giggled softly.
He turned and chuckled at you, finally tossing the panties aside.
"Forget the panties. I need a taste of you." He urged, crawling up and over you in a menacing manner, but also playfully.
You started, "Billie, I-"
"If you'd let me, I'd pin you up against the wall and admire you like a real work of art."
Your eyes widened, you heart dropping as you forgot how to breathe. You weren't even sure how to remotely respond to that!
He bent down to get near your lips, giving you a gentle but inviting kiss as goosebumps formed on the sides of your cheeks. He then leaned so low, his pelvis was pressed against yours, leaving only his pants and undies to soften the firm bulge behind them. You thought you just might squirt on the spot.
Suddenly, he sighed and moved near your ear, whispering elegantly as ever.
"My extraordinary girl... do you trust me?"
The bulge pressing up against your pussy was distracting as hell, still making you utterly breathless. But Billie lifted his head up to see your worn but pretty face, and you nodded at him, innocently. 
He reached out and cupped your cheek in his palm, caressing the side of your face as he toned his sexual aggression down, momentarily. He smiled at you, and you inched your head closer, urging for another kiss. He obeyed and kissed you again and again, still holding your cheek with deep love. Then, he parted his lips for the final words you'd been waiting for.
"Alright, time to taste your oozing little honey pot."

Extraordinary Girl: A Billie Joe Armstrong Fanfiction (BJA x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now