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Another Part for u guys! As always, It will be kind of short, so give me grace. I will try to make as many of these as possible. i'm working on three different fics right now, so this may take awhile.

I had to admit that he had a point. If Eggman saw him weak, we could all be in danger. "We might just have to run for it," said Knuckles. "You know I'd love to, but at the moment, I'm not the most mobile I've ever been," said Sonic. "Sonic, what if we just take you to my house?" Tails asked? "That could work," said Shadow. "Guys, does anyone have a trashcan?" Sonic asked. I handed him one, and he barfed up everything he had left in his stomach. He groaned, and blacked out again. I looked out side to see Eggman's robots waiting. "Shadow, you carry him. Tails, cover us from above. Knuckles and Rouge, run on either side, and I'll cover the back," I said. After we had gotten into the formation, Shadow grabbed Sonic and we ran for it.

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