Chapter Six: Extraordinary Girl

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His eyes gazed down upon his aching cock, then up into your sensitive eyes- his intentions were as clear as ever... but he still wanted to make sure his truest, deepest feelings were being heard.
"Whatever happens, just know that I wouldn't want to go through any of it with any other person. You are enough for me." His voice was low and soft.
Your heart skipped; a natural smile spread across your face. He seemed too good to be true. Until you realized that he literally was a dream come true. He smiled back at you, knowing that he was eternally faithful to his word and couldn't wait to prove it to you.
You could feel his cock twitching, dying just to get closer to you- or rather in you. You sensed he desperately wanted you to relieve him of his nagging temptations, and now the time felt right. You could trust him, but not only that- you knew how lucky you were since the moment he hugged you by the tour busses. You knew damn well it was your responsibility to cater to him as needed... and you loved every minute of it. You were ready for this. And even if you weren't, you knew there was no looking back now. All you ever wanted was just a word away.
As he looked at you, his eyes begging for that release- you bit your lip and nodded at him. No more would you both suffer, your minds racing with heavy thoughts of how it would feel to be fulfilled spiritually, and sexually. You could feel him inching inside of you now, the tip of the head spreading open your pussy just a smidge.
You looked down for a moment, watching as he tried to slide himself into you. But he wasn't positioned correctly, and nothing was budging. You took his dick and helped carefully align him, and then he slid himself into you so effortlessly, so wet and slick. He smirked, loving the way you took charge of his body. You held your breath as you could feel you vagina expanding, indeed accommodating all of him as he filled himself all the way to your end. Your thighs clenched, your heart raced as his sturdy, thick cock nuzzled deep inside you. Something about this entire moment felt so fucking right.
"Oh god..."
You whispered quietly, moving your hands towards the entrance of your vagina, feeling the way his body fit like a puzzle piece. This was already so much more than you could handle, and he hadn't even started. You clenched your jaw together now, anticipating your world to be shaken 360 degrees.
You looked back up into his eyes, as he began to slowly slide himself back and forth inside you. He read your expressions, he noticed each part of your body as you'd involuntarily twitch here and there, the pressure gradually increasing. But you were a bit in a trance, for this whole experience was electrifying and divine. You could feel his cock rubbing against every part of your vagina, leaving no part of you unloved.
"Is everything alright, little girl?" He whispered, placing his hand on your belly endearingly. He noticed you hadn't blinked a whole minute.
You shook your head loose of your trance and put your hand over his. He was very warm to the touch, and so was the rest of his body as he leaned down into you. 
"Yes." You whispered, still sort of losing your mind. Billie started to increase his pace now, finally gaining a momentum that had some force behind it. Your legs started to open up, adjusting to his position. You found yourself squeezing his hand as his dick rode along with ease, it just felt so fucking good to actually have him in you. Your walls began to tighten, while the blood rushing to the tip of his cock only made it feel like the tightest, almost virginal fit ever. Billie smirked at the hot, damp sensation of your vagina around him- it was tantalizing- tempting him to thrust harder, faster and deeper.
You could hear a small sigh escape him as he closed his eyes for a moment, feeling you from the inside out. Your hand still remained over his, connecting to his soul. His arm was slightly shaking, and you could feel the tension building in his extremities. Both of you could sense that amazing climax building deep within. Just then, he slid his cock down far enough until it began stretching you, and you could feel his thighs and balls smack against your pelvis and ass as he increased his thrusting.
"Oh... Billie... ugghh..." You moaned, though in a soft whisperer. His hand slowly left yours and began to straddle your hips, for now things were getting serious. The bed began to shake, leaving you annoyed little squeaks from the springs every once in awhile.
Your eyes met his again. They were dark green and passionate, glowing from the warm lamp across the room. He looked like he was going to devour you as his next meal... and you gladly spread your legs out wider, allowing him to get at whatever he pleased. You could feel your heart racing, beating in time with each thrust. By now though, it wasn't just him who was thrusting- you couldn't help yourself as you thrusted along with him, your hips moving along with his pace and creating a steady movement in unison. It was now that your heart was purely fulfilled. The one you loved was bringing every dream you never thought was possible, into reality.
You sighed, and he moaned back. 
"Mmmm..." He wasn't hiding anything from you.
