~ Hubby To The ... Kidnapping? ~

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Marinette Prov

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Marinette Prov.

Ignoring the three sets of glaring eyes directed at me, I sit patiently on the loveseat in the Wayne Manor living room. Unfortunately, still in the wedding dress the Bitch made me wear (even if it is beautifully designed) since Chloe was paranoid that I'd vanish the second she took her eyes off of me. This also did not help when the Wayne females wandered into the living room half an hour ago, only to freeze when they saw me. 

After a few minutes of hugs and reassuring that I was fine and that everyone's questions would be answered as soon as the boys got back, they all oped to just stare at me with bewildered expressions while handing Cass $100 each. 'I wonder if they made a bet on us or something?' I wonder as I wait patiently for Damian to get his slow ass back home because there was no way in hell that I would be dealing with the backlash of this alone. 

Alfred was definitely acting weird since he made his presence known a while ago. Every time he would look at me he would get all misty-eyed. 'This is weird. Too weird. Oh, Kwami. Please, please don't tell me they were in the batcave and heard ... or worse saw... the entire argument between me and the team.' I mentally groaned, leaning forward to take the cup of tea Alfred placed in front of me. 'I want coffee. I miss coffee. I would rather be married to coffee.' I mentally cry between each sip as I will Damian to hurry the fuck up.

"Demon spawn, will you relax?" I hear Jason say from somewhere in the house. "He's right, Little D. She's in the living room. At least that's what Barbara said when she called." I hear Rickard reply. Thanking every star in heaven, I sit my cup down just in time as Damian slams the living room doors open and practically runs toward me.

"I am fine Mon Chat. I am safe, and you are late." I whisper into his neck as he hugs me tightly to him. "Never do that again. If you must vanish, take me with you Habibti." Damian whispered back before reluctantly letting me go, although he kept his arm firmly around my waist. 

Glancing around the room full of shocked expressions, a small nervous laugh escapes my lips. "How are we going to do this?" I whisper to Damian as I look around the room. "The truth, Malak. The full truth from both families." Damian instantly answers, tracing comforting circles on my hip. 

"Not that this isn't cute and all, but can we please get some answers now? Mari? Dam?" Stephanie asks, focusing everyone's attention. "Agreed." Seline adds as she makes herself comfortable on the armchair Mr. Wayne chose. Feeling Damian tug me down, we also make ourselves comfortable on the loveseat. 

"What would you like to know first?" I hesitantly ask, observing the smirks that formed on the Wayne girl's faces. "Why are you in a wedding dress?" Stephanie, Barbara, and Seline nearly yell. "Is that really the most important question you three can think of ?" Mr. Wayne asks with a disappointed tone only to shrink slightly as three glares are directed at him.

"Tt. My mother decided to kidnap Marinette and I on the day of our date. When we awoke we were forced to the altar and married through an ancient ceremony that bound our souls, body, and minds. We can not divorce as prolonged distance would bring pain to both parties, not to mention the League would see it as a sign of war." Damian answered with a blank stare. "It also means that he can't cheat on me." I add as a joke in the hopes that the deadly aura surrounding everyone would disappear.

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