Chapter Four: The One I Want

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Your eyes were saucers. Your body was frozen as he picked you up in an instant, carrying you over to the wall and suavely pinning you up against it. You were on your knees, bared up against the wall, as he took your hands and slid them up over your head. Naked and exposed, helpless under his touch, you could feel the intense desire to be filled up take over your senses, as you bit your lip, waiting for his instructions.
You watched as Billie removed his belt, his jeans slacking now from the lack of support, as he grabbed your hands in his, smiling promiscuously. 
"You do trust me, right?" He asked once more, just to be certain.
You bit your lip harder, then nodded with heavy anticipation, your hands still bound in his.
Suddenly, he wrapped his belt around your hands, tying them securely together. You smiled to yourself and gasped... you never dreamed of this happening. But the idea of being dominated by this seductive, sensual man just felt absolutely right... and you couldn't deny that it excited you more than ever... you were a little nervous, of course, being a bit unexperienced in this department. But after all, you did trust him. And if he had more in mind to please you, you were going to take it, no matter what was in store.
Billie looked around the room for a moment. Then he noticed that a nearby floor lamp had a hook around the top of it. He scooted the lamp over and grabbed his belt, tying it around the top of the lamp. And there he had your hands bound to the lamp, as he pushed you back gently into the wall, still on your knees, unable to move.
He laughed out loud, looking at the strange display.
"Not sure how long this lamp will last, but we'll see." He chucked, now bending down onto his knees, the tops of his black trunks showing as his jean slacked.
With you both on your knees, his hands free and yours locked, you knew you wouldn't be able to hold yourself back for much longer. You were going to moan, or something was bound to leak out from you, as you remained pinned against the wall, painfully desperate for his touch.
"I don't care. Mmmm... touch me." You begged in a pitiful little whimper, holding your breath as he drew nearer to you. He could see the desire in your eyes, burning intensely for some sort of love, any love; whatever he could give. He smirked, taking one hand and pushing your chest up against the wall assertively. You looked at him with wide eyes, startled but eager.
Then he leaned in, his lips close to yours, as he carefully took your neck in his other hand. You gulped, feeling his strong hand against your throat, intimidating you beyond belief. But there was no way you weren't enjoying this.
You whimpered again, feeling so delightfully insecure, a feeling you never thought you'd enjoy. His fingers pressed firmly underneath your jaw, causing your head to tilt up towards his. Then he kissed you- not once, not twice, but as much as he could, not allowing you very much wiggle room to breathe. The stubble on his chin grinded up against your bottom lip, as he continued pressing down on your chest and throat; very carefully as to not hurt you, but enough to keep you right where he wanted you. With your hands bound in such a vulnerable position, you desperately wished you could reach down and just hold his head as you kissed him, but that wasn't an option. Right now it was his turn for satisfaction, as his warm, wet lips made love to you as graciously as he could.
Until you suddenly felt something quite wet press up against your mouth, desiring entry. You bottom lip quivered, realizing it was his tongue, as you opened your mouth cautiously. He didn't hesitate to explore every inch of your mouth, and you were completely taken aback by the bold and sudden gesture. Well that was certainly a new way to be filled up, you thought, as he pulled back for a moment, allowing you to reciprocate. You were honestly a bit scared. You were far from a french kissing master, or hell, you had hardly even kissed in general. You had been waiting for this kind of love your entire life, but now that it was here, the reality kept shocking you.
But you knew better than to keep Billie waiting, as your throat was still securely in his grip. You gulped, feeling your saliva grind against your neck, down his hand, which deeply turned him on. He inched his body closer to yours, squeezing your neck just a little harder. It was starting to get hot again in here, as your cheeks turned bright red from the increased pressure, but you obeyed his request anyway and squeezed your tongue into his mouth. You moved your tongue around, genuinely curious to feel him, to taste all of him, in an intimate way that'll never be forgotten. Your hands began to shake against his belt, followed by your bottom lip, until he pressed down on your chest to anchor you, and you stopped, sighing heavily into his mouth. He sealed the makeout session with one long smooch on your lips, then forehead, as he slowly released his grip from your neck and chest.