For a minute there, you took a deep breath to help you stay attuned to each part of your body. Billie leaned in a little more, his cock now piercing your g-spot that was already swollen and red from before. You weren't sure what orgasming would feel like now, but you didn't exactly care, because your arousal was at an unfathomable level, and your vagina had already made up its mind that it was gonna take on everything Billie had to offer.
With his hands squeezing you hips, you felt like he was a cowboy, even in the missionary position. And you were turned way the hell on. Warm wetness began oozing around your walls, soaking Billie's cock with all your love. As his tip pressed along your g-spot, that addictive, growing sensation filled your senses and spilled all over your body. You tingled all over; even your legs began twitching uncontrollably as he penetrated you fully.
"Uggghhh, oooh!" You yelped, squeezing the bed sheets and bucking like a horse, restrained against Billie's body over yours. He chuckled, but only for a moment as chills ran down his arms. He was getting close and he could feel his paces growing sloppy. Thrusting as hard as ever now, you felt slight discomfort as he stretched you from the front to the back, and his cock was throbbing like your heartbeat... both too fast to bear.
"Billie!" You whimpered, reaching down and grabbing his arms for stability. You could feel your legs pulling back while his cock made love to every inch of your vagina. You were still sparkling from your orgasm that was still very much present, waiting for Billie's turn to spark up again.
"My..." Billie started, his pace now sloppy enough that you were being shaken like a ragdoll.
"My extraordinary girl..." Bille whispered huskily, his moody eyes set on yours as he laid out a couple more thrusts. Then, suddenly your whole universe collided into his as your mind, heart, bodies and souls changed forever.
You squealed as his cock shot more warm, milky cum down the back of your uterus, melting into your core. It wasn't a lot, but it was enough. Enough to make you feel like the perfect woman for him. He slowed his pace down dramatically, but still straddled your sides. Your warm wetness flooded his cock, and blended in with his cum. You were reminded of the decent possibility of getting pregnant, but at this point, that would be the perfect blessing.
You felt his thighs shake from the intense ejaculation, and the butterflies in your stomach fluttered around from your fierce orgasm. The both of you took a few much needed deep breaths, before he slowly pulled himself out of you and crawled over your hot, sweaty frame.
You couldn't help but shoot him a dirty little smile. The way his fluffy dark hair covered his eyeliner- which was bleeding slightly from the sweat across his face- made him look like the sexiest thing you'd ever laid your eyes on. Which of course he always was, but he was somehow even sexier all exhausted and vulnerable like this. And it drove you absolutely insane.
"Kiss me, now." You ordered, reaching out for his shoulders and yanking him into you. He leaned down over your body, encompassing you in a sweet embrace; his lips fusing with yours tenderly, passionately and zealously- for now you both knew how each other tasted, and felt within... the addiction to love was unstoppable now. You wanted, needed him in every way he desired you. And the more one gave in, the more the other yearned to reciprocate.
"Mmmmm..." you moaned, craving his touch under his soft lips as they teased you, tortured you, but loved you in the ultimate way. Your hands naturally squeezed his broad shoulders, pulling him as close as possible to your heart. You both came up for some air, licking your lips and locking eyes before diving back into his luscious mouth with a little bit of tongue. You slowly traced your fingers now from his shoulders to his arms, lightly outlining each unique tattoo with love. You adored every part of this man's body that laid before you, and you would willingly die to prove it.
Billie broke the kiss for a moment, and sighed into your mouth. You breathed him in with pleasure, caressing his arms beside you. When you looked up, you could see that he was preparing to say something, but his hair was still shagging in his eyes. You combed them out of the way for him, and he gave you his classic adorable crooked-tooth grin.
"I love you so much." He suddenly whispered, and it shocked the hell out of you.
You knew he did, but to hear him say it considering he seldom used those words made you fall in love with him hard than ever. You didn't even know you had the capacity to love him this much.
"Billie, I..." You wanted to share the love, but his lips were back down, melting into yours as he made love to you all over the bed. He took your body and rolled you over until you were on top, and he strategically wrapped his legs around yours until you couldn't escape his grip. You fumbled around, trying to get comfortable, but he didn't care. He squeezed you into his soul until you were essentially all in one, two hearts collectively as one, yet again.
And he kissed you. And kissed you. And fucking kissed you as hard as he could until you didn't know what to do without his love. His arms crept up your sides, tying you down as your breasts collided with his chest. You could feel his heartbeat against yours, and it felt so genuinely romantically pure and almost too good to be true. You pulled your lips away for a moment, insisting a moment to pause.
