Sonic POV

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I'll just get right to the story, I left of on a pretty big cliff hanger! Hope you like it!

Pain surged through my head, and I heard myself scream. After that, everything went black. This is what my friends told me what happened. I was on the floor, unconscious. Amy and Knuckles grabbed me and rushed me inside, praying that I was still alive. I do remember Amy crying and saying "Don't die Sonic, I need you! Don't die! I love you!" If she loves me, maybe I should ask her out. Anyway, Shadow was beating Eggman to a pulp outside, cursing and screaming at the top of his lungs. I had a feeling Eggman wouldn't be attacking for the next few days. When I came to, I was lying on the couch with a bandage on my head. Rouge and Knuckles were arguing, and Amy was crying next to me. Shadow was sitting next to me. with his eyes closed. He actually looked tired for once. "Ames, what happened?" I asked. She immediately looked up. "Sonic, you're awake!" she said. Shadow's eyes immediately popped open at the word "Awake". "I think I am," I said. "You scared me to death!" she said. "I feel terrible, and I have the worst headache imaginable, so I can see how I might have scared you," I said, trying to lighten up the situation. "Sonic, I'm surprised. the laser didn't pierce your skin. It just gave you severe bruising where it made impact," Shadow said. I knew he had but up a shield, though he probably wasn't going to say it, so I played along. "I guess I must just be a very resilient hedgehog," I said. "Sure," said Knuckles, sarcastically. I was about to get up, but I felt Shadow and Amy's hands forcing me down. "Aww, come on guys! Can't a hedgehog go for a run?" I said. "No!" Everyone said at the same time. We burst out laughing. "Shadow, I have a feeling there is no more Eggman to take care of?" I said. "If I ever see that ugly excuse for a man ever again, I swear I'll-" he started to say, but he was cut off by Amy, who gave him a glare. Imagine the saying, "If looks could kill." Sonic needs his quiet time," she said. After she took about five minutes trying to get Shadow out of the house, She walked over to me and I sat up. "You don't remember anything I said, right?" she asked. "Well, I remember the part about you loving me," I answered. She blushed. "Amy, I need to tell you something," I said. "What?" she said, nervously. "Amy, I feel the exact same way. Amy Rose the Hedgehog, will you be my girlfriend?" I said. she nodded, tears in her eyes. I stood up and leaned in, our lips meeting. "I love you," she said, sighing. "I love you too, Amy," I said. 

That is the end folks, I hope you liked it! If you really want me to continue it, Let me know in the comments. I will gladly continue this story if you want me to.

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