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"If the chief gave me the rest of the week off does that mean I have to take the time off or is it optional?" Cristina asks as she throws her legs up on the coffee table with a groan. "I mean I appreciate it, but it really isn't necessary. Izzie and I were not friends so it's not like I'm grieving or anything."

"I think the reason he gave you the time off has less to do with Izzie and more to do with Burke. The man did break into your apartment to steal your panties and cut your hair while you were sleeping in an on-call room. Not to mention your apartment is currently a crime scene because they arrested him there." Addison explained while kicking her feet off of her table, receiving a glare from Cristina in response.

"Yes, I know Burke is crazy and was obsessed with me, I am also aware that had I not been here I would have been walking into a hostage situation, but I was here so I'm fine. Even if I went home I would have been fine, I wouldn't just let the bastard hold me captive. I'm stronger than that." The intern ranted, guilt overcoming her when Meredith whimpered and ran into her room, slamming the door.

"Nice job Yang, have you ever considered thinking before you speak?!" Addison spat with fury lacing her words as she got up to run after the young blonde. Cristina put her head in her hands, sighing heavily.

"I didn't mean to imply that Meredith got herself kidnapped or anything, I'm just frustrated with being out of work." She said looking up at Arizona who smiled sympathetically. "Honestly sometimes I forget that Mer went through as much as she did, she doesn't show it. I don't know how she's still standing sometimes, I mean all Burke did was cut my hair and I feel so violated I want to scream."

"You're right, Mer puts up a really good front, but that doesn't mean she's not struggling. She's only been out of the shed for a month Cristina, everything is still really fresh. As for you, you have every right to feel violated by what Burke did. You may not have gone through the same horrors that Meredith did, but that doesn't take away from the fact that someone you trusted violated that trust. You shouldn't compare your trauma to anyone else's, trauma is trauma." Arizona said as she patted the interns shoulder supportively, ignoring the confused look shot her way.

Addison walked into Meredith's room and found her in a ball on her bed, completely covered by blankets. She walked over to the bed, stopping to pick up the stuffed penguin that fell onto the floor. Sitting down on the bed she slipped the penguin under the blankets, smiling when she felt Mer take it out of her hand. "Can I join you in your blanket fort or do you want to be alone?" She asked with a slight chuckle. Meredith soon lifted the blanket, silently giving Addison permission to climb underneath.

"It's not really a fort, sometimes the world is just too loud and the blankets help block it out. Sometimes it's the only sense of peace I can find." Meredith told her in a soft voice. "When I was little I would hide under blankets for hours, but now I can only take so much darkness at a time. Just another thing Derek took from me, the ability to find peace." She chuckled bitterly while harshly wiping tears off her cheeks. Addison smiled as she moved her hands away from her face and gently wiped her tears for her. "I'm sorry I'm such a mess Addie, you shouldn't have to deal with this."

"You're not a mess honey, you have PTSD, probably stemming from a lot more than just your time with Derek. You've only been out of the shed for a month, there's a lot going on inside your head right now and that is more than okay sweet girl. Also you're not something I have to deal with, I chose to take you in. No one forced me, it was my decision and I am happy that I did, I'm happy that you don't have to go through this alone." Addison assured her in a gentle voice, her smile evident through her words. Meredith took the blanket off of them before moving into the redhead's lap and laying her head on her chest to listen to her heartbeat.

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