"Billie, oh... can you feel that?" You whimpered, worn from all the kisses. He looked at you and cocked his head playfully.
"I think so?" He questioned, a little unsure.
"My heart is beating with yours." You smiled, and all of a sudden a sneaky little tear came trickling down your face. You hated that he made you cry so much, but for some reason it felt so damn good.
Billie paused for a moment, to feel the sensation. He closed his eyes, and listened like the virtuoso he was. This only made you cry harder. How you loved his beating heart, just for you.
When he opened his eyes, you jumped right in.
"I love you, Billie. I love you, too." You whispered.
Suddenly he sat up, and you crawled off of him. When you looked down at the sheets, you noticed there was a small amount of blood on them. It wasn't enough to be concerned or anything, but it definitely made you curious.
"Look, there's blood." You pointed to the sheets. Then you looked down at yourself. There was a little redness and all, but it didn't look bad. You weren't sure why this happened, especially since you didn't feel pain and you were both quite lubricated.
"Why do you think this happened?" You questioned.
Billie shrugged, "I don't know. I guess my cock stretched you out pretty far."
You noticed however, that there was a slight melancholic tone to his voice. You were immediately prompted to look up and read his eyes. And what you found was what you were not prepared for in the slightest. He was crying.
"Billie?" You saw him try to turn his face and hide, embarrassed. But you weren't gonna have it that way.
"Billie..." You said again but with deeper concern, sliding over to him and giving him the biggest, snuggliest hugs of all time. Your heart was shattered so fucking much seeing him this way, and it was the first time you really encountered him like this. You had to let him know you loved him no matter what.
"What's wrong? I love you..." You whimpered, nestling you head across his chest, feeling that heart beat all over again. You put your hand on his chest, and suddenly now you were weeping along with him.
Billie cuddled you close as the tears streamed down, leaving pitiful black streaks of eyeliner down his cheeks. He took a deep breath as his diaphragm wavered, the stress as evident as daily. He was weak and you could feel his sensitivity flow into you. You squeezed him so hard now it almost hurt, but he appreciated it wholeheartedly.
"I'm sorry..." Billie whispered, "I know you do. It's just, the whole heartbeat thing..." He sniffled up the boogers that were falling like a child who had just fallen, and he shook his head at his patheticness. 
"When I felt your heart against mine, it was... it was just the most beautiful thing I've ever felt. It really was." He wiped his eyes, and now there was eyeliner all over his hands. He was a mess, but so were you, as you hurried to wipe the boogers that were nearly falling into your mouth. Nobody talks about this side of love. Nobody expects this to happen when you decide to have a wicked one-night-stand with a rock star. It's basically unheard of. And yet here the two of you were, showing that all sides of your souls were meant to be loved.
"It's okay..." You whispered back, kissing his chest and holding him near, "My heart is yours. It was meant to beat this way." You closed your eyes as you kissed his chest, and you held your lips across his body, until you could almost feel his heart against your lips. A few tears streamed down into his lap, and that's when you looked up and grabbed his cheeks, pulling him in for one last amorous embrace. Your lips met his, and so did your tears and snot, but neither of you gave a damn. They were just one more part of your bodies to taste, as gross as it seemed.
You pulled the hair out of his eyes and he did the same for you. Now you both had makeup running, staining your cheeks and hands. Suddenly, you both chuckled at the sight of you both looking like clowns.
"Heh..." Billie smiled to himself, rubbing his eyes to get a better look at you.
"Stop." You giggled back, "You look absolutely horrid. Go look in a mirror."
Billie got up off the bed and headed for the bathroom. You heard him laugh even harder, so you decided to join him.
"Wow I look like shit." You laughed with him, then your eyes met, romantically.
"And you're still as sexy as ever." He smirked.
"Sexy and looking like shit?" You crossed your arms.
"Yup. I'd bang you like that." He laughed again.
"You'd bang me anyway you could get me." You scoffed, teasing him.
"You got that right, little darling." 
He turned on the sink and grabbed a hand towel, wetting it before placing it over his eyes. You decided to join him as you washed your faces. After a few minutes of rubbing, now the both of you had red faces and bloodshot eyes.
"Wow you look high as fuck." Billie pointed at you.
"Shut the fuck up, I'm not the singer of a band named GREEN DAY!" You hit his arm playfully.
Billie laughed so hard he snorted, then grabbed your shoulder sternly.
"Watch it, little girl. I didn't have to bring you back stage in the first place." He growled, but failed miserably to hide his smile.
