Chapter Five: Stuck With Me

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You needed another minute just to process what you were looking at, because there was no way you were going to touch that man until you had properly obsessed over the fact that you were staring at Billie Joe's cock. It was absolutely the most brilliant size, bringing your mind to ease as he was an average, but solid and workable size. He was nice as erect, the veins from his balls to the head showing just enough to give you a tasty tease. And he was quite red, all the blood rushing to the tip as he squeezed it tightly. You were honestly in love. He looked perfect. And even if there was something different about him, you weren't going to deny his cock, no never.
"Billie..." You looked up at him with puppy dog wonderous eyes, "You look perfect. You are perfect for me." 
 Billie looked down at you, still stroking his raging erection slowly. It seemed as if he was going to make another silly smart ass response, but he stopped himself, and you could see him thinking instead.
There was a moment of silence, before he slowly moved in towards you. With is other hand, he took your chin and held it gingerly. You sat there, on your knees, tied down with your head in his hand, resting sweetly like a good girl.
"Y'know, at first I thought that you were gonna get me in lots of trouble." He began, still rubbing his cock out gently in front of you just to tempt you further, "But now I can see just how it was all meant to be." 
He looked at his dick for a moment, still thinking about other things you could only image, before quickly coming back down to earth, eager to give you a good taste of his medicine.
"Ready sweet girl?" He stroked your chin and cheek, and you couldn't deny it already made you a little wet.
You nodded, your eyes still entranced with his- but not for long, as his cock started making way for your mouth. You licked your lips over and over, and then he slid it inside you, careful not to make you gag.
You only took in the head- for right now you were understandably freaking out just a bit and you needed to get comfortable with him, inch by inch. You played with him in your mouth for a little, just sucking the head and swirling your tongue around to feel him around nice and good. You kept your eyes low, or mostly on his cock. You were too scared right now to look him in the eyes. You knew not to be embarrassed, but with yourself tied up and all, you did feel a little humiliated. But deep down, you knew that this was everything you'd ever wanted, and you knew you would have to face these fears to finally feel paradise. 
As you explored the tip of his cock, he still caressed the side of your cheek slowly, trying to comfort and console you. But at the same time, he was so overcome with his intense sexuality that he really just couldn't get over the fact that this beautiful girl he loved so much was giving him head. It had only started, but he was convinced that this was going to be the greatest head of his life, mostly for the simple fact that it was you giving it.
Because your hands were tied, you figured you would have to use your tongue and cheeks a lot to stimulate him better. So first, you felt the bottom of the tip of his cock with your tongue, where all all the intense nerve endings were. You knew this was essentially like a "clit" for guys- this was where most of the stimulation would occur. You weren't an expert at this, but you weren't a fool either. You'd done your sexual research before- albeit, it was just for fun at the time, but now it was becoming handy, and you were gonna take it and run with it.
You rubbed your tongue over and over on this spot, while sucking him tightly around the head. You would venture further down in a moment, but for now you just wanted to practice a little, if you could. Though you weren't looking at him, you were certain he was at least content with your skills, which was fine by you. You hadn't exactly started yet, and you were hoping to only get better and better.
You sucked him for a little bit more, before deciding  to move along at a steady pace. Very slowly, you inched a little more inside of him, taking in about half of his cock now. You kept your lips tight, securing the suction along his shaft to increase his pleasure. You knew you were really his slave right now, but it didn't bother you. You never would've chosen to be with him tonight if you didn't want to give him every kind of pleasure he begged for. 
As you sucked him, very gingerly back and forth, he took his hand and dug it into your hair, combing it back out of your eyes, to see you properly. He noticed you weren't looking at him, but to be fair, you were very intently staring upon his cock. He wasn't bothered, but he did have an addiction with locking eyes with you. You were irresistible to him, and you knew it.
With every movement upon your lips, it drove Billie more and more insane, unable to keep himself in one spot. Restless, he began thrusting with you slowly- even though there wasn't much thrust, it added another inch or two into the length that he was pushing inside you, for now he was pushing almost all of his cock inside you, and your body wasn't prepared.
