Sonic POV

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Hey, back with more! this is still going to be kind of short, but I will try to publish daily. again, this is my first fic, so it might be slow going, but i will try my best! Hope you like it.

Everything hurts. I can hear voices, but can't make out words. My head is spinning, and I think I might pass out again. My vision is blurry, and my body feels numb. I'm starting to wonder how long I'd been out. I can just make out Tails, Amy, and Shadow's faces above me. I blinked again and asked, "What happened?" "Sonic, you're awake!" Amy said. "Barley," I responded. "You passed out, and we moved you down here," Knuckles said. 'This is bad. Eggman is out there, and I'm stuck in here. I have got to get out of here,' I thought to myself. "Seriously, I'm fine," I said, attempting to rise off the couch.  My head spun, and I almost fell down, but Shadow caught me. "Back on the couch, Faker," Shadow said. As he helped me sit down, I said, "Thanks Shads. Sorry for ruining your birthday party, Ames." "It wasn't your fault the train was a badnick, and I feel kind of bad for not realizing you were hurt sooner," Amy responded. Those green eyes were so beautiful. Wait, what was I thinking?  Now was not the time to think about how cute Amy is. "Guys, if Eggman knows I'm down, which he probably does, I could be risking everyone's lives. I need to get out of here." I said firmly.

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