You could feel an insane amount of wetness pooling below you as you looked down, finally catching your breath. There was nothing there, but you felt like you had pissed all over the floor. You were so incredibly close to his body anyway that if you really did leak a little, it'd be all over him. Which- was certainly a fun, lustful thought that sent shivers down your arms and spine.
Billie then moved in closer, pressing his body up against yours. Again, you could feel that firm bulge press up against you, only now against your stomach, as he was a bit taller than you in this position. The butterflies in your chest were eating you up so much so that you thought you were going to vomit. He was so close to you... it was so close to you...
"Mmmm!" You whimpered pathetically, rocking your arms back and forth against the belt. But he snickered at you, teasing you as he pulled his body away. You sighed helplessly, wanting to feel him now more than EVER before! Why was he taunting you like this? You hated it, but for some reason you absolutely craved it. You couldn't understand this polarizing effect.
And then there was that look in his eye. The way the whites of his eyes contrasted against his thick black eyeliner made him as mischievous as ever, as he stared you down, prowling like the thick, tough panther he was. And then he charmed you.
"How are you doing, my love? Is everything alright?" He sweet talked you until your soul was forcibly giving in.
Your eyes darted around the room, unsure of his current motives, but you had to be honest.
"It's been the best night ever." You took a deep breath.
Billie chuckled, "Oh, don't say that yet. You don't know what you're getting yourself into, little girl."
All of a sudden, he reach down underneath you, and picked you up, squatting down on the floor into an almost flat position on his back. Your heart jumped a million miles, as he rested your back against his legs and spread your legs wide open in front of his face. Your feet rested over his shoulders, but your arms were still tied, really straining now as you were stretched out in this position. But that was the least of your concerns now. Billie's head was between your legs. Holy. Fucking. Shit.
You instantly moaned, for this position had you defenseless and exposed as openly as possible. Ready and charged, he took a hand, and spread open your labia, to have a better look.
He smiled so sinisterly, but you knew it was just in good spirits... or at least, you hoped. You felt yourself mildly panicking as he continued to explore you with his fingers. You were so wet, white splotches of cum slid down his fingers as he gently inserted 2 fingers inside of you. You winced and curled your toes, closing you eyes as your breath escaped you immediately.
"Ugghhh... Billie..." You moaned louder as he slowly pumped them in you, for when he reached down far enough inside you, he curled his fingers and started rubbing you. It was damn so close to your g-spot, you hadn't had any clue how he read you like a book, but now wasn't the time to ponder. You felt your legs clenching as as your vagina swallowed his fingers, feeling thick cum ooze from within, spilling out and soaking his whole hand.
But he just didn't stop. He intensified his rubs, and then with his other hand, he gently pressed over your clit, and began rubbing you there, too. The pressure was waaaaay too much. That deep, almost aching itch inside of you as Billie tickled your g-spot, overridden with the extreme tension of your clit, had you absolutely in tears, literally. There was absolutely nothing in the world that has ever felt this incredibly, unbelievably satisfying. Nothing.
"Oh my GOD!!!" You screamed, your eyes pulsing out of your skull as your legs trembled violently over his shoulders. He snickered, seeing you shake helplessly against the belt, desperately trying to free your hands. You could feel your clitoral orgasm coming first, but your vaginal one was not far behind. What you really wanted was for them to happen together- a sensation you never thought you'd be lucky enough to experience. But now was that opportunity, and you knew you'd be a major fool if you didn't at least try and speak up.
"B-b-Billie, w-wait..." You continued to shake, and he stopped for a moment, looking at you with concern.
"Don't touch my clit until I tell you to..." You smiled at him, though he was a bit confused.
"Trust me." You winked at him, wanting the same trust in him for you. But he ultimately listened, and continued rubbing your g-spot until you'd given him your orders.
It took another minute to build up the momentum, but at last, you could feel your vagina pooling with cum and hotness as your walls began to swell around his fingers. It was now or never!
"Okayyyy... you half moaned, half spoke, touch me..." 
He put his fingers back over your clit and began rubbing it. The pressure was building but it wasn't intense enough for you to orgasm, but your vagina was ready to explode.
"Faster!" You screamed, feeling that classic tingling sensation began to take over. He rubbed you down as fast as he could, and finally, he got you there. He got you in the most glorifying state of heavenly, cathartic bliss one could ever as for. 