His cock stimulated your gag reflex as you stopped to cough for a moment. Well that wasn't very sexy. You tried your best to ignore that human flaw and just move on, but honestly, he was a little bit bigger than you anticipated. Little to your knowledge, Billie was immensely turned on knowing he was a bit "much" for you, but unfortunately for you, that only increased his craving to make you stumble and weak before him, as he filled you all the way up and back.
"Ughhh... keep going..." he groaned, and you decided to glance up at him for the first time to feel him out. Did you just annoy him or was he enjoying it?
As you sucked him, you studied his eyes. He wasn't looking at you yet- he had his eyes closed, feeling you make love to his cock like he dreamed. So you decided to suck a little harder, using your tongue to glide along the bottom of his shaft, increasing the pressure around the girth. You could feel the veins of his dick upon the tip of your tongue, and it admittedly was sexy as fuck for you. Something about that felt so manly, so virile. He wasn't a huge, stocky man with a giant penis- but he was definitely all man, all real and raw and his heart was genuine. That's what made him unbelievably sexy to you.
You wanted to suck him better, but it was hard for you with your hands tied. You couldn't put all of him in you- you were close but it wasn't cutting it, and you were a little disappointed that you couldn't be perfect for him. Right around now, you looked up and your eyes had finally met. He could see how watery yours were, for you were on the brink of gagging with each time you took him in. Although he adored seeing you tied up and helpless, something seemed far more appealing to him when he realized how much more you could give if your hands were free. So he halted you for a moment, as he bent over to free your hands from their bind. 
You looked up at him, rubbing your wrists where they were once bound.
"What are you doing?" You asked.
He carefully slid his dick back into your mouth, and thrusted with a little more force now.
"I know what you want to do. Do it." He insisted, and without hesitation you reached up and grabbed the rest of his cock with one hand. This should help him feel like he's getting all of him inside now.
As you continued to suck him, with your hand included it helped to make the experience more fuller and vibrant for him, and that's all you wanted, was to see him happy. It was already tiring work, but you diligently pushed on, and you finally could sense him losing control.
"Ugghh..." He moaned, only louder than before, and you knew you were on the right track. You kept sucking, excreting so much saliva that it was pooling around the edges of your mouth. You felt though that this wasn't enough. So now you took your other hand and gently cupped it around his balls. They needed some love, too. You stroked them a little- it was actually pretty difficult to stroke and suck him at the same time, but he loved every single part of you, and so you felt it was only right to give it all back.
He had some hairy balls, but not extreme. You could tell he actually shaved in the area, but it'd been a few days. You didn't give a rats ass about it, though. He was stunningly beautiful to you- all of him. And you didn't want him to ever feel like he needed to change his appearance to impress you. You were already impressed with his heart, and that's all you needed to stick by his side.
It seemed as if your extra caressing was sending him into the stars. He started thrusting into you deeper and harder, and you could feel his increasing pulse through his dick. He was quite aroused, and so were you, for that matter. You sucked him as deeply as you could now, and even though your eyes were tearing up, you still looked at him. You had him now, and you wanted him to feel like a king- even if it was just for a day.
"Mmmmm... ooohhh..." He moaned more, ruffling your hair up with his hand. Then he put a hand on his chest, attempting to catch his breath, but avidly failing. You wanted to giggle, but you couldn't of course, but you found it cute how he was struggling to compose himself. It was the same way he felt about you, all strapped up and innocent before him. But now you got to be the one to embarrass him, and you loved every fucking minute of it.
"Mmmmm..." You moaned back at him, teasing him as you continued rubbing his balls, which had him merely hanging on by a piece of thread. Your vocalizations only made him harder- at least mentally.
After another solid minute of sucking, Billie suddenly stopped thrusting and his eyes were lost in an endless gaze.
"Oh, god..." He panted, sounding real vulnerable and weak. His legs were shaking, much like yours when you were in a similar state.
"I'm... g-gon..." 
But it was too late. You let go of his cock and his hot load of sticky cum squirted out directly into you face, covering your eyes, nose, cheeks, chin... but you opened your mouth anyway despite being unable to see a thing and swallowed the rest of him whole. Warm and a little salty, but you were more than excited because it was all his.
