Out of Reach

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Have you ever felt like everything you do was for nothing? Like everything you have built or inspired to be was just a facade? I have dreamed since I was a little thing of this moment. This grand "thing". Yet, all I can taste and all I breathe is this... this simple trivial life. Nothing grand about it.

Have you ever felt this way, reader? If you have, you are like me. Broken, maybe... or just striving for something that is just out of reach.

Clutching for something, anything, really....

Only to be pushed back into oblivion.

Into this simple trivial life miles short of that grand idea. You want to be better, you want to be the best yet you are nowhere near. Just out of reach of something great, something grand, something glorious.

Oh, how can you not see it, reader? If you do, you are like me. Trapped, maybe... or just waiting for something that is just out of reach.

Clutching for something, anything, really....

Only to be pushed back into oblivion.

Only to be pushed back into that simple trivial life.

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