Your body absolutely exploded before him. You shook, you kicked, you squirmed, you got chills, you screamed, you stopped breathing, you fell into his lap- the lamp leaning over so far it nearly fell, but Billie caught it. Your eyes rolled back so far there was nothing to see, as your jaw clenched for you desperately tried to muffle your sounds.
"Mmmmm!! Uggghh, ohhhhh!!" You were practically salivating at the mouth, quite like an exorcism, and your body vigorously trembled before him. He had realized that he was able to give you a nice blended orgasm, and he smiled to himself happily, feeling mutually as excited for you. But then he could feel more cum clump out of you and cover his hand. He slowly pulled his fingers out of you, and gave them a taste.
When you had finally calmed down, at least enough so that you were coherent again, he grinned at you playfully and told you to open you eyes. Your eyes met his, but you were a bit in a trance.
"You taste so fucking good, you know that?" He licked his fingers clean of you, then licked his lips, teasing you further.
"But I want a closer taste." He chucked, almost devilish, as he leaned down further into you. Suddenly, his head was right were it needed to be... right where it gave you those motherfucking chills.
"You'll let your daddy get a good taste of your honey pot, right?" He asked, though he wasn't requesting an answer. Still, this man just referred to himself as your daddy. You weren't gonna let that slip.
"Holy fucking shit say that again." Your eyes popped, your heart stopped.
"Which part, the daddy or the-"
"Daddy...!" You moaned uncontrollably. It just spilled out.
Billie bit his lip with a small snicker, then licked his lips real good. He knew you were losing your mind over his more dominant advances, and he toyed with you the entire time.
"Yes..." He muttered quite softly, but sneakily, "It's daddy's turn for some fun."
You moaned again at his words, for now he was holding you tightly in his lap, your legs still around his shoulders, your hands still tightly bound to the lamp. He spread your legs just a bit further, then he made his move.
You felt a sudden hot and sticky wet sensation overwhelm the entrance of your vagina and clit. He licked you several times through, just to get a thorough taste of all that oozing cum that surrounded the area. With each lick, you could feel your clit twitching at the strokes, pulsing to your heartbeat that was elevating quite quickly. You tried to relax, you didn't want to overwhelm him, but you were becoming quite a mess beyond your control, anyway. After he licked you clean, he began kissing every part of you- from the back of your legs all the way to your vagina, clit and everything in between. It admittedly tickled a bit, being that this area was so sensitive and virginal to kisses- but you found it to be rather tender and relaxing, the way he just took his time, unbothered by the world, only wanting to give every inch of your body the love it needed, no matter where on you it was.
But when he started kissing your clit, that's when it became a little to hard to simply unwind.
"Oh god..." You whispered softly; his lips touching the sweet spot.
He then pressed his tongue up against it, the heat of his mouth causing you to feel like you needed to pee, as this angle and the warm stimulated your bladder. You felt the need to clench your legs together, to hold this feeling back, but you clearly couldn't with Billie in the way. You sighed in both joy and distress, but Billie didn't seem to pay any mind to your struggles. They turned him on a bit, anyway.
"Billie..." You whispered again, but more frantically as this intense feeling of needing to release filled your senses. His tongue was so warm, so rhythmically slow and wet against you, causing your clit to swell- and that iconic rush of butterflies, goosebumps and body trembles took over your core like a hurricane. 
He licked and kissed you harder and quicker, bringing you back to your enteral state of bliss... the only place you dreamed of being, with him. As you very sweetly orgasmed for him, he tilted your butt up just a little more so he could get in on your vagina at a clearer angle. As you squirmed and shook, desperately wishing you could free your restless hands, more cum just spilled from you, and directly into his mouth as he ate every inch of your love juice that came out.
But there was something more, something harder to resist as you felt more warm wetness trickle down you. Billie ate it all up, though, the hunger in him only amplifying with each and every taste of your helpless little body.
"Mmmm..." He smiled to himself, his face a bit wet from the mess. He wiped his cheeks with his hands, watching as you attempted to gain control of your body again.
"That was interesting." Billie gladly licked any of your cum off his fingers.
"W-what do y-you mean?" You stuttered, rather perplexed at his thought.
"Well, I wasn't expecting more than the usual, but it was beautiful." He smiled, much slyly.
"I don't understand..." You lied there in his lap, still tied up like his little pet.