"Ugghhh!!" He groaned, taking a hold of his aching, pulsing red dick and shaking it a few times, making sure every drop of cum squirted out. At last, he had a look of your face, as you sat there with white, clumpy cum oozing down your eyelids and nostrils. Oooooh, that was a little unpleasant, but it felt real dirty and fun, too.
"I'm so sorry." He chuckled, but also with genuine pity, as he went off into the bathroom to fetch you a towel. But when he returned, you had already managed to scrape and eat most of it off of you.
Billie tossed the towel aside and chuckled again, now leaning down to get at your level.
"I see you've taken care of things already." He smirked as you opened your eyes, a little wearily. 
You licked your lips, but you missed a spot as a dribble of cum was about to drip from your chin. He leaned in and licked it off for you, then promptly kissing you on the lips a few good tender times before releasing you from his grip.
"Billie..." You wiped the rest of the cum off your face, then gently cupped his cheeks in your palms. You loved holding him, keeping him near you as you admired those vibrant green eyes and those soft, luscious, plump lips.
"You know how I asked if... if you were addicting?"
Billie nodded his head as you rubbed his cheeks with your thumbs.
"Well I want you forever. Please don't make this ever end." You weren't trying to pressure him or anything, but it was the truth, and being honest meant everything to you.
You both had a precious moment of gazing into each other's eyes, before sharing one long, deep kiss from the soul.
"It won't. You're stuck with me now. I promise."
You looked back up into his eyes. You thought maybe you were going to cry- but no, you were too happy now for that. All that you have ever dreamed of had not only unfolded right before your eyes, but now it would be a reality forever now, with a promise deriving straight from the heart. You found love. You really did. But this was better than any other love you'd ever known. This was unconditional love, and he was right. It was coming from a real man.
You both kissed a couple more times, just enjoying the peace, the silence and each other's company. More than anything, you both needed a breather, because what you just encountered was beyond your threshold, and now you just needed to give your mouth and hands a break.
"Here... come with me to the bed." Billie's voice was low, and a little gritty. All that moaning and singing from earlier strained a part of his voice.
You both stood up and made your way for the bed, crawling up on it together and resting against the pillows. You leaned in towards him, holding his hand in yours and stroking his palm softly. It was those little things that inspired you the most.
"Y'know, I just wanted to say... that I am so excited and so grateful that all of this is happening." You told him, gazing around the room and the crazy mess you had both made.
"So am I. But I still don't think you understand." Billie looked at you earnestly.
"Understand what?" You wondered.
"Look... I know this is rushed. I only met you a week ago." Billie scratched his head, thinking, then returned his gaze towards you.
"And I guess I don't really know who you are, but..." You could sense some confusion in him as he struggled to put his feelings into words.
"I don't know why, but I get this feeling about you that makes me want to be around you as much as possible. It's like, your energy. I feel like our energies are matched."
You looked into his eyes for awhile, digesting the energy he exuded and analyzing it for yourself.
"I think it makes sense. It's much like soul mates or twin flames- before they even meet, the world is already trying to bring them together. And by the time they do meet, they already know so much about the other because their energies are the same. We might like different colors or have different accents, but our energies vibrate on the same frequency, which creates instant harmony based upon our sole existence."
Billie shook his head and smiled, looking rather intrigued. 
"Yes! That's exactly what I think this is like. So you do understand. And the fact that you get what I'm trying to say, y'know, I don't feel like a freak so much anymore." He chucked to himself, but you squeezed his hand as your eyes were intent on each other.
"Your emotions and feelings are never freaky to me. I want you to be able to share everything with me; no shame." You insisted, hoping to help him feel even better.
Billie nodded his head, then looked off for a moment, processing more of his thoughts.
"Well, then... can I be real honest with you?" His tone became quickly serious.
"Please." You urged.
He took a deep breath, "It does feel like you came into my life for a reason. And it's not just to have some fun, or not even just to love each other." Billie thought some more, the weight of the conversation's topic crashing down on him.
"I'm convinced you're here to teach me how to love myself. I get so wasted away in drinking, these constant shows take a toll on me, and it seems I'm always having a panic attack. There's no self-care whatsoever."
