Chapter Seven: Stay The Night

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As you began putting on your clothes, Billie looked up at you and raised an eyebrow.
"Why are you in such a hurry?"
You slipped your bra on, then your shirt.
"Well isn't it time for me to go?" You asked honestly.
Billie bit his lip, then shook his head as if you were pulling some sort of crazy prank on him.
"C'mon, don't be like that. You're staying with me."
Your eyes widened with shock.
"A-are you sure? I mean you must have to leave early tomorrow, and I don't want to get in the way-"
"Y/N, you're staying with me. Don't fight it." He said more sternly now, and you sighed.
"Okay..." You accepted.
Billie walked over to you and kissed your forehead. You melted like an excited puppy.
"You think I would just dump you after this? You're an angel. My angel. I want to spend all the time in the world with you." He affirmed, holding your hand in his and rubbing yours softly.
"This won't be a problem, I promise." He whispered near your ear, sending goosebumps along your spine.
"Okay, I appreciate you. But what about this bed?" You reminded him.
"Oh, that.  Well we'll just pack out of here and go to the room I have downstairs. See, I booked two rooms, because the one downstairs is like a coverup- and that's where all the guys are. I didn't think it would be wise to get a room beside them where these walls are thin, you know what I mean?" Billie winked playfully at you.
"Wait, so this isn't your actual room?" You were bewildered.
"Haha, no silly. I don't need some master suite all to myself! And being on the top floor is such a hassle. You and me can just head on downstairs to the other room. That's where they'll be knocking anyway to wake my ass up." He laughed.
"Are they gonna knock? What about me?"
"Relax, they probably won't knock if we head out in a timely manner. But don't worry about it. Even if they saw us together, it wouldn't be the end of the world. They're still going to be my friends." Billie continued laughing, though you still weren't as confident about the whole situation as he was.
"Well okay I guess so." You shrugged and got up from the bed. Billie slipped on his clothes with you, then grabbed his bag.
"Are you ready?" He asked.
You took a look at the bed, which still had a puddle of piss and blood on it.
"What are we going to do about that?" You pointed at the mess.
"We don't really have to do anything about it. They'll probably just charge me extra before I leave."
"But Billie, that's disgusting. Someone has to clean that."
A small smirk spread across his face as glanced at the bed, then at you.
"Honestly, their life isn't going to end. They'll get over it. I'm not sure what else to do." He laughed hesitantly, wishing he had a better idea. He was always the kind of guy to think, "Oh well!" and move on with life.
"How about we at least remove the sheets for them? Then it won't look so bad, either."
Billie agreed this was a decent idea, so the both of you removed the pillows and blankets and carefully discarded the sheets onto the floor. Fortunately there was several layers of protective, water-resistant sheets so that none of the mess stained the mattress.
"Thank god the mattress is clean." You sighed, feeling pathetic for giving into Billie's wishes earlier. If only he didn't tickle you like that.
"Alright, that's done. Let's head downstairs. Billie grabbed his bag, then opened the door for you. You both headed down the hallway for the elevator. Once you were both inside, you turned and looked into his eyes.
"Billie?" You asked. Every time you said his name, his heart fluttered with joy.
"Thank you for letting me stay with you tonight. I know you planned on it anyway, but I'd feel bad if I didn't at least thank you."
He wanted to hug you, but he was holding his bag. So instead he took your hand as you both walked out of the elevator, heading for his actual room.
"Sshhh..." He hushed you, "I don't want them knowing that we're sneaking  in here."
He opened the door and you both carefully slipped inside. The room was dark, but there was no point in turning on all the lights now since you were both heading for bed.
Billie turned on a mini table lamp beside the bed. A small yellow ambient glow filled that side of the bed. He set his bag down and began removing his shirt, then his pants.
"Oh, we're sleeping naked?" You wondered, a welcomed surprise.
"Well, I'm not sleeping in my work pants. " He snorted, slipping his trunks off with them, "So I might as well take everything off."
You stared at him blankly.
"I mean if you want to sleep in your clothes that's fine with me." He teased.
You shook your head, "No, hell no. I'm going nude also." You tore off all your clothes and tossed them with Billie's. He crawled into the bed, and you followed, snuggling up with him as close as humanly possible.