He started chuckling to himself, which confused you further.
"It was nice, the whole piss and cum combo- I get to taste a little bit of everything from you."
"I pissed on you!?" You exclaimed, your head jolting upwards to see his face- but he was just smiling at you, unphased.
"What's the problem?" He laughed, biting his lip again. You were starting to notice correlations between his facial expressions and his actions, and you quickly realized that it was going to take a lot of shock him.
"Oh, I'm sorry, it's just, I couldn't help it... the warmth and the wetness... I don't know... I didn't think you'd want me to do t-"
"Sssshhhhh. Don't worry about it. I think it's fucking sexy." He hushed you, gently placing you back down until you were on your knees again, then he booped your nose playfully. Your heart leaped a hundred miles out of your chest as you blushed greatly from his cute gesture.
"You do?" Your eyes were wide and watery like a puppy's.
"Honey, I'd let you piss all over me. Whatever I can get from you, I'll take... unselfishly, of course." He winked at you and smiled deviously, and you blushed even harder, until your cheeks were actually hurting. He was a dirty motherfucker, and you craved it wholeheartedly.
"Oh, Billie..." You smiled and melted into those deep green eyes, "I feel the same way about you..."
He started to sit up, back onto his knees. His jeans were even further down now, exposing most of his trunks and that thick bulge behind them. You gulped and leaned back just a smidge, not from fear but from shock. You knew what was about to happen soon, and you'd been thinking about it all night. 
"I know." He started, reaching his hands over to the edges of his jeans, and resting them there for a moment, "And you've been a real good girl for me this whole time." He praised you, the desire in his eyes looking as severe as ever now. He wouldn't be able to resist himself either, for much longer.
"And I've given you a lot of love; you've handled everything that's come your way so far." He continued to flatter you, as he fidgeted with the brim of his jeans a little more. You tried to stop your internal heart attack, but it was no use. It was coming. And you were just as excited as you were freaked out.
Billie laughed for a moment at you. Apparently you were doing a very poor job at hiding your anticipation, because the startled look on your face said it all.
"So I know... that you'll be able to handle more..." He winked again at you, reaching out and touching your shoulder. He could sense the tension within you, but he knew with just the right amount of encouragement, you'd be off on your way.
You felt him rub your shoulder and at first, it eased your worries a little. You knew he wasn't going to fuck your brains out, not at least without permission. You knew you'd be safe with him, and he'd make love to you, just as he'd been doing this whole time. Everything had been going so well, so you knew there was nothing to fear. But then you couldn't help thinking... perhaps you were more nervous, because you'd never seen his whole body before, right before you. Was he big? Would you be able to take him on without any trouble? You were so terrified of fucking things up, even though he was certain that you'd be fine. You knew Billie was the kind of guy who wouldn't admit if you sucked at sex, out of common curtesy and kindness. And that only freaked you out even more, knowing that you'd never know if you fucked the whole thing up for him. You sighed, then looked at the ground. You could feel your eyes getting watery. Oh for fucks sake... you felt like such a wuss.
Billie saw a tear trickle down your cheek, and he immediately pulled you in and hugged you. He was thinking about releasing you from his belt, so you could hug him back.
"No, don't cry... do you want me to free you from this?" He asked, his eyes genuinely filled with deep worry and concern.
"No. I'm fine." You head was low, but you looked at him now. You wanted to make things all right. You wanted to show him that you loved him, and you still trusted him, despite all your anxiety.
"I want all of this as much as you. I just don't know what to expect, that's all." You confessed, your eyes still locked with his. He combed the hair out of his face to see yours better.
"Expect to have fun and feel loved; that's what this is all about." He smiled, then leaned in closer to you.
"And to bring us closer. I want to be as close to your heart as humanly possible." He admitted, his hand back on your shoulder, rubbing you and soothing you. You shook your head in disbelief.
"You actually want that?" You asked.
"Don't be suprised. I'm not all that tough under these tattoos." He chuckled, but then his gaze took on that serious, almost paternal tone again.
"That's what a real man wants. To give and receive unconditional love. Maybe you haven't experienced one of us before. But I'm one of those rare guys. A real man loves you."