You both were at a loss for words, just staring deeply at each other, until Billie decided to pick up where he left off.
"But finding you has been the greatest joy of my life. I sincerely mean that. To see the joy on your face is what fulfills me. You're not just another tool to get me to orgasm. You're not just another pretty girl. And this isn't just a flick. I've realized that this is the kind of love that really matters. That heals my soul. You are the only thing in my life right now that is pure, and I'm committed to keeping my toxins away from you at all costs. I cannot destroy my only path to this self-love."
You looked away for a moment, caught up in a whirlwind of emotions and thoughts. What an incredibly insightful, brave thing to admit. You never considered yourself to be even remotely as special as he was portraying you, but it touched your heart way deep down. This was blowing your mind too, because you still saw him as your hero, as a multi-famous celebrity, and just a poster on your wall. Every moment that reality hit you- that you were really beside this man you've always dreamed of- you felt as if you were going insane. You were careful with your words, as you attempted to craft an appropriate response.
"Billie, you're not toxic. At least not to me. Sure you might have unhealthy habits, but so do I. So do we all. We just have to try and do our best, always. And I have always supported you. Whether it's an album, or something personal to you, like committing to self-care. Your self-awareness is your path to self-love, not me." You continued to rub his palm slowly, patiently.
Billie didn't know what to say. He never encountered someone in his life who was so intelligent and understanding as you were. Maybe it really was a soul-mate type of thing.
"But- but you ARE a positive force in my life. I can't do this without you, do you realize this?" Suddenly he became very urgent, pulling his hand away from yours as multiple emotions circled around his mind at once.
"I'm sure I am, I just don't want you to discredit your strengths. That is a part of self- love. Y'know, you already know all this. I know this because I learned about these things through your music."
Your eyes met again, overcome with every thought and emotion to mankind.
"Y/N, this is why I need you. I would've never thought of these things without you... I really don't think I can be without you at all... maybe that's another thing I'm struggling with... but I don't care. You understand me. No one else does. And who cares if I've only known you for a week and all that and-"
He abruptly stopped, as your hand touched and steadied his arm, pulling him closer to you like a magnet. You looked at his sweet, soft lips and he got the message, pouring all his unconditional love into your fragile soul, filling your soul with his warm, beautiful passion all for you... just for you. There was no rush, no thought about the time, or where you were, or what you would do. You just flourished in the moment, merging your energies together as you kissed with pure, raw love- a unison as essential and interdependent as a taijitu.
But Billie broke the kiss, leaning so far down into you that he was partially on top of you. He held you extremely close to his heart, just so you could feel it thumping.
"I know you are my soulmate. And I'm fine if you think I'm crazy." He confessed, adoring all of your body, your face and mind and soul before him.
"You're not crazy. I've had similar thoughts long before we even met. Now that's crazy." You tried to calm him, easing him with some slight humor.
"Maybe we're both crazy then. But I like that." He suavely crawled over your body, locking his legs around yours and leaning down gently over your body. With the both of you exposed, your bare skin made tantalizing contact all over. But the feeling of his warm cock directly nestled between your legs felt stunningly romantic, sensual and deeply erotic. Forget the fact that you wanted him inside of you so badly- this was just as perfect. The two of you entrusting each other as you laid nude and unprotected, wholeheartedly believing in the power of love between one another... this is how you properly make love.
"You're so beautiful, Billie. All of this, is beautiful. This feels like a fairy tale. I can't even believe all of this is happening." You told him, wrapping your arms around his back as he cuddled you near his tattooed, worn-out old soul.
"But it is. Everything is meant to be." He caressed your body beneath his, planting a few gentle kisses along your neck and jaw. The simple, but sweet gesture was way more suggestive and inviting than you could handle, instantly turning you on and giving you chills all over your body.
"Oohhh..." you moaned softly, closing your eyes, "I love it when you do this."
He smiled to himself as he pressed his lips deeper into your flesh; a little bit of teeth against the grain. You bit your lip, feeling him softly bite your neck.