"Yes you did, I'm your extraordinary girl, remember?" You batted your eyelashes at him goofily.
Billie sighed with frustration, but you could tell he loved every minute of it.
"I'm gonna get you." He said lowly.
"What do you mean?" You raised an eyebrow.
But he didn't give you a second warning. All of a sudden like a tornado, he picked you up in mid air, throwing you down on the bed and tickled the living fuck out of you mercilessly. You were so flustered and panicked that you were very certain you were gonna piss the bed.
"BILLIE!!!' You shrieked, kicking your legs and flailing your arms. But he had you pinned, tickling you from the neck on down to your- as he would affectionally call it- honey pot.
"Billie PLEASE!" You begged again, trying to pry him off of you but he was just so strong.
"I'm gonna piss the bed, stop!!!" You screamed again, but the devilish look in his eye only heightened as he got you from your sides now. You winced as you desperately tried to catch your breath. 
"Yessss..." Billie growled, "Piss on me." 
Your eyes bulged out of your sockets. Were you hearing him correctly?
"You want me to piss on you!?" You exclaimed, crossing your legs together to prevent the piss that was well on its way. 
Billie sighed and tickled your belly so you would lose even more control.
"I'm so fucking horny... yes... I need ALL of you!!!" He snarled, that panther coming out to hunt you down. You were extremely intimidated.
"I can't, I can't-" You begged, your legs shaking now as you tried so hard to hold the flow back. You were embarrassed but still somehow turned on.
"Piss on me baby." He tickled you more and more, harder and harder, until it was just physically too hard to resist. A few drops leaked from your core, but Billie didn't notice because it wasn't much. Unfortunately for you, you knew it was impossible to hold back for much longer, especially when he began to straddle your legs over his shoulders. You helplessly surrendered to his wishes, pissing all over his chest as the golden liquid leaked down his body and onto the bed. But you immediately stopped, feeling vulnerable doing something so... taboo.
Billie looked down at you and growled.
"Why stop?" He panted, his heart racing from the wild thrill.
"I can't do it." You shook your head, a little ashamed. But Billie had other plans in mind than consoling you.
"Well then..." He pulled you off of him, then looked down at the puddle around his knees. You could tell he was up to no good when he gave you the side eye.
"I guess daddy's gonna have to punish you." He snickered, crawling back over to your body. You winced and crawled into the fetal position, expecting him to tickle you once more, but instead he picked you up and headed for the bathroom. He sat you down on the toilet so you could finish your business, while he turned on the shower.
"What are you doing?" You asked cautiously, wiping yourself and then flushing.
"You'll see." He laughed manically, and you were terrified. Although you still wanted whatever he had planned for you, no matter how vulgar it may be.
Once the water was warm, Billie grabbed your hand.
"Come on in." He snickered, and you obeyed like a little puppy.
Once you were inside, he closed the door and then tapped your head.
"On your knees." He ordered dominantly, and as he wished you fell to the floor before him. You assumed maybe he wanted you to suck his cock again, but he was standing back a little too far for that. Your eyes darted across the shower, his dick and his eyes. You really had no clue what he had in store for you.
Billie started chuckling evilly, "Since you wouldn't piss all over me, daddy's gonna give you a proper clensing." He bit his lip, looking at you innocently kneeling before him. He took his cock and stroked it a few times, and that's when you realized what was happening as you quickly turned your head away. But nothing stopped this man from what he wanted to do to you, and soon enough his warm piss splashed across your breasts as he soaked your shoulders, your chest, your arms, pelvis and even your pussy. But you immediately stopped cowering once you realized how unexpectedly good it felt to have the warm liquid ooze down your body. It was him, after all, and you did love him wholly.  
He took a step closer to you and took your chin in his hand, making you face him.
"Uh uh, sweetie, you're gonna taste it, too." He growled again, and you closed your eyes. This was definitely humiliating, but on the highest level of sexual arousal. He told you to open your mouth, and you reluctantly obeyed as he sploshed more of his golden piss into you mouth. It was bitter as hell, and you didn't swallow it, of course, so it pooled out of the edges of your mouth and down your chin, keeping Billie just as hard and flustered as before. He adored having you completely at his disposal.