You had no idea what to do upon this revelation but cry yourself a river of tears onto your lap and the floor. Billie rushed over to you, and he released you from his belt to give you a proper hug this time. The two of you embraced for several minutes. It took some time to get those tears to subside. 
As you squeezed him as hard as you could, feeling your bare chest collide against his, your hearts thumping together in real time, more tears trickled down your cheeks and onto his back. You told him that you loved him, over and over and over again. You knew you sounded like a broken record, but the right words completely failed you now as you broke down your heart right in front of his.
"Sssshhhh..." He hushed you, noticing that you were caught in an emotional trance, unable to free yourself from from your emotional barriers. He knew just how to help you get your bearings. 
"Ssshhhhh, sshhh... don't cry now. You'll make my cock sad." He joked around, hoping you'd follow along. It certainly grabbed your attention.
"What!?" You asked, half smiling, half confused. 
"It makes my cock sad when you're sad." He smiled, holding his hand over his bulge, teasing you. You covered your hand over your huge blush.
"Oh my god, Billie, stop..." You laughed a little, trying to loosen up.
"Oh no, I know just the right medicine to cure those tears." He began to smirk, and you recognized that evil little look in his eye. You could feel him pulling you out of the dark and into the light, and you were going to take up that offer with all your might.
"I want to know all the side effects of this medicine, before I take it, daddy." You teased him right back, feeling a small ounce of confidence crawl back into you. Everything would be alright; you were with Billie Joe Armstrong, after all.
He chuckled at you, giving you a wily side eye. Then he started to rub his jeans, all over that big bulge you desperately wanted to explore. Your heart began to stop, seeing him touch himself so seductively.
"Oh let's see... it might make you feel tingly."
He turned to fully look at you.
"It might make you numb."
His smile grew bigger, and your heart was doing summersaults. 
"It might make you happy... really happy... unrealistically happy..." 
You were both smiling together now, as you were on the edge of your "seat".
"But it will certainly make you a very wet little girl." 
You gasped, even though you totally saw it coming, but you absolutely loved playing along with this guy. He was absolutely precious, even when being a promiscuous, rowdy black panther.
"Mmmm..." You smiled to yourself, "And where am I gonna be wet?" You challenged him. He started to sneak one hand into his jeans, fooling around with what was inside. You gulped out of nervous excitement.
"Oh..." Billie stroked himself nonchalantly, "The results vary, but the more you take, the wetter things get."
He flirted with you as hard as ever now, seeing how your pupils dilated at the sight of his hand all over his bulge. He just adored to get every reaction out of you.
"Which means, it's probably best to fully undress in case things get messy." He laughed to himself, taking his other hand and casually sliding his jeans down to his knees. You felt intense chills run down your spine, unable to control your reaction. Though his trunks were black, the whole outline of his body was there if you looked good enough. And you definitely gave yourself a good look or two.
"Now now, it's also required that patients who are newer to this kind of medicine be tied up during the use of this drug." Billie tried to smirk at you, but it failed and ended only in laughter as he realized how ridiculous he was being.
"Don't worry, it won't hurt. It's for your protection." He chuckled, taking his hand out of his pants to help assist tying you back to the lamp. This time, he tied you down towards the floor, since he figured you were probably exhausted from having your arms tied upwards.
Once you were securely tied, down on your knees and ready, he stood up and looked down at you. You looked up at him, innocently but openly. His eyes were soft, behind all that black eyeliner. He was totally into you, and ready at your demand.
"Are you all set?" He asked, watching you nervously fidget with your hands against the belt.
Your smile was so big, you felt like a clown.
"Tell me one last thing..." You inquired, slyly.
"You have but to ask." He smirked back.
"How addicting is this... medicine?"
"You tell me." He said, suddenly slipping his trunks down and kicking his clothes off to the side. Then he took his full, hard cock in his hand and walked an inch or two closer to your face. Your eyes were practically eye level with this thing. Sure, it's one thing to be a fan in the pit and look up at your favorite rock star... but this? Oh this takes on a completely new meaning and experience, permanently.
You looked up into his eyes once more, but that soft look was gone. Filled with uncontrollable passion, lust, and temptation, you quickly realized that playtime was over. You looked back down at his handsome body before you. Damn. It sure pays off to be his extraordinary girl.

Extraordinary Girl: A Billie Joe Armstrong Fanfiction (BJA x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now