The Hellhole

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<Jaune PoV>,

I woke up with a start, quickly assessing my surroundings for danger.

There was none, but what was present was my Scroll ringing.

I opened it to see that it was a call from Ruby.

'This early in the morning? She wouldn't even be awake right now. Is it a problem with their mission?'

Team RWBY had left for a mission near Mount Glenn, and it's known that the Hidden One resides their, along with a shitload of Grimm.

I picked up the call, just to hear broken words and static noises, "Be-$%&-Tra-!^@*^*@-Hel-W(@^#%*!"

The call cut off.

I looked at the rest of my team, who were now awake as well.

Pyrrha let out an inquisitive, "Wha?",obviously not fully awake.

"Everyone, get ready. I think Team RWBY ran into a problem in Mount Glenn."

They snapped awake as our sister team was revealed to be in possible trouble.

As they prepared, I headed to Ozpin, who was in his office at 5 in the morning for some reason.

"Good morning Mr. Arc. Now, what brings you to my priso- I mean,  my office, so early in the morning?"

"Good morning Headmaster. I have reason to believe that Team RWBY has encountered an issue in Mount Glenn. We both know that if the being residing in Mount Glenn is disturbed, there will another disaster like the River of Darkness a few years ago."

Ozpin looked contemplative, "And what is your reason to believe that Team RWBY is in trouble?"

"I recieved a call from Ruby Rose twelve minutes ago. Although the call was indistinct and broken, I clearly heard 'Help'."

Ozpin asked again, "If the call was broken, then how do you know the 'Help' you heard wasn't just the result of a sleepy mind? Pardon if I sound rude, but if I heedlessly send more teams into Mount Glenn, the chances of the Superior being disturbed are higher."

I looked Ozpin right in his eyes, before replying, "But are you really willing to take the chance that there is no problem in Mount Glenn? Or sacrifice your precious Seed team?"

Ozpin asked, looking puzzled, his disguise so elaborate that I might have believed it if I wasn't more confident in my own guess, "And why do you belive I would care for Team RWBY over any other?"

"Because you cover for them. Yang told me she destroyed a bar. But I didn't see that on her records. Blake was a terrorist, but again, her records revealed nothing. Ruby's file is even encrypted by your personal authority."

Ozpin interrupted me, "And when did you manage to break into the Beacon servers and retrieve their files?"

"On my way here." I lied.

I had asked Penny, Ruby's overly enthusiastic friend who, if her words were to be belived, had a tech related Semblance, over two weeks ago.

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