The Unending Cycle

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<Vale-Vacuo Border Post 3, 2 hours before official Declaration of War>

A huntsman yawns as he sits in a small hut, eating fruit.

He grumbles to himself, "How long is this going to take.... So damn boring. I only came here because the local militia reported a new Grimm."

Suddenly, the Huntsman kicks the woman at his feet, who was already half-dead, "C'mon! Make more negativity, bitch!"

Suddenly, a scream is heard from the west. 

'It went for the people from the local militia first? Despite the overflowing negativity being in a clearly different place?'

The Hunstman quickly ran out, and saw a giant bipedal creature with mantis-like sickle arms.

'Yes! Once I report this thing, I'll finally get-'

His thoughts came to a screeching halt as his entire body was stomped into the ground.

His Aura shattered. Groaning, he turned his head. 'Another one?!'

But this monster was different. It resembled a grotesque bipedal elephant with the head of a cricket.

'Ah. Fu-'

The next stomp crushed the Hunstman completely.

Unlike the actions of a regular mindless monster, the elephantine creature sends out a message with it's- no, his Semblance.

'No time to waste people, reap and move. Platoon 1 has cleared Zone A. Zen, I need this place finished in five!'

The monsters, or rather, the soldiers of Vacuo, begin the invasion of Vale.


<Jaune PoV>

I couldn't believe what Ozpin was telling us to do.

"Let me go over this again, Headmaster."

"You want Team JNPR to go into the depths of Vacuo, find the worst Superior to deal with, and 'put a stop to it'?"

"Why yes indeed, Mr Arc. Splendid observational ability you have there." Ozpin replied calmly.

I took a deep breath. "And how, pray tell, do you want us to do that?"

Ozpin proceeded with his master plan, "You are one of the most skilled teams we have ever recieved."

"That's not a plan."

Ozpin continued, "Indeed it is not. You will sneak into Vacuo accompanied by a veteran Huntsman, find the Curse, and from there I believe Miss Nikos  would know what to do."

"Eh? I do?" Pyrrha asked herself, but soon had a look of realization.

"The shard." She said. "You want me to summon Saphron when we meet the Curse."

I didn't know what the Shard was, but if it could summon the Mistralian Superior, I could see where Ozpin was coming from.

The Swordswoman hates the Curse, and it's mutual.

One is the most human Superior, while the other destroys humanity.

And they had clashed before as well.

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