Endless Parasite

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"We bury things so deep we no longer remember there was anything to bury. Our bodies remember. Our neurotic states remember. But we don't."

-Jeanette Winterson

Deep in the darkness of your heart lies an intense sadness that consumes your soul. A certain melancholy that only comes out when you've taken the Devils' water. This deep-sea of blue ravages at your heart and brings your past to the forefront. The haunting past you so desperately choke on every time you utter a word.

When I hear your weeps and see your tears I can only look away in shame. Not of your past, but of the tears you shed because of your inability to look beyond. Your inability to see the bright future that exists. This suffocating misery you agonize over pulls your being apart and steals your childlike hopefulness from you. The same hopefulness that made you who you are.

The pain you feel, the death, destruction, and abuse that loom over your head is your own helplessness fighting you from within. It burns you with rage and ignites a misery you hold on your shoulders for eternity. I see it all.

Why can't you see it yourself?

This thing that festers inside you, feeds off this fear you so desperately try to hide. It knows your weaknesses and extorts them for its own pleasure. This parasite, this monster, lives within you and only you. Its destructive path lingers a little too long sending waves of aggression and sorrow through you causing you to seek benumbing.

Why can't you see it!

Why can't you see it!

Even now, I watch as you down a bottle of liquor to hide your pain and inevitable weeping. Your sharp tongue and venomous fangs ever so prevalent as you pour more and more into your Venetian glass. Your deformities and sins show through as if you are the picture of Dorian Gray, as if you have a curse not worth curing or even looking at for that matter. Your demeanor shifts and you lunge for a cigarette dipped in poison. The parasite has completely and utterly taken over and you struggle to break from its grasp as the sun sets beyond the faraway mountains.

Why didn't you see it!

Why didn't you see it!

Why didn't you see it!

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