He finally gave your mouth a break as he unloaded the rest of him down your breasts again, the warmth still secretly turning you on as you desperately lusted for him to dominate you in any way possible. Once he finished, he stroked his cock a couple more times as if to show off how horny and masculine he was, but he was still a gentleman enough to reach out his hand to help you get up. As you rose to your feet-yellow piss still dripping from you- you looked into his eyes and sighed. That was incredibly naughty, thrilling, weird and crazy all in one.
"You call that a cleansing?" You looked down at your golden-soaked body.
Billie chuckled to himself, admiring his work of art that adorned your skin. 
"Really, I don't know. I just had to do it." A sly smile broke across his face.
"You just wanted to desecrate me. You're evil." You shook your head in dismay, though you weren't actually bothered at all.
"No I'm not."
You felt his arms wrap around you as he pulled you underneath the stream of water above. He cuddled you close to him as the water rinsed you clean.
You sighed and kissed his neck, feeling the hot water relax you both, bringing you together. The steam opened your senses, as you looked up at him, feeling pure and clean and wholesome. But it was because you were naked and vulnerable, doing frisky things with a dirty guy that made this simple shower feel more like a baptism. 
"Mmmm... this feels so nice." You said softly, looking into his bright, glistening green eyes. He pulled back for a moment to grab a bottle of body soap nearby. He squirted some onto his hand, then scrubbed it all over you back. You closed your eyes as he scrubbed you clean, from your arms to your ass- and he was very thorough and eager when you allowed him to scrub your pelvic area.
"I mean, I could've handled myself... but that was pretty fuckin' sexy." You giggled at him, which kept him hot from the inside out all night.
"It's your turn, baby." He winked, tossing you the bottle. You shook your head and laughed. Somehow he always made the simplest things seem so magical when you were with him.
You squirted some of the gel onto you hands, then started lathering it up on his chest and back. As you scrubbed, you finally took notice of all his tattoos, from the little stars to the full blown sleeves that bled onto his chest. You cherished every part of his body and how each tattoo had its own special meaning and story. It made you only yearn to discover more about him, which in return made you lust for a deep, open conversation. You kept that idea in the back of your head as you scrubbed him good.
And then of course, you were required to scrub his cock, which was finally starting to calm down after a night of constant attraction and arousal. You smiled at him as you washed him there, teasing him with a small handjob. You loved to torture him too, after all.
"Agh fuck, I can't take all this!" He sighed but with a grin. You both huddled under the shower head as you rinsed the suds of soap off from each other. Granted, these were just minor things, just an everyday shower- but it made you truly happy and satisfied inside to share any moment with this man. There wasn't any place or opportunity in this world that you would hide from him. You accepted, trusted and loved him from the moment you discovered him. And to know he felt the same is what truly empowered your soul.
Billie grabbed a bottle of shampoo next. He knew you didn't come with anything, so he let you use his toiletries. 
"Here, you can use it too." He chuckled, handing you the shampoo.
"Thanks." You read the bottle. It was scented like sandalwood and basil. Not the most feminine of choices, but it turned you way the hell on that you got to use his stuff anyway. No complaints here!
You both spent a little time scrubbing your heads before Billie grabbed another bottle. Of course it was conditioner- and it was top of the line stuff too. For a guy with hair as floofy and silky as his, this was a no-brainer. Once the shampoo was rinsed, he put in some conditioner and handed the rest to you.
"Be careful. That shit's expensive. Don't use a lot." Billie warned.
You snorted and laughed out loud.
"Billie, you're rich!"
He started smiling too, realizing how dumb that was.
"Well I don't know. Stop calling me out like that." He started laughing harder as you joined him. Now you both were giggling as the water soaked your skin and hair. After a few minutes of deeply washing, you were both finally squeaky clean. Billie turned off the shower and opened up the shower door. A cool breeze hit your warm skin as you stepped out into the steamed up room. You couldn't see into the mirror from all the fog.
"Damn it's a sauna in here." Billie handed you a towel, then one for himself. Together you rubbed your hair and bodies dry. Then you wiped the mirror with your towel so you could at least see something.
Billie left the bathroom to put all his toiletries away in his bag. You didn't really have anything, so you gathered up your clothes that were on the floor and dumped them on the bed- the bed that was not so clean to sleep on.
"Ugghh, Billie?" You asked him as he was tidying up.
"Yeah darling?"
"Um... how are you going to sleep tonight? The bed's a mess."
Billie laughed to himself, then stood up and faced you.
"That won't be a problem. I had a plan all along for this."

Extraordinary Girl: A Billie Joe Armstrong Fanfiction (BJA x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now