Rouge POV

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I'm sorry this couldn't come sooner, I'm trying to post everyday! :)

With MY excellent driving, we made it to Tails's house. (He has the chaos emeralds, he he he) We gave Sonic meds for his fever, and now he's lying on the couch. "What are we going to do now?" I asked. "As soon as he's back on his feet, we defeat Eggman," said Shadow. "Yeah, but how long will that take?" I asked. "I don't know," said Tails. "I might know when," said a familiar voice. "Sonic, you're up!" said Amy. "The meds really helped. Thanks, you guys!" he said. "Sonic, you need to be careful for the next few days, basically take it easy and stay out of battles, and then you're discharged from Tails's Hospital... thingy," Tails said. While they had their little moment, I snuck upstairs, looking for a certain seven gems...

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