Sonic POV

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Hi! I'm back with more Sonic stuff to torture your minds! Hope you like it!

I opened my eyes a few times, but didn't wake up for awhile. When I did, I was in a car with my head on Amy's lap. Usually, I would have moved by now, but I didn't have the strength or the heart to do that. Besides, It was kind of comfortable. "Where are we going?" I asked. "To Tails's house. He has meds for your fever there," said Amy. For the first time in awhile, I was actually in a decent amount of pain, so meds sounded good, even the disgusting-tasting ones. My head hurt so bad. "Sonic, is there anything we can do to make you more comfortable right now?" asked Tails. "If you can get rid of the headache, I would be eternally grateful. I might even stop calling you Shads, Shads," I joked, but then winced as a bump in the road increased my already unbearable headache. "Just try to sleep, K Sonic?" said Amy. I was already doing just that.

P.S. I would really like feedback, so please comment!

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