"More... deeper." You moaned again, as he readily sank his teeth into your skin- not enough to draw blood, but enough to make you never forget the feeling.
"Uggghh..." you helplessly whimpered beneath his embrace, your toes curling and your muscles flinching as an automatic response to his tender, carnal touch. You could feel him sucking your swollen flesh, the blood rushing to the surface as he finished off his amorous display with a couple more bites upon the skin. Now you both had matching hickies to flaunt.
"Fuck." You whispered, as he raised his head to have a look in your eyes... that were rolling to the back of your head.
"You look so cute when you're struggling." Billie laughed almost manically as he kept his body firmly in place over yours- his dick throbbing with anticipation against your bare thigh. You attempted to regain your composure as you sensed his eagerness before you.
"Mmmm, I can feel your-" You stopped mid-sentence as Billie slid himself down your body, now sitting between your legs. Before you had the chance to process what he was doing, he leaned his pelvis into yours, looking more and more like a panther out to kill. You gasped when his hard, slick cock was lined up over your soaked pussy.
"Holy... fuck... Billie... I can't do this..." you sighed between words, trying to catch your breath that was escaping from all your excitement and arousal. 
"What do you mean?" Billie raised his eyebrows, a bit stunned, believing you were on the same page as him.
"Just give me a minute... to process..." You gulped nervously, but very satisfied. You definetely wanted this. And you weren't going to deny it. But you couldn't just rush into it. Of all things ecountered tonight, this moment was ultra sacred.
"It's going to be very special..." You fought your emotions as a couple of tears crept up in the corners of your eyes. But instead of wiping them, you reached down and touched his cock, holding him in your palms, admiring the feel of his body, the veins, the way his heart beat so lovingly for you. With your eyes closed as tiny tears trickled down your face, you sighed your tensions away and accepted that everything was meant to be, and you were going to have to fight all your anxiety and push onward.
"You feel so beautiful..." You admired his cock some more, overwhelmed with the idea that this incredibly alluring man and his gorgeous body were all yours, soon to collide as one the way you had always dreamed of... the only way you both desperately needed.
Though it was hard for him to focus as you massaged his dick, he studied your face like a textbook, feeling you from the inside out- and soon literally. 
"Everything's gonna be okay." He promised, seeing the tears flow from your dainty little face. He wanted to wipe them for you, but for some reason he thought it was more touching to see them drip and soak into the sheets, or down your chin.
"I know..." You opened your eyes, blurred as you tried to make out his figure, "That's the part I can't get over."
Billie understood what you meant. This wasn't just sex for fun. This was an extension of your soul connection. You could feel him ache to fill your heart and body up with all the love you almost periously need your whole life. And you similarly felt this sense of duty to be the inner stability his wild heart needed, now more than ever.
"Just keep trusting me." He assured you, touching your thigh that was now shaking from nerves. You relaxed to his soft approach, sighing and feeling his body and emotions encompass you. Your eyes were clearer now as you began to stop crying, and you looked into his eyes, dreaming of all the love he was moments way from shedding upon you.
As you continued caressing his dick, your thoughts began to move inward, deeper as you considered all the possible outcomes of a love so just and true.
"Billie?" You asked, gently.
"Hmmm?" He wondered.
"Would you still be there for me if I got pregnant?"
His eyes were stuck on you, though he shook his head, caught off guard by your question.
"You already know the answer to that. What you should be asking yourself, is if you're ready for that kind of life." 
You stopped stroking his cock for a moment as your gaze drifted off into space. 
"I-I don't know..." You frowned.
"We don't have to do it like this. I can easily just find a condom and-"
"But either way accidents still happen. But I'm okay. Billie, I'm okay. I'm with you. Like you told me, everything is okay and meant to be."
Your eyes met again, your passion for true love as stronger than ever. Billie leaned a little over you to get closer to your soul, his cock now rubbing against the entrance of your vagina. You took your other hand and grabbed his cheek, centering him right where you could admire his whole handsome baby face.
"Besides... a baby with you would be the greatest miracle of my life." You whispered, holding him dearly to your heart.

Extraordinary Girl: A Billie Joe Armstrong Fanfiction (BJA x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now