Billie kept the light on for a moment, as he wanted to see into your eyes fully, clearly. He put his hand around your cheek and caressed it, gingerly. You closed your eyes for a moment and exhaled slowly, feeling your heart slow in peace and comfort to his touch.
"Don't worry, my extraordinary girl. This isn't it. We'll hang out some more. I'll take you out to dinner. I'll take you backstage every night. I'll invite you over my house. We'll have so much fun, just thinking about it all."
As he stroked your cheek, your opened your eyes and looked at him thoroughly. With his head rested on the pillow, he looked innocent and adorable. You huddled in closer to him, sneaking your leg over his and wrapping your legs together like a bow.
"Billie... those are all wonderful things... but you can't expect to keep me a secret forever."
"No... but in due time... there's just no fucking way I could let you go tonight. You're with me. If that's... what you want." He looked into your eyes with deep passion.
You took a deep breath, your eyelids getting a little heavy. 
"I want that." You told him firmly, "I definitely need you."
Billie smiled contently with your answer as his hand slipped from your cheek to the back of your neck, pulling you inward towards him. He kissed you very tenderly. His lips were soft and wet, and you immediately licked his wetness off your lips when he finished. How you couldn't resist tasting him at all costs.
"Don't worry about anything right now. Let's just go slow. I don't want to make you uncomfortable." He assured, stroking the back of your neck in circles that was very cathartic and sedative. You closed your eyes for a hot second- or what was really more like several minutes. Billie just watched you breathe in and out quietly, your energy soothing him tremendously. He sank his head further into the pillow.
When you finally opened your eyes, you were met with his sweet crooked toothed smile, and it melted your heart and soul into a little puddle. He looked especially charming without his eyeliner on, almost the essence of a little boy with his youthful, round face and full, plump lips. It amazed you how this bold and wild punk could be undeniably sexy one minute, and then precious and cute the next. Your heart fluttered with butterflies at this revelation. You couldn't help yourself. You leaned in and kissed him again, despite feeling very weary now.
He squeezed you closer and bent his legs around you more, as he assertively trapped you within the kiss. You were exhausted, but he still managed to make your body throb just a little bit more with his alluring embrace. You released your lips and smiled at him, genuinely satisfied to the core.
"So... what do you think? Is everything okay between us?" He followed up his previous vision, just to make sure you were on board with his plans for the both of you.
"I think it's perfect. And I feel so incredibly blessed that you want to keep me in your life. This... this is like a childhood dream come true, but so much more. And here I was just wishing anybody could come into my life and be as special as you. I didn't really think it would turn out to be you."
He was still caressing the back of your neck, and you were trying to to formulate more to say, but you were just so tired. Billie could sense he was slowly losing you to the night, and so he kept rubbing your neck, helping you fall quicker into a restful, deep slumber.
"I'm so grateful that I found you, or rather, that you found me." He cuddled himself very close to your heart. With your final amount of strength and awareness, you slowly wrapped your arm around his waist and pulled yourself into him. Both naked and exposed- your legs, pelvis and everything in between rested beside each other. Billie quickly pulled the covers up to your shoulders now, snuggling deeply together as he reached over and turned off the lamp beside him.
The room was pitch black now, but he still returned his hand to your neck, stroking you gently. A few minutes had passed. He knew you were asleep, or at least in that "world between world" state where you're not conscious or unconscious yet. He just rubbed you in silence, taking note of how your bodies were now so deeply connected and intertwined, that the only part of you that wasn't touching were your faces.
So, Billie remedied that as he inched his neck closer to you. So close that his nose accidently bumped yours. Tired and lazy, he decided to keep his nose nestled against yours as he felt your warm breath against his lips and chin. Craving the feeling of closeness and heat, he closed his eyes and settled for this position, hugging you with all his heart and might like a giant teddy bear. And then he stopped stroking you just for a moment as he took in a big, deep yawn.
"I will always, always love you." He whispered calmly in his embrace, before he too succumbed to the tranquil, ataractic night.

Extraordinary Girl: A Billie Joe Armstrong Fanfiction (BJA x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now