Constant Catastrophic Changes

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Within the sea of sorrow and madness, there lies a little girl. A girl not yet an adult but on the cusp of being someone great. Her mind is foggy and blurred while her heart is broken in delirium. She struggles to break free from the mold and become something she's always dreamed of becoming.

The seams of her mind are falling apart, and she screams in agony at the mere thought of changing. Her tears of whispered sorrow can't be heard nor felt as she contemplates her life and all the bitterness to come. Her broken spirit spirals downward into the darkness below revealing the girl's ever dying soul to be looked upon by others.

She feels trapped in the conformity of the world, of the vast universe around her. She cannot break from the chains that bound her tight within the darkness, dragging her deeper and deeper into her madness. The girl's wrists bend and break as she tries harder and harder, as she tries so desperately to be free. To be someone she once dreamed of.

Her mental state completely shattered and deteriorated as she lies in wait; a decade. NO. A millennium in that darkness she once was so scared of. Her naivety killing her from deep within like a sharp dagger through her soft skin as she feels so hopeless to defend herself.

She weeps in that darkness as her mind shatters into a million pieces. She can no longer tell who she is any more nor can she feel who she once was. Her heart grows heavy with time as she contemplates drowning in the sea that is her own darkness.

She can no longer see the lights above. She can no longer feel the wind blowing through her hair, she cannot feel the heat of the light on her face, and she can no longer feel the drops of rain upon her cheek. She can no longer feel anything. All there is now is darkness; within her and within the world around her.

No hope, no love, no desire turns within this world. She cannot feel, speak, think, or see anything around her. She has lost all. All that remains is an empty shell nobody desires in a deep pit that nobody dares adventure into.

Her own inability to be prepared for the constant changes in the world is to blame. It's her own naivety's fault. These constant catastrophic changes within the world around her broke her. It broke her mind into pieces and her heart grew dark with gloom as it did so break as well. She could not handle the changes she had to face.

She could not handle the constant hammering of her thoughts and of those around her. What was she to do, the girl thought? All she knew before now in rapid change. How could she cope but with her own prison?

The girl grew wearier within the darkness. She became something unrecognizable as she no longer struggled to break free. Her bones shattered against the chains and her mind numb. The years blew by as the darkness overwhelmed every piece of her until there was nothing left to look upon.

The girl knew of only one way to put an end to her misery and so did her own darkness. Within the gloom of the pit, a dagger appeared. Its glint within the darkness drew the girl closer to the object. It had been so long since she had seen such a thing, and the venomous weapon knew this. It knew her deepest fears and knew her most sorrow-filled emotions. It knew when to strike and when to make her bleed.

The weapon plunged deep into the girl's soft skin causing the coldness of the blade to warm her insides. She looked down at the wound seeing her own bloody hands grasping the dagger tightly as if it was her last hope. Her last piece of freedom.

As she lay there dying, the girl could feel she was no longer alone. A million viewers gathered around her bloody corpse as they watched on in wonderment; as they begged for more. She plunged the dagger deeper and deeper within herself causing the once black darkness to erupt into applause by the onlookers. She could feel herself slowly begin to smile as she knew now, she was that girl who finally, after all her misery, she had always dreamed of being. She was the end to a misery-filled life as lapped up every pain wrenching instant of her final dying moments. She couldn't help but feel at peace. She couldn't help but feel nothingness as she drifted in that sea of darkness that had filled her life so much.

The girl's dead corpse lies in the darkness as the onlooker's drift away leaving her to rot, unamused again.

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